CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 104: Is it because of her?

Chapter 104 Because of Her?

Why did he call her?

Haven't they already made it clear?

He is not the kind to pick up and put down, not to mention, if he really couldn't put down her, why would he choose to marry another woman at first?

Why did you call her?

The cellphone lying on the bedside table kept thinking, but Luo Qingyun found that he had no courage to connect at all.

"Why not answer the phone?" The room door was pushed open, and Su Qize walked in from the door and saw Luo Qingyun standing beside the bed, staring at the non-stop cell phone.

Luo Qingyun heard the voice and turned back immediately, his expression a little panicked.

Seeing her appearance, Su Qize lifted his feet and walked in front of her, glanced at the caller ID, reached out and picked up the mobile phone.

"Don't ..." Luo Qingyun wanted to stop him, but he already connected the phone, "Hey ..."

"Qize, are you? Qingyun?" It was Huo Xiwen's voice that came from the phone.

"Wait a minute," Su Qize said, returning the phone to Luo Qingyun, "It's Xiwen looking for you."

Huo Xiwen?

What is she looking for?

In the impression, the two of them only met three times, and the words they said did not add up to ten sentences. Why did she suddenly call her?

And still using Su Suhao's phone?

Is it what she found?

Thinking of this possibility, her heart beat inexplicably.

"What's wrong?" Su Qize saw that her face had changed, and asked.

"No ... nothing ..." Luo Qingyun shook his head, hesitantly picked up the phone and put it in his ear: "Hello."

"Housekeeper Luo ... Oh, no, Qingyun, it's me, I'm Xiwen."

"Well, I know, you call me, is there anything wrong?"

"Are you asleep now? Yes, there is one thing, I want to trouble you ..." The other party's tone was a little hesitant, as if he was a bit embarrassed about his next request.

"Not yet, anything, you say." Luo Qingyun didn't know how to reject each other, so he had to say.

"That ... Brother Brother, he's drunk. I'm a little confused. I want to ask you to come and help ..."

"Uh ..." such a request, she really didn't want to agree, "Isn't there a lot of people at home?"

"No ... the family is just the two of us. We moved out of the mansion long ago and now live in the villa. My elder brother doesn't like other people at home, so he only has a part-time job during the day to clean it, and we are home at night. Both ... I really ca n’t bother you. Before, you used to be your housekeeper and took care of his daily life, so you will know better how to deal with such things ... "


"Will I beg you? I don't want to find anyone else. If I was known, I wouldn't be able to do even this little thing, and passed it back to my mother-in-law's ears, afraid she would blame me for taking care of my brother, you know my mother-in-law I don't dare to offend her old man ... "Huo Xiwen begged on the phone.

Luo Qingyun was so soft-hearted that after hearing her begging herself like this, she refused to refuse, and turned to look at Su Qize aside, as if seeking his opinion.

Because Su Qize was standing next to her, he could hear the voice on the phone faintly, so Luo Qingyun's eyes looked at him, and he understood her meaning, saying: "Since Dasao has spoken, promise She, I will drive you over. "

Although she knew that Su Qize was a very generous person, she was surprised when she heard him ask her to take care of Su Yihao.

"Okay, I'll come with Qi Ze in a moment." Huo Xiwen said to the cell phone, she hung up.

Putting down her mobile phone, she looked up at Su Qize, "Do you ... really want me to go there?"

"Why not? You also worry about him, don't you?" Su Qize's eyes were bright and unusual, with a mild smile at the corner of his mouth.

In a word, he had an insight into her mind, which he refused to admit.

Yeah, if you can really do not care about him at all, then why not even dare to answer the phone when the phone rings?

The more you evade, it only shows that the deeper you are, the more you care.

Luo Qingyun didn't quite understand the reason, but Su Qize, who was an onlooker, saw the score.

"If you don't like it, I can't go." Although he has always emphasized that she is free, just need to act according to what she thinks.

But precisely because he gave her enough tolerance, she needed to care more about his feelings.

"Why don't I like what you want to do?" Su Qize said, smiling at her. "You change clothes first, I'll wait for you outside."

After all, he lifted his feet and turned away from the room.


Su Yinghao Villa.

In the living room on the first floor, on the sofa, Su Yinghao was lying on the sofa, drunk and unconscious.

There is a strong smell of alcohol in the air.

Huo Xiwen sat aside, looking at his flushed face, anxious.

As the only daughter of the Huo family, she has enjoyed the life of a princess in dress and clothes to open her mouth since birth. For caring for people, she has never learned.

