CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 425: : It cares about everything, but there is no me.

"No, I didn't think about anything, where are we going now?"

When Xiao Nian asked.

Miyako’s hand was not put down from her waist, so she glared her up and heard the words, “eat, eat dinner.”


He really said three things to her.

Xiao Nian looked helplessly at him. "Well, I am going to cook now, what do you want to eat, Chinese food or Western food?"


Miyao said that he doesn't mind what he eats. He cares if these foods are made from her hands.

His hand was licking her waist, and the voice of Xiao Nian turned and looked like he was unintentionally close to him. He almost walked up in his arms and walked along, "Miyao."


Gong Ou looked down on her.

"Can you tell me what you will do next?" asked Xiao Nian.

"Washing your hands and eating."

"" When I was helpless, "I don't mean this. I mean, this marriage is now booked. Do you have a lot of things to deal with? Is there anything I can do to help?"


When I heard the words, when Xiao Nian’s eyes lit up, she raised her face and looked at him clearly. “What are you busy talking about?”

She will do it all.

"I cook, I eat. I don't want to run. I don't want to think of other men." Gong Ou immediately said.

Three criteria.

Three guidelines for steel.

When Xiao Nian looked at him in a serious look, he couldn't help but smile. He walked back with a few steps behind his back. "I was thinking about other men. I can't just think of you as a man in this life. I can't do it in the third article. I am sorry."

"you wanna die"

Miyau Station was set in place, and the hand on the side of the body suddenly clenched into a fist, his face was blue, and a pair of black scorpions glared at her figure.

She is still jumping.

Are you so happy, what are you happy about?

Even dare to say such words in front of him, Mu Qianchu, he has never got rid of the shadow of the beginning of his life.

When Xiao Nian went up a few steps, seeing that Miyao did not follow up, he turned back, and saw the eyes of Gong Ou’s knife madly piercing her. She chuckled, “You are angry”

"No, I am calm."

Gong Ou gnashed his teeth.

"Yes?" Xiao Nian stood on a high place and stared at his face. "Can you tell me where the **** is now?"

Gong Ou stood on the stone steps, black and stagnation, "holy"

The man she said is holy

Rely on.

"Yeah, you said that you will bring honey back." When Xiao Nian said, his eyes were clear. "I think that yesterday's engagement is the most relaxed time for everyone, and it should be the best time to recapture holy."

This has been asked since yesterday, but she has been busy. Today, he sent her a pink diamond crown.

She thought that he should give her the same as a surprise, but he never said it, she couldn't help it.

If, as she thought, this time should be already on the way to here.

"You are smart." Miao Ou's twilight fretting, slowly coming up from below, said in a low voice.

"Where is he going now, is he coming back by plane?"

When Xiao Nian asked with excitement, one hand naturally embraced the arm of Miyako.

I can finally see my son.

It’s a good thing to have children and children.

Gong Ou turned to look at the expectation in her eyes, the thin lips moved, but did not speak, his face was heavy. Daddy, he broke her hand and went on.

When Xiao Nian’s hand was degraded, she looked at Gong Ou in a wrong way, suddenly realized what she was, and she was busy catching up. “What happened? Miyao is not doing something wrong”

If Miyazaki knows what to do, he will go on.

When Xiao Nian rushed to him, he opened his arms and stood in front of him. His black and white eyes looked at him nervously. "You tell me, is there something wrong? You don't say I will be more nervous."

Miyagou stopped and her black eyes stared at her and stared at her deeply.

For a long while, he hooked his lips and showed a sneer arc. "Tell you nothing, anyway, you didn't want to get a good time with me in Beibu Gulf. I don't care how much I designed in Beibu Gulf. Since yesterday, what you care about is your mother, who cares about Mu Qianchu, cares about holy, cares about everything, but does not have me."

He used his heart to arrange what the entire Beibu Gulf did.

There is no atmosphere for a little engagement between them.

When Xiao Nian stayed, he didn't expect him to think so, "Miyao, I"

"You didn't guess wrong. I stayed for so long. I waited for the bride to change yesterday and grab my son." Gongou stared at her. "But did you see my father yesterday?"

