That word, a sentence, as if to strip her clothes, as cruel as!

Slowly, she turned her eyes back to the stage.

At this time, a well behaved foreign female reporter was asking questions in fluent English.

Although the attachment of English is not particularly good, it can be understood that the female reporter is asking about how the two great figures view the selection of business partners.

"Mr. Yamaguchi and I both believe that business is not only about making money, but also about promoting our economic philosophy and outlook on life. From this point of view, business means humanity. We have reached a consensus that we hope to make the world a better place and develop business order in an orderly way. "

such a perfect and gentlemanly answer really caused applause.

Later, the short, chubby Yamada replied in English with a typical Japanese accent: "before, when I was in Japan, I had heard of Mr. Ouyang's name. At first, I thought that he was only a newborn calf who was not afraid of the tiger's aggressiveness. Later, I found that he was indeed a talented man with perfect personality. In my opinion, he was not only an excellent business genius Just, is also a perfect man, moreover, he loves his motherland, this, I admire very much

There was another round of applause.

It is known to all that Ouyang's grandfather is one of the top figures in the Japanese underworld. Many times, Ouyang refused to apply for his Japanese citizenship. In modern society, when many Chinese celebrities joined the ranks of immigrants, he, as a half Japanese mixed race, emphasized that he was Chinese, and his roots were in China People have a very good impression.

the host took a look at the perfect man with an appreciative smile, and then slowly moved his eyes to the press group. Suddenly, there was a woman with a clear and bright appearance and stubborn eyes who raised her hand ...

The host seemed to be awed by some light in her eyes, slowly raised his hand and pointed to her

She didn't have a microphone in her hand, but it was too late for the host to realize that.

He's pointing to the woman!

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