CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 755: : Too stupid, stupid palace

Chapter 755: Too stupid, stupid palace

"Time is small."

When Xiaonian looked back, I saw that Miao Ou turned over and held the corner of the quilt into his arms. His eyes were still tightly closed, and his thin lips moved twice. "When you read a little thought, you can read it."

In addition to these three words, there is no other word in his mouth.

When Xiao Nian stood quietly there, Gong Ou held the horn and suddenly whispered, "I must cure you, right, cure you."

Even the tone of the dream is so overbearing.


When Xiao Nian listened to his voice, he only felt that his eyes were very bad.

Palace Europe.

Except at work, the rest of the place is really not smart and not smart at all.

Too stupid, stupid palace Europe.

When Xiao Nian looked down at him, he looked away for a long time before turning away and going out of the room to find a maid to help buy makeup remover.

She walked down the stairs and didn't see the maid all the way. The people in Luozhe slept very early and could not be found by one person.

She wants to go out and buy it herself?

As soon as she went out, she suddenly woke up and wanted to go to heaven.

When Xiao Nian thought a little helplessly, when he was hesitating, he suddenly heard a little bit of voice inside the door.

"Is anyone here"

When Xiao Nian Yang asked, he asked as he walked toward the room. The door was hidden. When pushed, it was pushed open. There was a gentle gauze floating over and licking her face.

She stopped the yarn and walked in. This is a quaint study. The air is still faintly scented in the air. The windows are all open, the cold wind is coming in from inside, the door is blown, almost closed. Bounced back.

It turned out to be this sound.

No one is there.

When Xiao Nian was disappointed and was about to leave, her eyes fell on the books full of bookshelves. She went up and picked up a book and turned it over in her hand. It was Lore’s doctor’s handwriting.

This handbook is obviously a little old, and the corners of the page are rolled up. The writing on it is almost blurred, and the writing is delicate and capable.

The above is a dense record of the cases that Luo Li met, how to study how to cure.

There was nothing in the consultation room. Luo Lie looked like a professional literate. He didn't expect him to write a handwritten book. When he read the book, he placed a row of hand-held plaques.

Actually all handwritten.

All the so-called geeks have paid a lot of hardships behind people's ignorance. Gongao is like this, and this is also the same. It is no wonder that young people can be proud of this.

When Xiao Nian’s hand was put back, a black box was placed next to the pile of hand-carved piles, and a strange pattern was printed on the box.

This pattern seems to have been seen there.

When Xiaodeng wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion, he reached out and gently touched the pattern. When he just touched it, he heard a cold voice coming. "Who allowed you to touch it?"

When Xiaonian turned his head, Loree stood in front of her in a home service.

Four eyes are opposite.

"I heard some voices and came in. Sorry, I didn't mean to come in." Shi Xiaoyan said faintly, apologizing to him.

"What have you touched?"

Lorry swept his eyes across the black box.

"I have touched your handwriting, but I didn't expect you to be a responsible doctor. All the cases he had treated were recorded." Shi Xiaonian said.

Lorry looked at her and looked back and forth across her face, as if she was sure what she said was true or false.

After a while, Lore’s look faded slightly, her eyes stayed on her for two seconds, and she passed a sigh of relief. “How did you become like this?”


When Xiao Nian asked questioningly, what did she look like.

Lorie looked at her fixedly. She still had a large makeup, wearing a large light-colored bathrobe, and her long hair slid down softly, obviously still that person, but what is different.

"Nothing." Luo Lie regained his gaze and did not stop on her. Turned to the window and picked up the teapot to start making tea.

"Then I will go out first."

When Xiao Nian didn't want to bother Luo Lie to find her a servant or something, it was better for her to buy it. She turned and prepared to leave, and she heard Lou Lie’s voice ringing behind her. "You unload the pile of things on your face." It's better."

The pile of things on the face

When Xiao Nian took a second to react, he said that she was looking at her makeup. It was not because of his sake that it was made.

"It seems to have nothing to do with you."

When Xiao Nian retorted coldly.

"Do you think he likes you like this?" Lori took a small cup and put it on his lips. "Do you think it is very interesting to dominate a man?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

When Xiao Nian said indifferently.

"I don't object to a woman's strength, but you are sure that what you want is the other's one-off service." Lorry quietly said.

When standing at the door, Xiao Nian turned his face and looked at him. Luo Lie seemed to have something to say, but she could not fully understand, "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything." Lorry said coldly. "Just think he is with you, he is too wronged."


