CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1121: Crazy Gong Brothers

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Chapter 1121 The Innocent Palace Brothers


When I thought about the egg fried rice of Gong Ou, I suddenly felt that it was a task of making a birthday meal... it was too difficult!

She must be crazy to make such a suggestion.

How has she just forgotten how the cooking of Miyako is so earth-shattering?

It’s gonna die...

In the exquisite small kitchen of the cruise ship, Xiao Nian took the recipe to the table and pulled out a long horizontal bar.

She put the pen in her hand on the cap and walked toward the man who was playing the mobile phone. "Miyao, I wrote it, you will make such a big meal for your mother."

Miyao stood up from the chair and walked to the table. He slammed into the arms and looked down at the recipe. He looked at his face and was wrong. "Tomato salad, potato salad, lettuce salad... how do you? All salads?"

what's the situation.

“I am a special meal tailored to your superior advantages.” Shi Xiao Nian tried to make his expression look very serious. “Salad birthday dinner, is it very chic and very pleasant?”

"Where do you see that my advantage is to make a salad?"

Miyau has a single hand on her shoulder to play with her hair.

"Oh, I figured out according to your usual cooking situation."

Because you only put it on the plate, it is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

When Xiao Nian thought secretly.

The recipes in Miyau Ouchi’s hands shook twice. “That can’t be all vegetables and fruits, no other ingredients?”

"Yes, seafood sashimi, you can catch it."

When Xiao Nian is a serious and authentic.

"Isn't it familiar?" Gong Ou looked at her. "Do you want your mother to eat cold?"

It’s better to eat cold than to be poisoned.

When Xiaonian thought silently, he was thinking about further lobbying for the palace, and there was a footstep.

She turned her head with Gong Gong, and saw that she was dressed in a relaxed and elegant palace. She walked from the outside, the floor made a soft noise, and the short hair that was rolled up was handsome and handsome.

Feng De led several maids to follow the shiny tableware.

"Young master, little thoughts, I have prepared the tableware you want."

The efficiency of Feng De’s work has always been very high.

"Listen to Feng De said that you have to make a birthday dinner for your mother, I thought I was wrong." Gong Yi went to them, the voice was mature and low, and a pair of ashes with a smile.

Wen Yan, Gong Ou sneaked in disdain, "I will certainly have more skills than your young master."

Xiao Nian smiled.

Who is giving this kind of confidence to Miyao, is she?

"ok." Gong Yi shrugged, shaking the two bottles of red wine in his hand and resting it on the table. "I can't help with cooking, but I am also the mother's son. I can only offer two bottles of red wine." Your big meal."

Miyau picked up the red wine and glanced at the vintage, and then reluctantly said, "Time is OK."

"The grapes of that year are particularly good, the mother must like it, the beauty and beauty, if it is not for the mother's birthday, I will not bring the boat." Gong Yu said, and took a look at the menu, the brow immediately picked up, "tomato salad , potato salad, lettuce... how is this..."

When Xiao Nian was nervous, Feng De immediately understood what was going on, and immediately said, "This menu is so special, the lady must like it."

"Especially special." Gong Biao's brow almost knotted, "but the mother does not like to eat cold food, her stomach is not very good."

"Slightly eat something, especially this is the mind of the young master, the lady definitely likes it!"

Feng De was anxious again. Of course he knew why Xiao Nian had set up such a menu. It was really for the sake of the lady.

Miyazaki and Miyagami looked at him at the same time. "How are you so much today?"

There is still a little steward.

"Sorry, I have a lot of mouths." Feng Dedao, when he gave the vote, he couldn’t help but look up.

When Xiao Nian can only smile, "Oh, in fact, the stomach is not good, we can remove the seafood sashimi platter..."

"Can be cooked, why should I get rid of it?"

Gong Gong asked.

"Yes." Gong Ou also responded, pick up the pen and open the cap, and change it boldly on the recipe. "Leave a salad and a sashimi, all the other cooked, several methods of cooking are used. !"

Still use it?

When Xiao Nian was shocked to look at Gong Ou, did the mother eat this meal for the next birthday?

"Miyao, Miyao!" When Xiaonian hurriedly grabbed the hand of Miyako, "It is too wasteful to do so much."

"Since it is a big meal, how can it be done?"

"But but... you can't do so much alone, so that half of the dishes in front are cold." When Xiao Nian was so anxiously sweating.

Really let Gong Ou do, she became an accomplice to poisoning the pro-crime.

"This is true." Gong Ou seriously considered this mother's problem and looked at the palace slyly. "You also do it. Two bottles of wine want to send the mother. Are you still a person?"


Where is the palace, he just sent two bottles of red wine to add icing on the cake, how can it rise to the height of people?

"I know that you don't do much, Xiao Nian teaches me, Feng De teaches you! It's so decided!" Gong Ou did not give anyone a chance to veto, and then continued to study the recipe.

