"Yes, looking at him, I feel that there is still hope in life. There are still good men in this world! Money, appearance, personality and self-discipline and elegance, such a man is simply the best. Although we can't handle such a man, it's good to just appreciate it! "

"However, two days ago, he also made peach news, was taken intimate photos?"

"That's normal. He's an adult and naturally needs to fall in love, otherwise I would think he likes men! Anyway, a man like him naturally has a large number of women, and it's good to be able to maintain the present level! "

Two people said the strength, attachment but in the heart sneer.

Again, a woman who doesn't know the truth about him.

Why is his public image so good?

So perfect?

I can't believe

Attachment suddenly remembered the night before, he looked at his face and spoke coldly

"Go away, don't let me see you again! "

ha ha ha ha ha ha

This is the perfect man in their hearts. Just appreciating the man can make people feel relaxed and happy. The gentle, touching and gentlemanly words of a woman who is possessed by her own

The attachment raises the eye, looks at the man on the stage.

Indeed, his every move, every subtle movement, let the woman fascinated, almost perfect.

Unfortunately, she is the only one who knows what kind of man he is, what kind of posture he likes, how women breathe and how they cooperate

Like how to insult women

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

"Miss Yi, what do you think I just said to you? Do you think I'm after you? You are too naive

"Miss Yi, do you watch too much romance novels and brain handicapped TV dramas? My brain is not working well. Do you think it is necessary to pursue you in my capacity? Looks? Status? Work? What do you think you deserve

"Do you think it's an invitation to a formal girlfriend? Do you think I'm going to have a spring girl standing on the street in Shibuya to be my girlfriend? Is my taste so strange? Or, do you think I have the complex of saving women from the dust? Sorry, I really don't have one! "

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