CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 1122: 砰, 啪, ping pong!

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Chapter 1122 砰, 啪, ping pong!

There are several rows of different surgical tools on the table.

Luo Lie's knife is indeed a must, fully in line with the requirements of the palace and Europe, with a scalpel to cut along the muscles of the chicken.

The hand fell off the knife.

Chicken wings, chicken legs, head, neck, and internal organs are placed in a row.

Gong Ou is satisfied with the jaw.

Gong Yi stood aside and unconsciously touched his neck. "How do I feel that I saw a corpse scene?"

When Xiao Nian and Feng De nodded frequently.

Clearly the blood was washed, still feel that the scalpel is terrible.

"You can start preparing to cook."

Luo Lie said, put the chicken in the side of the plate, cut some ingredients such as onion and cut it in, the original ingredients of a dish are all neatly arranged.


Gong Gongdao, reached out and took the plate and turned and left.


Lorry handed out a small box, and the palace was opened and opened, and a folded mask was taken from the inside and unfolded.

Lori also picked things up in his pocket.

Gong Gongdao, "Gloves are not used, affecting the play."

Lore is no longer embarrassed, continue to wipe his scalpel, and there is not much more in the palace, just care about his own affairs.

Simple one-on-one, but there is an intangible tacit understanding.

When Xiao Nian looked at it, he remembered the piles of the previous pieces, and the lips were slowly rising.

Luo Lie cuts things, when Xiao Nian is helping to set the plate, she learns that Luo Li will set the ingredients of each dish, and strive to reduce the chance of Miyao to make dark dishes.

"Can you let the second master of the palace cook a dish, must you propose it?"

Luo Lie suddenly talked with the time.

No one can let Miao Ou do this except for the time.

"To be honest, I regretted it when I proposed it." When Xiaonian thought shrugged, his face looked unrecognizable.

"I really didn't expect that the second master of the palace would do this trivial thing."

The chefs and servants of the palace are so many that they don’t have to take a fork by themselves.

"No, no." When Xiaonian read your wrong expression, "The two young masters of our family can make all ordinary trivial things special, special, and extraordinary."

Miyamoto is studying recipes and not looking at them.

When I saw the little thoughts like this, Loyre, who had always been cold and proud, didn’t smile and laughed. Then, “It’s not bad, at least you’re going to be different every day, so naturally there’s something to talk about.”

Unlike him, sometimes that person does not know what to look for when standing in front of him.

When Xiao Nian stood beside Lorry, he heard the words and looked at him. "Doctor Luo, I don't know if I should ask if I have a question?"


"There was an explosion in the Lancaster Manor. You and your brother were tied together in one place. Did you have anything?" Xiao Nian carefully thought about the words. "I can feel it, you seem to be between There are some changes."

Is this a good thing, isn't it?

Luo Lie's hand with a scalpel paused and looked up at the palace that was discussing cooking with Feng De. His eyes were complicated.

"I just have some curiosity about what happened that day, if you don't want to say it, you can't say it."

Upon hearing this, Loree looked down at her face with a goodwill and asked, "You have been thinking about the day."

"I just want to know what happened to you that day. The more I don't let me know, the more I worry."

Luo Lii thought and said, "In fact, there was nothing that could not tell you that day. It was just that everyone suffered a lot. You were seriously injured at that time. Everyone did not affect you and unified their opinions. I am not afraid to talk to you. Have a psychological burden."


When the little thoughts nodded.

"But..." Lorie said thoughtfully. "I have understood a lot of things for me that day. I also think a lot."

"You and brother..."

"I used to think that I was just an outsider, a burdensome burden, a substitute who didn't know where the similarity was." Lorry bowed his head and said, the voice was very low.

Generally speaking, this is definitely a turning point.

"That now..."

"Now he knows at least that I am Lore, a person who will disregard everything, a name that he will not call wrong when he is in a coma." Here, Loreley has a smile in his eyes.

Luo Lie said it was very vague, but when Xiao Nian was always thoughtful, he still found something.

And these make time and feel happy.

She always hopes that the palace can be freed from the cage of self-trapping.

"So, can we hear good news soon?"

When Xiao Nian asked tentatively.

This time, the action in the hands of Luo Lie did not stop, and the expression was quite relaxed. "In fact, not every emotion needs to be like a fairy tale. It is only perfect when you finish together forever."

When Xiaonian put the onions on the plate, "But, as a reader, I like to see the end."

"The protagonist in the story doesn't like it?"

"What does the protagonist like?"

"They like to go with the flow, they can make wine, they can practice each other, and they can live with their lives."

Lorry said with a low smile, seems to be very satisfied with the current state.

