CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 426: : Gong Ou fills the plate

"You take care of your hands." When Xiao Nian walked over and worried, he wanted to open his hand, and he was afraid to make him scratched. He couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing with these pieces?"

Isn't that going to go back?

If you don't change your clothes, just squat here.

“It’s unlucky to break things in the new house.”

Miyao is cold and cold, and continues to stick the plate. The larger piece of debris is directly used by him and filled up with glue.


She just talked about it, and wanted him to stop throwing things. He actually believed that he would fill the plate here. When Xiao Nian’s brow was wrinkled, he worried that his hand was hurt, and some anxiously said, “Don’t get it, I’m talking about it, don’t worry.”

"Don't worry about me"

Miyao said coldly, repeating the action of sticking the plate.

He is stubborn and stubborn like a child. His face is handsome and his face is dark and deep. The slender hand grasps the scorpion and fills the plate a little bit. He is very patient and knows exactly which one should be filled.

When Xiao Nian bent down and stood on the side, he was shocked and afraid to pull him casually. He could only watch it there.

He pressed the tray, the tray pressed against the quilt, and the tablet that was previously placed on the bed was slipping down bit by bit.

Seeing that the tablet computer was about to touch the tray, Xiaoyan quickly reached out and took the computer away. His finger pressed the screen and appeared on the official website of ne. She was about to put the computer aside, and suddenly a small line plunged into her eyes. in.

When Xiao Nian stood up straight, he looked at the screen erroneously. There was a picture of her and Miao Ou’s eyes closed on the screen, and the official website had a row of small characters in the lower right corner.

Ne official website designer: Gongou.

When Xiao Nian was shocked.

This page is a photo of the official website designed by Miyashiro. It is from yesterday, it can't be designed before, it was only last night.

When Xiao Nian looked down and looked at the time, after she fell asleep last night, he has been designing the official website. She remembers that Xia Yu said that this page was officially launched at 5 o'clock this morning, that is, Miyao spent a whole night designing this.

When she got up in the morning, he just slept for a while.

As a result, her washing time made him mistakenly think she ran, he never slept.

The tablet in his hand suddenly became heavy. When he was low, he looked down at Miyao. He was there, he handled the plate seriously, and put it together, and even the little **** he had to stick. , persistent to paranoia.

When Xiao Nian suddenly hated what he had just said, it was unlucky.

She put the tablet aside and sat down beside Miyao's body, reaching out and gently licking the waist from the back ring, and the man leaned on his back.

Miyag Ou was sitting there, and the body suddenly stiffened like a stone.

"what are you doing"

Gong Ou asked for a low voice.

When Xiaonian thought about his waist, her body was very cold, her hands were cold, and she was warming up slowly by her. Her face was close to his back, her nose was sour, and the bright light fell on her back. The petals of a place fell in her eyes, a little bit of broken light.

"In fact, there is a saying that I lied to you." When Xiao Nian read his back slowly, "Miyao, I love you, never deviated."

His fingers trembled, his fingertips smashed through the debris, and the bright red blood immediately burst out. A handsome singer lost all his expression, and a pair of black scorpions fixedly stared at the pieces of white plates.

"con man."

Miyagami spit out two words from the thin lips, and the voice was gently twitching.

When Xiao Nian was posted on his back, listening to these two words was particularly clear. Her eyes were more sour and whispered. "The feelings between us are scarred. I used to think about giving up, but I didn't miss you. I will do these things, I have no reason to give up, and there is no reason to lie to you. I believe that we can not be separated by a plate."

After all, feelings are just two things.

Even if the sky falls, the two people don't let go, that is, the two people are dead together.

No one can separate them except themselves.

"This is the rhetoric that you thought of coming out one day." Gong Ou asked in a low voice, his voice was low and dumb.

I knew I had to go with him in the future, so I took this one to smooth out the tension between them.

When I heard the words, Xiaoxiao said with a bitter smile, my eyes were sour and red. "I know you can't believe it, it doesn't matter. As long as we are alive, I have time to prove it to you."

Prove that her love for him has not disappeared and has not been transferred.

This is not a rhetoric, she is honest.

He will understand sooner or later, she is not in a hurry.


Miyao was silent, didn't say a word, didn't push her away, so she was there.

