Looking at herself in the mirror, she messed up her hair again and hid her handbag in her greasy coat, so that no one could see that she was the companion of the Wang family, who was wearing an exaggerated dress.

No one will pay attention to her when she is dressed like this

Slightly hunched, she jumped out of the bathroom.

Sure enough, Wang Yang's slender figure is standing on a wine table nearest to the bathroom, holding cocktails, and chatting with several celebrities. However, there is a trace of anxiety on his face. From time to time, he looks back at the door of the women's restroom

Zhou silent in the heart a little bit sorry, thought, after the end of today, he must make a good apology to him!

It's just that she doesn't feel like that to him! There is no way, can not force!

Then, she walked in the direction of Li Yu. She walked quickly and inevitably rubbed the skirts of several ladies.

Those pretentious women quickly exaggerated frown, cover up the nose, "Oh, what are you doing! How dare the servants walk through the passage of the ladies and don't want to live? "

The ugly faces of these so-called ladies are more vivid at this moment, and Zhou silent is more determined not to deal with them in the future

He lowered his head and said, "sorry, I'm sorry."

"Hum! Sorry, that's enough? I'll report to your manager later, and I'll fire you right away! "

"Oh, madam song, why are you so angry for a servant? You've spent all the makeup on your face... "

Zhou silent took the opportunity to run away. From a distance, he saw the broad back in a dark brown suit, standing there quietly.

Just looking at his back, Zhou silent felt her heart beat faster and her heart pounded. She was nervous and happy, expectant and afraid, full of energy and full of regret.

However, thinking of Baobao's doing so much for himself, thinking of her firm eyes, Zhou silent finally bravely stepped out. This time, she must tell Li Yu her true intention. She just once summoned up all her courage, as if to sail a long voyage, regardless of all the rest of the world!

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