Suddenly, there was a figure at the door of the bathroom

She has sharp eyes. She can see that she is a cleaning aunt in her forties!

The cleaning aunt probably just cleaned up. She was sweating all over. She dragged a broom and a mop. She went into the bathroom to wash her hands and have a rest.

Zhou silently looked at the cleaning aunt's height is also very high, wearing a brown cleaner's coat and trousers, suddenly thought of an idea in his heart. He quickly stopped Auntie at the door of the bathroom, and asked, "Auntie, can I change clothes with you?"

The cleaning aunt was stunned. Seeing Zhou silent's beautiful rose colored dress, she choked and opened her mouth in Mandarin with local accent, "this This What's your joke, miss? Such expensive clothes, I How can I afford it! "

Zhou silent a look, aunt's figure is estimated to be more than his own can not put into this skirt, hard plug must be very cup, can only bite teeth, from the bag took out several hundred yuan bills, hard into the aunt's hand, pleaded the opening way: "aunt, I really want to borrow your clothes to wear, otherwise, you wait for me in the bathroom for a while, 20 minutes I will be back! ”

20 minutes The aunt hesitated, "Miss, I'm afraid our foreman will come to me in 20 minutes, and then I will find that I'm not working..."

"It's OK. It's OK. I can give you more money. I can give you your daily salary, OK? Please

When the aunt saw Zhou silent's face, which was not greasy and powdery, her expression was very sincere. She had some affection for the woman. After thinking about it, she took off her coat and trousers and said, "OK, girl, you should come back soon! Otherwise, I wear the clothes inside, but I can't go out! "

Zhou silent um a, will be rose red dress quickly off, handed to aunt.

The aunt hid in the compartment and did not come out for the time being. Zhou quietly put on the dirty cleaner's clothes. However, although the clothes were dirty and ragged, they made her feel more natural and real than wearing the red luxurious and sexy evening dress!

She looked at herself in the mirror, messed up her hair again, and hid her handbag in her oily coat.

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