CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 756: : I am dead of this disease!

Chapter 756: I am dead of this disease

She didn't know how the scene became so messy.

When Xiao Nian faintly felt that his body was not too good, the number of nausea was more than before, and there was a little pain, and she did not dare to tell Miyako.

He is already upset for her.

During these six days, when I was young, I didn’t know how Miyau came over. I didn’t know how I came over. It’s just like this.

It’s always a good thing.

For the first time, she felt that the day was redemption. At night, Xiao Nian stayed in the room to pack her bags. Tomorrow morning, Luo Li gave a diagnosis plan and she left.

As long as there is a diagnosis and treatment plan, she does not have to stay here and watched by Luo Lie. When she thinks about the six days of Lore, she will not want to stay any longer.

The phone vibrated twice.

When Xiaonian sat on the edge of the bed and folded his clothes, he picked up his mobile phone and saw it. It was the phone call from Gong Yi. She connected, "Brother"

"Yes, I haven't heard you ask me to come over for six days. It seems that you have passed this." Gong Yi's tone was unbelievable. "I didn't expect that the temper of Gong Ou could endure these six." It’s not easy,”

Hearing words, when Xiaoxiaoyan smiled or smiled, "Yes, it is not easy."

Miyao has become a woman for six days.

Ming knows that every minute of his efforts is to resist patience, but she can't do anything.

"Well, you don't feel bad, anyway, this is over." When Miyazawa heard the voice of Xiao Nian was not very good, she understood that she was also suffering.

"Dr. Luo said that he wants to develop with Miyagi for a long time. I am afraid that he will make any devious tricks."

When Xiao Nian said.

Lore’s meaning is obvious, he is not willing to do this for six days.

"Nothing, Lore is a person who talks and counts. Even if he wants to have long-term contacts with Miyako, he will seriously treat you." Miyazaki said, "If you cure your disease, then he will pursue What's the point? Gonggong will definitely not be willing or not."

When Miyazawa advised her, she was not so heavy.


When Xiao Nian gently responded, maybe, maybe this is the case.

"Right, Miyao, I called him not to answer." Gong Yu asked.

"He didn't answer the phone?" Xiao Nian squatted. "He just had been called by Luo Lie to eat, and I didn't go down when I packed my clothes."

"That's it. After a while he went back to the room and asked him to call me."

Miyazaki said, nothing hangs.

When Xiao Nian put the phone aside, don’t he have a meal, why didn’t he answer the phone when he was a little strangely dialing the phone number of Miyako.

No one answered the phone ringing.

When Liu Nian’s Liu Mei couldn’t help but squat up, she closed the suitcase and stood up and walked out. She looked down from the upper floor. The open-plan restaurant was empty, no one, no table. dish.

"They are people?"

When Xiao Nian asked a servant.

The servant looked up at her and said, "Our young master and your husband are dining at the lake."

After the lake

When Xiao Nian went downstairs and hurriedly went out from the back door, Luo Zhai was very large, and he circled the lake as his own private house. The building was beautiful, and the octagonal lanterns with the unique shape were hanging all the way. Reflected in the lake is particularly beautiful.

When Xiao Nian went to the lake, he was near, and saw the ground covered with red roses, and a large heart shape was pieced together.


When Xiao Nian’s heart twitched, he continued to walk forward and walked behind a post, and heard a voice coming from the front.

She stood there, looking out a little and looking out, saw a rectangular white table standing by the lake, with a red octagonal lantern rotating gently, the water screaming, the table lit by candlelight, Miyao wearing The white sweater squatted on the table, and there were cups on the side of the cup, and some of the cups still had red wine.

"You wake up and wake up."

Lori stood by and pushed his hand to push the palace. The light passed over the faces of the two men. Lorry looked down at Miyao and smirked with a sigh of relief. "How much is the amount of alcohol, I really fell asleep."

They are drinking.

When Xiao Nian’s brows were tightly picked up, he raised his legs and went forward, and his feet slowly withdrew.

Not right.


Miyao is not so honest when he is drunk. He doesn't want to sleep when he doesn't make a big fight. He is deliberately drunk, he is not drunk.

When Xiao Nian realized this, his feet did not move forward.

He is drunk and must have a reason to be drunk.

Just thinking, she heard the voice of Luo Lie. "I don't know if you can still hear me, but I am sincere. The woman does not really love you. You regard her as the queen." How, she is not dismissive of you, I feel that you do not love her enough."

What did he and Miyao say?

When Xiao Nian looked at them, I saw that Luo Lie reached out and gently stroked the face of Gong Ou. The corner of his lips slid a touch of curvature. The voice became less so cold and very petting. "I really want to keep going with you." I want to selfishly leave you with me forever. I have been enjoying you more and more for so many days."


