It can make him sink and die.

He just felt that his heart would melt, and a fire of desire was burning slowly in his chest. Suddenly, he didn't want to restrain himself. He spent the night with her, just like first love, just holding hands. Now he can't control it any more!

Rudely press down the back seat of leather seat, the chair immediately flat, he pushed her down on the seat, the voice is hoarse, a different kind of sexy ecstasy: "that I'll count again, twice, three, a hundred times! Let me count the night, will you

His big hand greedily stroked the outline of her face, and then he buried himself in her long hair like seaweed,

his lips twisted all the way to her neck along her pointed jaw, nibbled and licked her snow-white neck.

It seemed that the feeling of silk sliding through his skin made him especially enjoy it.

Powerful arm, tightly clasped her waist, and restrained every inch of her skin.

At this time, she felt the sweetness of her underwear under the zipper, which she was not familiar with, and she felt the sweetness of her back , hot and intoxicated.

His hand was very urgent, which hurt her a little. The zipper was stuck on her skin.

Su Xiao frowned and whispered: "it hurts..."

"Pain? Then bite me He took his chest to her lips. "You don't like to bite me the most. Come on, I'm not afraid of pain. You can bite me!"

As if she had been bewitched by the temptation and death in his words, she opened her eyes. At this time, her love was in the net. There was nothing else in her heart, only him, only him

Her hands sank deep into his strong shoulder and back. She half opened her lips to bite the buttons of his shirt. One by one, the buttons opened obediently. His chestnut smooth, beautiful lines, and tense chest showed up in front of her

She was dizzy and intoxicated. Every time, she was forced to stop

He looked down at her face a little red, voice stirred to the extreme, "bite it If I bite it, I will get into my blood. If I am addicted to you, I will let the poison go deeper and deeper, and let you be rooted in my blood forever, and never separate... "

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