"Well Xiaoyi, you Do you have any money to spend when you are alone at home? Before our company's salary was not too high, now young girls have too many places to spend money, if you have any difficulties, you can take me as your big brother, just open your mouth to me! "

Attachment to listen to the more wrong, hesitant way: "Mr. Yang, how good it is! Besides, you are not my elder brother. You are my leader

"Oh, don't be so outspoken. In fact, I don't think I'm a leader either. Although I'm older than you, I still have a young man's heart!" Mr. Yang said with a narcissistic smile, "attachment, I think you are a man of ability. I can talk with you very well. How about it? Come out and have dinner with me? It's a fine evening. Shall we go for a walk by the sea for dinner

Hearing this, attachment took a breath of air conditioning, and quickly opened his mouth: "no, Mr. Yang! A friend will pick me up later. Thank you for your concern

God, what does this middle-aged man want! Before facing her also a pair of clothes and animals, business appearance, how can suddenly become like that!

She was in a bad mood of attachment. She knew that because she had made a rumor that she was being fostered and seduced rich people, those men who thought they had some money and a little fame immediately gathered around like flies and wanted to have a share of the pie.

Mr. Yang's voice was obviously a little displeased, and he snorted: "Miss Yi, your attitude is too inhuman."

There is a big difference between the attitude and the hospitality just now.

Attachment no longer want to talk to him, slowly said: "Mr. Yang, you and I really have nothing to eat, and I don't need to accept your help. That's it, that's it!"

"What are you proud of?" The man was infuriated by her indifference and said, "pretend to be a saint and think others don't know what you are like? When you were in Ouyang's car, you had a passionate look, and your clothes were not neat. Why do you do this now? Yes, I'm old, and I don't have as much money as Ouyang. However, I still value you. If you change your mind... "

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