When Xiao Nian clenched his fists, his heart's emotions were still complicated. He couldn't say whether it was distressed or angry. It seems that there are all, and they are all twisted together.

"Really, I really like you too much."

Probably the light of the lantern is too beautiful and illusory. Loyal said that the more emotional, the man slowly leaned over to the palace, and slowly approached Miyao.

Is he crazy?

When Xiao Nian was shocked to see this scene, his heart was like being blocked by something. He wanted to rush forward immediately, and suddenly he saw the movement of Gong Ou.

He was kneeling there, one hand slammed the cup of the beside the goblet.

He is really awake.

He is forbearing.

When Xiao Nian suddenly understood the idea of ​​Miyau, he knew that Lore must have done something to him. No wonder he agreed to let her pack the luggage in the room. This is the last night, so he will endure what he said.


It’s a madman.

When Xiao Nian wanted to rush forward, she was afraid of ruining all the patience that Miyao had paid for the past six days. She could only stand there and watched as she watched Luo Li drop a kiss on his ear. .

The heart seems to have been knocked with a hammer.

It hurts to add.

When Xiao Nian stood there watching this scene, his eyes gradually blurred.

However, Lorry did not mean to stop. He pulled the "sleeping" palace and pulled it up to let the palace Europe rest on the back of the chair. The man stood in front of Miyao and watched it with deep affection.

"Are you really asleep or pretend?" Lorez stretched out and took off the glasses of Miyau, and spoke to him. "But if you ask if you have any emotions for me, you have been drinking and drinking." It’s so hard to fall asleep,”


The eyes of Xiao Nian are getting blurred.

Palace Europe.

Don't bear it.

Please beg you, don't take it anymore.

Miyag Ou was there and motionless, playing perfectly as a drunken person.

"It seems that you really love your wife too much. You can't leave me for tomorrow." Lori said as he slowly leaned down and his face was close to Miyao's face. "But You are still mine tonight, right?"

Lorez stretched out his hand on the thin lips of Miyau, and put his fingertips under his nose to smell it.


When Xiao Nian clenched his teeth, he rubbed his eyes and rubbed his eyes, but his eyes were still blurred.

Lorez stood there more and more, and began to reach out to go to the palace sweater. Miyao "drunken" like a muddy mud, how to play with it, the white sweater was picked up from the waist, revealing a waist without a bit of flesh .

Is he crazy?

What does he want to do?

When Xiao Nian was shocked and wide-eyed, and angrily screaming at Lore’s movements, Lo Len picked up Miyao’s sweater and touched one hand at Miyao’s waist. Some of them were amazed. “I didn’t expect you to have It’s a surprise to practice, I didn’t want to touch you, you are seduce me.”


When Xiao Nian was stunned and looked at this scene, Luo Lie lifted the hand of Miyau, and he had to remove the sleeves for him, and Miyaguro remained motionless.


Lore is crazy.

Miyako is also crazy, he is more crazy, maybe Lori is not a pervert, his palace is the metamorphosis, the most abnormal metamorphosis

Tears slipped from the eyes of Xiao Nian, she stood behind the pillars, and the hand hanging on her side gripped her fist tightly, and her nails forced into the palm of her hand and fell deeply into it.

After a period of pain, her palm was already bloody.

"You give me a hand"

When Xiao Nian tried his best to smash it out from the pillars, he rushed over from behind the pillars, and when he reached out, he pushed open Loire, and both eyes glared at him. "You are enough, you are not allowed to touch him again."

Lore was pushed back by her two steps, looking at her red eyes, some accidents, not so unexpected, said, "You are finally here."

As if, she has been waiting for her for a long time.

When Xiao Nian stood there, he reached out and pulled the sweater on Miyau's body, and looked at Lori and bite his teeth. "You are deceiving too much. I am sick of this disease."


Lorry leaned against the table, did not speak, and the candlelight on the table was still on.

"I want to cure."

A faint voice suddenly sounded.

When Xiaonian bowed his head, he saw Miao Ou sitting in the chair and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were dark and deep, and he looked at them with no expression, no anger, no anxiety.

Like the image he played, he was as gentle as a poodle and had no temper.

Lorry looked at Miyao and praised him. "You wake up."

"Let's go back"

When Xiao Nian looked at Gong Ou, said hard, his eyes were red.

In front of Luo Lie, Gong Ou Lian will not bite his words, but when he looks at it, he will go back. "You go back first. Dr. Luo said that he would talk to me about your illness."

"I am not cured"

When Xiao Nian said loudly, his eyes were more red. "I am fed up with Gong Ou, I really have enough of this disease, I am dead."

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