Xiao Nian looked at him and did not speak.

Lorry glanced at her and smiled even deeper. "How, can't understand? That is to say, it is not like you and the second young master, who are tired together every day, called the end of happiness. It is the end of happiness. Everyone has their own choice, but the hero. It’s good to be happy, I’m fine now, I’m more comfortable than ever. After all... I don’t like two people getting tired together, like two kinds of ingredients, they will mix together and it will be sour for a long time.”

The cold noodle doctor actually spit out her.

When Xiaonian was standing there with shame and sorrow, the righteous father also said that many people are watching her and the palace and Europeans experience happiness. Isn’t this person in front of me not good?

Seeing her like this, Luo Li smiled even happier.

When I was very upset, I was very annoyed. "My name is Miyao and I will drop you into the sea."

"I don't mind." Luo Li did not care. "I can see another person performing a life-staying match, not bad."

The cold-faced doctor actually laughed, it was a wonder.


When Xiao Nian just wanted to speak, he heard the scream of Feng De. "Young Master, don't put that!"

Then I heard a loud bang.

Then, everyone looked at the ceiling with a stunned look.

And Miyamoto himself has been far away from the pot two meters away, the clothes on his body are not stained, clean and tidy, if nothing happens, it is like... the person who fried the pot is not him.

The audience was silent.

"Look, I will say that my second master is very extraordinary." When Xiao Nian’s painful relief, why did she make a birthday meal for Miyao?


Lori’s expression is only sluggish, and there is still a cold and arrogant look on weekdays.

When Xiao Nian sighed and walked toward Miyao, he checked the clothes on his body. "What did you add to the pan?"

"What does it have to blow up on my own?" Gong Ou Li is straightforward.

"Do you want to blow it yourself?"

When Xiao Nian was shocked, he really said that he could export.

"Of course, I am sure that there is no substance added together to cause an explosion effect." Gong Ou looked straight when looking at the small thoughts, very calm, the word 铿锵, "It should be the material structure of the pot itself. Fengde, this what's going on?"

Holding up the sanitary ware, Feng Dewen, who was wiping the ceiling, stopped and went forward. He bent down and bowed respectfully. "It’s my fault, the young master, I didn’t do the buying check of these pots. Next time I must pay attention, there will never be such a thing happening."

To ask what is a housekeeper's self-cultivation, this is!

Feng De is a walking housekeeper textbook.


Shi Xiao Nian has become accustomed to such a "up and down collusion" picture, patted the clothes on Miyau's body. "Are you injured, I will accompany you to check."

Go quickly and leave this place.

Miyazaki is a smart person. At this moment, I have already wondered why I had been obsessed with it all the time. I heard this and immediately agreed. "Yes, you are so close, it is easy to get hurt, Lore, go. Check it out in your infirmary."

Going fast, it’s a small matter to blow up the kitchen. If the whole cruise ship is blown up, they will all die.

"it is good."

Luo Lie should be.

"No! I am good, I have not touched me at all!" Gong Ou refused.

It’s that you feel like you’re going to explode and you’re going to flash.

When Xiaonian thought, see Gongou and he had to hurry and hug his arm in the pot. "No, you don't check, I don't worry, let's go, check."

Gong Ou was unable to get through the insistence of Xiao Nian, but he said, "Well, I will go to the inspection with a soup, and I will be able to check how the soup is doing."


When Xiao Nian had no time to stop Gongao, he had already strode to the stars.

Miyau looked for the nearest pot to the palace, and the palace silently walked away from the pot.

Miyako is immersed in his own cooking.

One soup should be safe. When Xiaoyan read the steps of the palace to teach the ingredients, Gongou began to listen at the beginning, listening to the sound is completely based on feeling.

Later, the kitchen was very lively.



"Ping pong!"

The symphony of the ingredients and the spatula kept on, and I didn’t think that the soup could be so thrilling when I was young, and I was shocked that the palace had already gone to the corner and silently stir-fry...

On the deck, Roche is admiring the sea and sky, and the graceful figure is like a painting.

Daddy, Luo Qi pressed his eyes.

"Madam, what happened?"

Asked by the maid next to him.

"I don't know what's going on, today's eyelids have been jumping." Luo Qi was uncomfortable, and looked back and forth. "Is there an explosion?"

The maid is inexplicable. "Explosion? How can the ship explode? Madame, you got it wrong, but the sound of the waves is a bit big."

"Is it?"

But she clearly heard the sound of the explosion.

Luo Qi pressed his ear to his ear and frowned.

Could it be that I was old and I began to feel discomfort everywhere? It seemed that the doctor had to check it out for her.

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