"Don't make up this plate again, okay"

When Xiao Nian said, the voice was also a touch of dumbness. She was eager for the warmth of his body. She leaned close to him. Only then would she not feel that the air was cold.

"not good."

Palace Europe is paranoid.


"Replenished." Gong Ou suddenly said, the voice is low and magnetic.

When Xiao Nian missed her eyes wide, so quickly she let go of her hand and leaned to the bed to see it. I saw that the whole white plate had been completely replenished, and the filling was particularly meticulous, and the texture was perfect. Unlike a broken mouth, it looks like a piece of art.

I saw a red tingle on her pure white tingling her eyes.

She turned around, and Ms. Ou was there, her index finger was on her lips, and her thin lips were stained with bright red.


When Xiao Nian looked at this kind of palace, I felt so painful that I couldn’t add any more.

"It is even more unlucky to get blood."

Gong Ou took the blood on the index finger, and the black scorpion stared at her and asked, the voice.

When Xiao Nian tried to shake her head and almost cried, she smiled hard and her fingertips crossed the edge of the white plate. "Red is not the most beautiful color. I passed a set of antique dresses yesterday, you forgot."

Said, when Xiao Nian picked up the scorpion, put his blood on the tip of the scorpion, and wrote a "hi" in the center of the white plate.


Miyau's eyes stared at the word, and the thin lips were tight, and a trace of blood remained on it.

When Xiao Nian put down the scorpion, he looked at Gong Ou with a smile. "Good-looking?"

She asked the word.

Miyako stared at her, "Good-looking."

Xiao Nian looked at his eyebrows deeply and smiled hard.

That night, the two left the Beibu Gulf and took the return trip.

The scenery of the Beibu Gulf is beautiful, and you can't walk around in one day, but they still leave.

Sitting in the car, when Xiao Nian felt cold, he took the initiative to throw into the arms of Miyao, leaning against his chest, and his eyes were staring at the night scene outside the window.

Quiet all the way.

The heartbeat that she heard in her ear was exceptionally clear. She moved a little in the arms of Miyako, and the heartbeat of Miyako would be messed up and intensified.

Xu is the warmth of Gong Ou's embrace. When the warmth arrives, Xiao Nian gradually becomes confused, closing his eyes and screaming. His heartbeat makes her feel stable.

On this small feeling, Shi Xiao Nian still had a dream.

She dreamed that their family of four was playing at the beach, dreaming that she would take pictures of Miyao and the twins, dreaming that Miyao had piled up a white sand castle for the twins, which was particularly spectacular.

Miyao was sitting in the car, and there was no expression on his face. He bowed low.

When Xiao Nian was still asleep in his arms, his lips were covered with a faint smile.


Why are you happy, for the engagement, or for finally leaving the North Bay?

Miyau's thin lips licked, and reached out to unfold the windbreaker on her body, tightening her tightly and whispering, "Open the heater a little bigger."

"Yes, Mr. Gong."

The driver nodded and turned the temperature higher.

The city of the night was particularly quiet and stable. When she was immersed in a dream, she slept sweetly. When she was awake, she looked at the street lamp far away from the window and took a disappointment.

It turned out to be just a dream.

not true.

When Xiaonian blinked his eyes, he struggled to sit up from the palace Ou Huai Li. "I haven't arrived yet."

Miyao stared at her, and she suddenly got up. His arms were cold, and the coldness that couldn't be said was attacking him. The temperature in the car was not warm enough.

He doesn't like this feeling.


It seems that nothing is gone, it is cool.

Miyako never likes to force himself. When he thinks about it, he will pull back his back to his arms in a strong manner, hold it tightly, and clench his arms.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Nian curled up in his arms and looked up at him.

"give me a hug."

Palace Europe is cold and authentic.

"Oh." When Xiao Nian did not know what he had, he let him hold, enjoying the warmth in his arms, and his eyes looked out the window, only to realize that the car had stopped.

Why can't parking stop?

When Xiao Nian looked puzzledly out of the window, she suddenly saw a familiar scene. This was where she was detained by Feng De.


They went to the hospital.

When Xiao Nian looked up from his arms, "I can go see my mother."


Gong Ou responded coldly.

Xiao Nian was delighted and said, "Great."

Said, when Xiao Nian struggled from his arms, pushed the car door and got off the bus, watching her eagerly awaited, Miyao’s face was gloomy, and had not had time to get angry. The door on his side was taken. turn on.

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