"It's better to give it to me," said Lolie. "I like him very much. I promise to find you a man who is more obedient than he is."


When Xiao Nian looked at the man in the window incredulously, the veil was blown up to cover her eyes, and she stepped back two steps without a word.

"Since you entered my study room today, I will talk to you directly." Luo Lie put down the tea cup in his hand, step by step, in front of Xiao Nian, the cold wind blew his short hair, he looked in front of him. When I was young, I said, "I like your husband very much. I hope he can stay with me all the time, not just six days. I hope you can give it to me."

This is a challenge.

When Xiao Nian first received a challenge from a man in love, this high and arrogant tone made her speechless, and he said it, saying that she hoped to let her go.

When Xiao Nian looked at him, the hand hanging on his side clenched into a fist, cold and cold, "I see the most curer is you."

"In fact, I don't have to tell you that as long as you have your illness in hand, I have a way to let him stay with me willingly." Lorry was cold and cold, and the fingers hanging on his side moved slightly.

He is waiting for her reaction.

"You are despicable."

When Xiao Nian looked at him.

"I am never doing this as usual." Lorry looked at her and smiled with a sigh of relief. "It has been three days, and his wariness against me is not as heavy as before. I will start zooming in tomorrow."


When Xiao Nian stood there silently, especially wanting to say that I was ruined, but she couldn’t come out. She saw Miyau’s desperate look, and she couldn’t come out.

When Xiao Nian didn't know how she got out of the study, Loree's behavior made her unable to stand it. When she went out, her stomach blew and she rushed into the bathroom.

It hurts, it hurts.

When Xiao Nian held down his stomach with one hand and held the wall with one hand, he stood there painfully. Usually it would not be so painful, just vomiting.

Her face was pale and terrible, with no temperament, and even began to sweat.

For a long time, her symptoms slowly slowed down, and she walked out of the bathroom. Miyao still fell asleep in bed. She slowly walked over and lay down beside Gongao.

On the fourth day, she finally knew what Lorry’s so-called enlargement was.

If it is said that the last three days are not only Loyal’s courtesy of the palace, then the fourth day, Lore began to formally pursue the palace.

That crazy courtship gesture is not a grade compared to Su Yaoyao’s shy love level.

When Xiaonian sat on the sofa and looked at the newspaper, Gong Ou sat next to her to accompany her to read the newspaper. This time they were most willing to spend in these six days, as long as Loire did not bother.

Obviously, this is impossible.

"How to sit here" Loyre walked over to them, one hand casually and naturally on the shoulder of Miyako. "The robot I bought is a bit problematic. You also have a robot. It is better to help me see what the problem is." ”

Lorraine was enthroned by the Lancaster family and resisted everything in the palace, but now the robots have been bought for Miyako.

This trick is called making a common interest.


The eyes behind the Miyako lens swayed through a dangerous stern light, stood up on the sofa with anger, followed Lore to repair the robot.

Time is also followed.

Luo Lie seems to have some knowledge of the robot, and he keeps saying that when he checks the status of the robot in Miyako, there is no such thing as a match.

However, Luo Lie made a mistake in the three sentences, so that Gong Ou could not stand it, so he corrected him. The words of the two people were inexplicably increased.

Lore stood beside the palace, and kept making opportunities to lean on his side. It was a finger rubbing the hand of Miyau, and he was talking to his ear.

When Xiao Nian saw the face of Gong Ou, it was black and white, white and black, and the hand was retracted and loaded with nature.

Miyamoto must not be able to stand it.

When Xiao Nian really thought about it, regardless of Gong Ou, he couldn’t stand the explosion. Think about it, she didn’t go up and help, and Gong Ou could only force herself to endure.

After thinking about it, Shinyin still walked between two people and looked at the simple robot in front of him. "This robot is not as good as ours."

When Lorry bypassed, Xiao Nian went to Miyao and looked at him with deep affection. "No one is looking good."


Miyako's low head is contemplative, but in fact his face is already very green.

He really wants to kill this metamorphosis immediately.

Really **** his palace as a woman.

When the disease of the same time is cured, he has to take a bite out of his mouth.

"Can you not say this disgusting words?"

When Xiao Nian looked coldly at Loire.

"Oh." Lorry sneered, ignoring the time, and continued to ask questions about Gongao, just like a man pursuing a woman, how come.

So the situation became Lore to find the opportunity to approach the palace, Europe and Europe did not refuse or accept, when the small thoughts tired in the middle of the bureau.

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