For once, she summoned up all her courage, as if she were about to sail a long voyage, regardless of everything else in the world!

She will not use self-esteem, pride, resentment, fighting to restrain themselves, her heart has always been like him, isn't it?

Every time she quarreled and quarreled with him, didn't she hide her feelings all the time, and didn't want to be ridiculed in front of him, and didn't want to be detected by him?

Now, she understands.

She wanted to be with him.

Just standing by his side, she felt as if the sun was shining on her body, so full, happy and beautiful!

She went out to Li Yu, as if bathed in the sunshine

And all hope, and beauty

However, just when she was only one step away from Li Yu, a pretentious woman's voice suddenly crowded into the space between them, "Oh, Mr. Li, it's you, long time no see!"

Li Yu slightly a Leng, turned around, had not had time to see Zhou silent, the line of sight was occupied by the rich woman who increased the size.

Zhou's silent heart clanged for a moment. My God, how could he kill a Cheng Yaojin on the way! However, the inertia of gravity could not be controlled. The whole person stood two steps in front of Li Yu. In front of him was the rich woman with heavy makeup and thick waist that was comparable to a bucket.

This rich woman is so frightening that she completely blocks Zhou silent.

She weighs about 200 Jin and wears a gorgeous purple velvet hip skirt that makes people feel uncomfortable. Her fat buttocks seem to fall down at any time and kill people

The rich woman looked at Li Yu with a pair of enchanting eyes. She held out her nails and said, "Master Li, you don't know me, do you? Look, I haven't seen you for a few years. I'm more and more handsome. Really! If I were a young girl, I would fall in love with you at a glance. "

Li Yu looked at the rich woman in front of her in disgust. My God, the heavy makeup looked at at at least 45 years old. Look at the fat on the arm, the loose chin, the huge buttocks and the rubbing thighs The fat, but also lean on Jiao Jiao's posture, dressed up as a sexy look, crazy discharge at himself

He just felt sick

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