CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 105: Trial and error

Chapter 105

"Qing Yun, it seems that my brother-in-law just called you." However, Huo Xiwen stood closer to Su Yinghao, and she heard it very well.

Looking back, Luo Qingyun's face showed a generous smile, "He probably thought I was his housekeeper. When he got too much alcohol and was uncomfortable, he asked me to wake up and drink tea."

"So it seems, Brother Yun really depends on you. But unfortunately, you are now married to Qi Ze, otherwise, I really want to find you to continue to be a housekeeper." Huo Xiwen said with no heart and lungs .

"The hangover tea will be ready in 15 minutes. You can go downstairs now to take a look. If it is good, bring it up and give him a drink. Otherwise, he will get a headache tomorrow morning." Luo Qingyun explained, Then he turned to look at Su Qize, "Let's go."

Su Qize nodded towards her and took her hand to leave.


When Su Yinghao woke up, it was already over three in the morning.

Huo Xiwen stood beside him, snoring.

When she heard his voice turning over, she immediately woke up and opened her sleepy eyes, "Brother, are you awake?"

Su Yinghao felt only a splitting headache, raised his hands and rubbed his temples, got up from the bed, and wanted to drink water.

When Huo Xiwen saw this, he immediately asked, "Are you thirsty?"

"How are you here?" Su Yinghao asked, his voice hoarse and low.

"You're drunk. I'm afraid of something wrong, so I'm here to guard you." Huo Xiwen said, handed him the cold water he had prepared before, and then stood up again, "I'll go downstairs to you Bring the hangover soup, wait for me. "

After that, he ran downstairs again.

It didn't take long to see her coming in carefully with a bowl of sober tea, Su Shihao saw this and looked at her with surprise, "When did you learn to cook this?"

"I didn't cook it." Huo Xiwen narrowed his eyes and smiled, handing the sober tea to his hand.

Su Minhao took the tea, drank it in one breath, and looked up at her, "Not you? Who is that?"

"Guess what." Huo Xiwen shook his eyebrows at him with a mysterious look.

Su Yanhao flashed a familiar face in his mind for a moment, but immediately he denied the answer.

No, how could she be here.

"Can't guess? Then I'll give you a hint. It's the person you are dreaming of dreaming." Huo Xiwen said, small face gossip in front of Su Shihao, cute big eyes like searchlights, glanced at Su Shi Hao's handsome and flawless face.

Su Shihao heard the words, her expression suddenly froze.


He vaguely remembered what dream he had dreamed, but he forgot the specific content of the dream.

Is it really ... Luo Qingyun?

In the last few nights, he often dreamed of her. However, in her dreams, she would always be like a kite floating in the sky. She could only see it but could not touch it.

Huo Xiwen looked at his ever-changing handsome face and sighed, "It seems that I think nothing is wrong, brother, do you like Luo butler, right?"

Su Yinghao didn't say anything. He just looked at Huo Xiwen with some surprise. When did this girl learn to understand people's hearts?

"Also, I can see that the housekeeper Luo should like you too, but I don't understand why she married Qi Ze, what is going on between you?" Huo Xiwen tilted her head, and she had this question tonight I haven't figured it out for a long time.

"Don't guess randomly." Su Yinghao didn't want her to know too many things between him and Luo Qingyun, so as to avoid accidents.

"Did you both marry me because you married me ..." Huo Xiwen thought that might be the reason, but she was not sure.

In particular, I don't like to believe that the two people in love will be because of themselves, and will eventually be unable to stay together.

"Xiwen, it's too late, you should go back to the room." Shen Sheng interrupted her guess, his expression became serious and could not be questioned.

"Brother Xi ..." Huo Xiwen looked at him and blinked her big eyes. She really wanted to know if Su Qinghao and Luo Qingyun's separation had nothing to do with herself.

If it is relevant, she must make a mess anyway and adjust their identities that should belong to them.

"Go back, don't let me say it a third time." Su Shihao's grimace warned her.

Huo Xiwen knew that he couldn't ask anything from his mouth, but the more he refused to say, the more she believed, fearing that this matter was really related to herself.

However, what role does Su Qize play here?

No, she must figure it out.

She made up her mind, and she no longer entangled Su Shihao, only left the master bedroom with a sad look and went to the guest room.

Su Yinghao got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, and the whole person gradually calmed down.

Go to the window, open the window, and the cold evening wind slowly blows away the residual alcohol smell in the bedroom, and also makes his original messy thoughts even more chaotic.


After meeting Su Yinghao that night, Luo Qingyun's heart could not be calm for a long time.

