At this time, her mobile phone suddenly rings, unexpectedly is Yang Zong to call, she a Leng, does the matter have a turn for the better?

Did the company suddenly decide to keep her again?

She thought quickly in her heart, if the company does not allow her to resign and want to keep her back, does she want to come back again?

She still likes this job very much

However, before she thought it out, there came the voice of a middle-aged man with a smile: "Miss Yi, what are you doing?"

"No I didn't do anything. I went online at home. "

The voice of attachment still has the taste of exhaustion, which is soon discovered by Mr. Yang. There is a kind of hospitality in his voice: "is it alone at home? Did you have a meal? Shall I invite you to dinner

Attachment in the heart of a sudden flash of vigilance, eat? It's strange that Mr. Yang was her leader and appreciated her a little, but he never ate alone.

in the workplace, we all know what to avoid between the middle-aged male boss and the young female subordinate, but today, he resigned, why did he invite her to dinner?

Do you really want to comfort her? Why so ambiguous!

Listening to her hesitation, Mr. Yang added: "Miss Yi, in fact, I feel sorry for your resignation today. You are very talented. Otherwise, I will recommend you another company of my friend."

Attachment with a bitter smile, coldly said: "Mr. Yang, thank you for your kindness. However, you also know that my negative rumors have been spread on the Internet. Even if I go to your friend's company, your friend's company reputation will be affected because of me. I don't want to do this kind of thing. At that time, your friend will also be implicated by me. How sorry! Thank you for your kindness! I'll stay at home for a while. "

"Oh, that's fine!" Mr. Yang laughed. Suddenly, there was a strange smell in his voice. He said slowly: "that Xiaoyi, you Do you have any money to spend when you are alone at home? Before our company's salary was not too high, now young girls have too many places to spend money, if you have any difficulties, you can take me as your big brother, just open your mouth to me! "

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