Such a fiery confession made her voice in her throat, only felt that her whole body was about to melt

He sticks to his chest as much as he can. At this moment, however, he can't bite down with his strong feelings. He can only feel the temperature of his chest and his heart beat

He put his evil hands into her hair and fiddled with her neck: "what are you doing there, baby? If you don't bite, I'll eat you first..."

"Who says I don't bite!" She opened her mouth, but this time she didn't use her teeth (river crab, river crab)

tentatively, gently.

For the first time, she was so patient and seductive.

Not to make him miserable, but to make him more enjoyable.

It was like tasting her favorite silky chocolate, once and for all, dancing gracefully in his chest with a wonderful and mysterious rhythm!

Huo Sheng's throat let out a groan. How could he stand it? His Adam's knot was fluttering, and he looked thirsty: "do you want to kill me..."

"I killed you so soon?" She makes a smile

He raised his head and kissed her lips: "I will not die, I will die with you..."

Like crazy to absorb the alcohol dew of her lips, indulge in sucking, lips and tongues madly intertwined, but like bottomless general, the more inhaled, the more disgusted to dry up.

Then he grabbed her hand and kissed her tender fingers one by one: "baby, you miss me..."

He felt her greedily with his hands and lips River crab

She chanted out of control.

Just as they were inseparable, Su Xiao suddenly felt a chill in her neck. Originally, their bodies were very hot. This coolness made her feel goose bumps all over her body

She murmured, "it's so cold Yes? Is it raining? "


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