I checked some drunken methods on my mobile phone, but it seems that they are not feasible.

After all, things like soaking honey water must also be able to tell what honey is and what is cooking oil ...

Fortunately, after waiting anxiously for ten minutes, the savior arrived.

As soon as Su Qize and Luo Qingyun entered the door, they smelled a strong smell of wine, and subconsciously covered their noses. Luo Qingyun's eyes began to look for Su Yinghao's figure.

When Huo Xiwen saw the two, he immediately stood up and saw the expression of the big savior: "Thank goodness, you are finally here. Help me quickly and see how this is done ..."

"What's going on? Why did he drink so much wine?" Su Qize looked at Su Yinghao drunk on the sofa and frowned.

"I don't know. My elder brother seems to be in a bad mood lately. He is drunk every day. Qiu Yi sent it back a few times ago, but today it seems that Qiu Ye is going to handle other things. The driver took him. Send it back and hand it to me. I ca n’t help but ask you for help. ”Huo Xiwen glanced at Su Shihao, worried,“ You said he was drunk like this, should n’t he have alcoholism? Don't you take it directly to the hospital? "

Luo Qingyun listened to Huo Xiwen's words, and looked at Su Shihao's red-stained face. At this moment, although he was asleep, his brow was still tightly frowned and looked very uneasy.

in bad mood?


Is it because of her?

Thinking of it this way, she felt a little too self-conscious.

"Qing Yun, what are you thinking? Hurry up, how can this be done?" Huo Xiwen found Luo Qingyun looking at Su Yanhao's face in a daze and couldn't help asking.

"Ah?" Luo Qingyun, who had come back to God, firstly froze, and then responded, "Oh, there should be no alcoholism, just drink too much, so let's take him to the bed in the bedroom upstairs Go. "

"This ..." Huo Xiwen heard the words, and he could only look at Su Qize's pleased eyes: "Qi Ze, it seems only trouble you, I and Qing Yun can't move him."

"It doesn't matter, I help him up." Su Qize said, walked to the sofa, pulled the unconscious Su Yinghao from the sofa, put one hand on his shoulder, and helped him go upstairs.

When Huo Xiwen saw that he was struggling by himself, he helped on the other side.

At this time, Luo Qingyun went to the kitchen, cooked a sober tea, then went upstairs, went to the bathroom and twisted a towel. As before, he was ready to take off his shirt and help him clean his body.

But her hand just stretched out, but suddenly realized that her identity is now different from before. She hurriedly retracted the stretched back hand, and handed the hot towel to Huo Xiwen. Wipe him up. I made a sober tea downstairs, which is placed in an electronic saucepan. It will keep warm automatically when the time comes. He can drink it when he wakes up in the middle of the night and thirsty. When you are watching, don't let him sleep on his stomach. In addition, in order to prevent him from vomiting, prepare a trash can beside the bed, and pour a glass of water on the bedside table ... "

After listening to her explanations, Huo Xiwen nodded again and again, and then said with emotion, "Sure enough, I am looking for you. It is still professional for you to take care of people. Qi Ze is really lucky to find you as his wife."

Luo Qingyun heard it, and smiled a little awkwardly. "There is nothing else here, so we leave first."

"Okay, I remember, Qingyun, thank you very much ... If you can't get along with Qi Ze, I really don't know what to do?" Huo Xiwen looked at her with a smile and turned to Su Qize again. "Qize, it's hard for you, next time I'll let my brother invite you to dinner."

"Okay." Su Qize agreed, and reached out to embrace Luo Qingyun's shoulder, and then went out.

"Qingyun ... Luo Qingyun ..." Suddenly, there was a muffled low voice behind him. Although not clear enough, it was enough to make her understand that it was calling herself.

The steps beneath her feet suddenly stopped, and she wanted to look back at the man behind her, but found that Su Qize beside him was staring deeply at herself.

Do not……

No, he's not calling himself.

She must have heard it wrong ...

She said to herself like this, and continued to lift her feet forward.

"Luo Qingyun ... Luo Qingyun ..." Another low call came, like a thunder, that struck Luo Qingyun's heart.

Gritting her teeth, she resisted the urge to look back at him, and clenched her fists with her hands.

Why call her name?

Aren't they irrelevant?

Why are you in a bad mood?

Why drink?

What happened to her name when she was drunk?

She doesn't listen, she doesn't want to listen to anything ...

"Qing Yun ..." However, the other party didn't seem to hear the cry in her heart, and was still confused, calling her name.

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