Because Huo Xiwen and Su Qize were both present at the time, she couldn't rush to the bed to wake up Su Shihao, who was talking about dreams, and asked him why he wanted to call his own name.

This matter was like a thorn, stuck in her throat, unable to swallow, and unable to spit out.

She has told herself countless times that you don't have to worry about this problem anymore, you are over and you announced it yourself.

But my mind just remembered what happened that night.

Let her always look serious in the next few days.

Two days later, Huo Xiwen called again. This time, she didn't use Su Yinghao's cell phone, but her own cell phone.

Luo Qingyun received her phone call, which was somewhat unexpected, but out of politeness, she politely greeted her a few words.

When Huo Xiwen invited her to teach her to cook at home, she hesitated.

However, Huo Xiwen used to coax people. She always had a way to make it impossible for her to refuse her request. Finally, after asking her mother-in-law He Fen and her husband Su Qize, she picked a noon that Su Yinghao would not show up and brought many ingredients Went to the villa again.

Huo Xiwen was very happy to see her.

Pulling her to chat on the sofa for a while, it was tea and fruit hospitality.

At about twelve o'clock, the two started cooking in the kitchen.

Luo Qingyun's craftsmanship has always been good. Although he can only use those home-cooked dishes, the taste is very good.

Therefore, when teaching Huo Xiwen, I didn't feel too strenuous.

However, Huo Xiwen seemed to be studying seriously on the surface, but rarely asked questions about cooking. The topic of the two has been around Su Shihao.

"Qing Yun, would you say that I would be very surprised when my brother ate my dish?" In front of the sink, Huo Xiwen was washing his tomatoes, and he was shining on his face.

Luo Qingyun, who was slicing the cucumber, heard that his movements were slightly delayed, and then he blurted out, "He probably won't let you do it again."

"Huh? Why?" Huo Xiwen looked at her puzzledly.

In Luo Qingyun's mind, he recalled the first time he cooked for Su Yinghao, "You don't touch the spring water with your fingers, how can he be willing to let you do these rough jobs in the kitchen for a bite of food?"

"Is that so? Then Qingyun, did you cook for your elder brother when he was the housekeeper?" Huo Xiwen asked, almost immediately after her voice had fallen.

"I did it once." Luo Qingyun answered directly without thinking.

"Oh? That's it, no wonder you said Brother Brother won't let me cook again next time?" Huo Xiwen asked deliberately inadvertently.

Luo Qingyun suddenly realized that he seemed to say something wrong, his heart was inexplicably tight, and the knife he held in his hand accidentally cut his finger.

"His ..." She took a sigh of coldness in pain, her eyebrows frowned instantly, and watched the blood dripping down from the index finger of her left hand.

"Oh, you're hurt, you're bleeding a lot." Huo Xiwen was frightened when he saw the scene, and he was in a hurry for a while, I don't know what to do.

The two were trying to stop the bleeding. A steady and powerful footsteps came from behind them. Along with the footsteps, there was a deep, cold voice: "What are you doing here?"

When they heard the sound, they immediately looked back behind them, and saw Su Yinghao in a well-dressed suit, full of aura standing there.

"Brother Xi, you came just right, Qingyun's hand was injured and she's been bleeding. Come and see." Huo Xiwen saw him as if he saw a straw for help and immediately asked for help.

Luo Qingyun originally thought that Su Shihao would not return to the villa at noon, so he deliberately picked this time period, but he did not expect that he would return.

Moreover, he saw how embarrassed he had cut his finger. For a while, he was too embarrassed to look at his face.

Su Yinghao heard that Luo Qingyun was injured, her eyes immediately fell on her **** fingers, her long legs took a few steps forward, and she immediately walked in front of her.

Raised her hand, grabbed her injured finger with a big palm, squeezed it tightly, and turned to look at Huo Xiwen, "Go to the tool room and bring the first aid box."

"Tool room? Okay, I'll be right there." Huo Xiwen heard that, and he hurriedly ran towards the tool room.

There were only two people left in the kitchen, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

The little hand was held firmly by his big palm, and the hot and humid temperature passed from his palm to her hand, obviously there should be no reverie, but for some reason, she suddenly felt that her throat was dry and her face began to feel unconscious hot.

Her fingertips moved slightly, and she wanted to avoid this terrible embarrassment and no longer have physical contact with him.

But her hand flinched slightly, and he heard his mute voice coming from above her head, "Don't move!"

"No ... no bleeding, no need to help you grab it." She bowed her head and whispered.

However, her words did not allow him to let go of her hand, instead, his mastery became tighter.

The cut wound became more and more painful as a result of his exertion. She tightened her eyebrows and looked up at him with a pained expression on her face.

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