Since it was proposed by Xiao Nian, he must perform unconditionally, just a meal, simple!

The character of Gong Ou is clear to everyone, and has always been used to it.

Miyazaki sighed and compromised with the palace to study recipes. By the way, it was searched online.

When Xiao Nian was so anxious about the two men, he almost jumped.

Are these two kitchens not going crazy? Are you going to make 36 dishes with 24 cooking techniques, not including desserts?

"You, you... don't, don't..."

When Xiao Nian thought that he couldn't insert it, his head would blow up.

Feng De stood on the side of the table, and saw the sympathy of looking at the time.

"Well, just like this, with a dessert with a long bag of 39 dishes, long time, is a good statement." Gong Yu said.

A person who grew up in the UK is superstitious about what the numbers say!

When Xiao Nian was crying, he found a chance to rush up and draw a bar on the menu. "Come here, this is your brother, here is Gongou."

Gong Ou looked down at a low angle, and his lips swelled up, pinching the face of Xiao Nian.

When Miyazawa saw it, his face was dark. "I said Xiao Nian, I know that you are distressed, but what do you mean by letting him burn three dishes?"

He is an outsider, it doesn't matter if you are exhausted, right?


"Small thoughts, I really didn't think you were such a person."

Miyazaki looked disappointed.

Miyazaki smugly put the little thoughts into his arms. "Of my woman certainly hurts me. If you have the ability, you will find someone who is distressed."

No, she is a distressed mother.

Really, it hurts from the heart.


Miyagaki is depressed, why did he come to give the wine?

"Okay." Gong Ou Yan went back to the truth, took the pen and re-divided the area on the recipe. "I have some experience in cooking, it is better to burn five dishes than you."

"Do you still burn more?" When Xiao Nian looked at Miyao in horror.

"Okay, I know you don't want me to be too tired." Gong Ou took a kiss on her forehead. "Just be compassionate for the lonely old man to do good deeds."

Miyazaki Fusuke, "Who will help me, I am older, I need to rely on it."

The mental attack was attacked by 10,000 points.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Luo Lie coming in from the outside with no expression.


The audience was silent.

Miyazaki’s face passed over a smear, and immediately stood up straight, as if nothing had happened.

Lori stood at the door and nodded to them in a faint spot. Then he looked up and found the atmosphere a bit strange. "Isn't it time to come in?"

It’s too time.

When the little thoughts are low, the eyes are nose and the nose is watching.

The kitchen is still silent.

Lore was so inexplicably involved in a hustle and bustle, "That... I came to get the bottle of water, there is no outside."

"Go get it."

Gong Yi calmly responded.

Lorry glanced at him, nodded, and crossed the table to get the water.

"Let's start today, let's practice before you go." Gong Yi broke this strange atmosphere and tore the recipe to two, called Professor Feng De.

Luo Lie opened the bottle cap and looked at them. He asked without any expression on his face. "You need to help, do you need help?"

"No need."

Gong Yi and Gong Ou are in unison.

Luo Lie was bleak, and he said nothing to turn around and go out. When Xiaoyan’s eyes turned, he immediately said, “Need the need! Dr. Luo, can you help cut the vegetables?”

“Why should he cut vegetables?”

Gong Yi and Gong Ou are all in unison, and Gong Gong warned to look at the moment, "Little thoughts, don't mess."

His relationship with Lorraine is very good, don't mess around.

"No, you have to do too many dishes. You have to have a person who cuts the vegetables very well." When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, "You demand so strict, I am afraid that you spend too much time on cutting vegetables. Many, Dr. Luo took the scalpel, and the standard of cutting vegetables definitely meets your requirements."

For others to come to Palace Europe will definitely disappoint.

I am afraid that the top of the kitchen will be smashed. She has not forgotten how the palace has cut tomatoes.

Miyau Emei, "There is some truth, then add another person who cuts vegetables."

"Since adding a person who cuts vegetables, is it better to add a look at the heat?" When Xiao Nian took the opportunity to continue to propose.

"Just add another spoon."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Nian missed his head.

"..." Gong Ou's face sank down and found a clue. "When you read, you really feel bad, am I tired?"

She clearly does not want him to cook.

The proposal to make a birthday meal is still what she said.

When I read the face of Gong Ou, I realized that I would only make everyone unhappy. I just smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect you to do so many dishes."

"You look around, I will do a good job of cooking and watching the fire, cooking a meal, not difficult!"

Miyako has no idea where his cooking is.

"Well, yes, it's not difficult."

When Xiao Nian pressed the temple that he was shocked, I hope that Gong Ou has made progress in this battle. When she arrived, she advised Luo Qi to eat some dishes made by Gong Gong.

In this way, several people closed the kitchen door and began to practice. Watch the late night welfare movie, please pay attention to the WeChat public number: ok movie paradise

Look at the refreshing novels.

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