Palace master

When Xiaonian recalled, she had never seen one of the palace lords, but when the palace was regretted for marriage, it seemed that only Luo Qi stood up. If the palace lord is present, he must also come out to speak.

When Xiao Nian shook his head, "No."

“My father guessed what happened before the wedding, so he didn’t appear at the wedding.”

When I guessed it, I was stunned by the thoughts of how to change the bride.

"My father is more terrible than you think. He will count the people. The last time he was in the UK is very big. I think he doesn't really believe that I am willing to make this marriage. I also send people to stare at you and find that you are not seeing. The first thing he thought of was that I would run away with you."

Miyao said, "So, he sent people to the airport and went to the station to look for it. What he didn't expect was that my heart was too wild. I changed the bride in public. When he reacted, it was too late.


When Xiao Nian stood there, he felt uncomfortable.

That being said, he was fighting with his father yesterday.

"So when he reacted, he immediately ordered him to transfer holy." Gong Ou looked at her and said the word, then screamed the result, "So, my people did not receive holy."

Did not receive holy.

Holy is still in the hands of the palace master.

When Xiao Nian stood in front of Miyao, she suddenly felt that her body was very cold, and she was cold and cold into her heart. She whispered, "Miyao, it would be even harder to pick up honey later."

Yesterday was the best time.

Now Gongao and Gongjia have a relationship, and the palace master is now estimated to be in the air, how can we bring back to holy.

"Nothing is impossible for me to do." Gong Ou said, the words are arrogant, can not be a lifetime.

"I know that you can do anything, then holy, will it be hurt?"

When Xiao Nian asked, the voice was so low that it was almost exclusively heard by her alone.

"You should be thankful that he is still a baby now, my father is just awkward, and he has to wait until he will walk and talk." Just like when he was a child, what he learned was forced to be forced.

The two children are now 5 months old, and it is only about a year to walk away from talking.

One year, can they take away the holy?

A gust of wind blew through the two people bathed in the evening light.

The two stood face to face, the scenery beside them was infinitely beautiful, his eyes were her, her eyes were awkward.

The bright lights in the magnificent new homes of the North Bay.

When Xiaonian sat on the bed, there was a tablet on the leg. The computer screen showed the official webpage of ne. Her eyes stared at the screen without a focal length, but her mind had already flown out.

It’s so hard to go back to holy, she really can’t imagine how much she and Gongou will encounter in the future.


An empty plate was handed to her.

When Xiao Nian raised his face, Gong Guo’s mouth bit a fruit, holding an empty plate in his hand and staring at her.

"Oh, then I will go to you for staying up late."

When Xiaonian put the tablet next to it, he opened the quilt and got out of bed.

Gong Ou stood at the edge of the bed, and the black sly looked at her coldly. The slender fingers were released and the entire empty plate fell to the ground.


The plate is crushed.

When Xiao Nian was shaken by the sound of the plate, he made a nervous nerve, and looked up at Miyao, "What are you doing?"

Ok, what happened to him.

"go back"

Gong Ou spit out two words from his mouth.

"Where is it?"

When Xiao Nian looked at him doubtfully.

"You don't have the mind to stay here, go back." Gong Ou took her. Every word was cold and cold, and the black scorpion became colder and colder.

When Xiao Nian thought this, he understood what he meant. "Will you go tonight?"


Gong Ou responded coldly and coldly, and turned away, his face was ugly.

When it comes to leaving, Xiao Nian is satisfied. She doesn’t have the mood to have a honeymoon here. She wants to go back to see her mother. She wants to know the calculations in Gong’s heart and how to bring him back.

There are still many things waiting for them to solve.

"Going back is also very good, Beibu Gulf will not go, we can come back at any time." When Xiaonian stood there, looking at the back of Gongao, said softly.


Miyao also responded indifferently, walking aimlessly in the room, seemingly slamming a floor lamp to the ground, and a craft sculpture was tripped "unintentionally" by him.

He vented his emotions forever.

Throw things.

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