CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 106: Tormented solitude

Chapter 106

"What are you afraid of?" There was a hint of irony in his voice, and his eyes were even colder.


Is she afraid?

No, she's not afraid!

"It's not scary, it's just inappropriate. If she was seen by Xi Wen, she would misunderstand."

In their current relationship, such a move is really too close.

"Are you afraid of her misunderstanding, or have you misunderstood it yourself?" His voice was not loud, but the scorn in his tone was obvious.

Luo Qingyun felt that his face was getting hotter when he said that he knew that he would not let go, and she simply refused to resist, leaving him to hold his hand like that.

After Huo Xiwen left for a few minutes, he rushed over with a first aid kit.

Seeing that the blood had stopped at this time, my heart was slightly relieved.

"Brother, I brought the first-aid kit. How can I get this?" Opening the box, Huo Xiwen turned the disinfectant, gauze, and cotton swabs out of the box, and spread them on the entire operation platform.

"Open the complex iodine first, then put the cotton swab in it and get it wet." Su Yihao ordered in an orderly manner.

Huo Xiwen immediately complied, and handed him a cotton swab stained with iodine.

Su Yinghao took the cotton swab and was ready to disinfect the wound on her index finger. Luo Qingyun was painful, so she didn't dare to look, only turned her head to the side.

As soon as the cotton swab touched her wound, she was so painful that her conditioned reflexes shrank back a bit. Fortunately, her hand was held by him and did not let her slip away.

"Patience." He seemed to be telling her, it was like an order.

Followed by, his power was a little heavier than the previous home, so that the medicine on the cotton swab thoroughly soaked into the wound, completely disinfected, and then released.

At this point, Luo Qingyun had already hurt her entire face, and almost did not cry.

After disinfection, she applied some medicine powder to accelerate wound healing, and finally wrapped it with gauze to finish the job.

Because Luo Qingyun's hand was injured, he could not continue to make lunch, and Huo Xiwen had no thoughts at this time, so he proposed that the three go to a restaurant outside to eat.

But before she went out, she suddenly received a call and needed to go out urgently, so she looked sorry to Luo Qingyun, "Qingyun, I'm really sorry, I can't go out to eat with you, my mother just Call me and say there's something urgent to get me home. "

"It's okay ..." Luo Qingyun was preparing to say, and she didn't want to go outside to eat. She saw Huo Xiwen holding Su Suhao beside him with a coquettish expression, "Brother, give you a task. Qingyun today I came here to be a master, but she was injured, and I have n’t even eaten lunch. Now I give you my master, and you take her out to eat for me, and leave me here Make up for her blood and send her home, okay? "

Upon hearing this, Luo Qingyun waved his hands in a hurry, "No need to bother, I just go back."

"Go straight back? How about that? If you let me know that I brought you to my house, and I let you go back hungry, maybe I will turn back and say something about me. I don't want to be criticized, you have to finish your meal before you go home "Huo Xiwen forcibly arranged the dinner, and then pushed Luo Qingyun in front of Su Yinghao." Brother, remember, treat her well for me. "

Having said that, Ma Liu ran to the garage and got into her white Ferrari sports car. The throttle exploded and disappeared in front of the two.

Huo Xiwen left, leaving Su Yinghao and Luo Qingyun alone, and the silent embarrassment enveloped them again.

"Let's go." After half a minute, Su Yinghao lifted his feet and went out.

Luo Qingyun had no choice but to follow him to go out and came to the door of his car. Seeing that he had opened the door next to the front passenger seat, he hesitated and said, "Actually you don't need to send me, I called the driver Just pick me up. "

"I just obeyed my wife's orders." Su Yinghao said, regardless of whether she wanted to or not, two broad palms pressed on her shoulders, almost "plugged", pushed her into the car Here, the backhand closed the door.

Sitting on this familiar co-driver, Luo Qingyun's mood was completely different from the last time he sat here.

Su Yinghao got in the car, started the car, left the villa area, and drove onto the main road.

After a long journey, Luo Qingyun found that the direction he was driving was not the direction of Furong Garden.

Where is he taking her?

Luo Qingyun was full of doubts and was about to ask, but he had already entered the scenery belt along the lake in Y city.

Luo Qingyun knows that there is a very high-end restaurant on the lake. He Meixin mentioned this restaurant several times and listed it as the number one restaurant he most wanted to visit.

It's just that the location here is harder to order than the Michelin Samsung, so I had to back it off.

Suddenly the car stopped in the parking lot of the restaurant on the lake on the land. Su Yinghao pulled the door for Qingluo Qingyun very gracefully, watching her hesitantly got out of the car.

"Well, what did you bring me here for?"

Her heart went up and down, and she asked restlessly.


In two short words, at this time he had locked the car, his deep eyes quietly looked at the road ahead, and the beautiful contours of the face exuded a charming light under the sunlight of the noon.

Reached the bottom of the restaurant on the lake, took the elevator, and within a few seconds, arrived at the restaurant's main hall, the elevator entrance, a well-faced, well-groomed welcome greeted with a smile on his face, saying, "Mr. Su, welcome How many guests are you today? "

"Two." Su Shihao said.

"Then you can sit in your old place." Yingbin said, taking the two of them to a double table by the window, where they could have a panoramic view of the lake.

"Let's order." After Su Shihao took his seat, he called the waiter, and threw the menu in front of Lian Xixi to remind him.

"I ... I'm not hungry. You can order whatever you want." She didn't have the mood to eat, so she didn't care what she ate, so she handed the menu to Su Yinghao again.

"Would you like to recommend the latest couple package in our store to the two?" The waiter was clever and saw Luo Qingyun's right ring finger on the huge diamond ring, and he immediately understood.

"Two A meals, the steaks are three-cooked." Luo Qingyun just wanted to open his mouth and refused, but Su Yinghao already spoke. He had a cold tone, and when he saw Luo Qingyun's restless expression, he suddenly felt a little funny.

For a short while, the waiter brought the lunch to the table and uncovered the delicate silver lid. The aroma of the food quickly permeated the air.

Luo Qingyun had no appetite because the atmosphere was too embarrassing, but at the moment, she could not help but swallowed. After all, even if she is not hungry now, the baby in her stomach is hungry.

Pick up the knife and fork and cut the steak lightly. The meat was raw and scary red.

Luo Qingyun almost spit it out. Although she has eaten western food many times, she has no courage to try anything raw.

"What?" Su Minhao saw that she had a disgusting expression since she cut the first knife, and then never moved again.

"No ... nothing, I ... I have no appetite." She shook her head, and she didn't dare to tell him that she was disgusted by the sight of the thing. A reluctant smile appeared on his face, and his eyes did not dare to look at the steak in front of him.

"Eat without appetite." He cut a small steak and passed it to her mouth, no matter how abruptly his behavior was: "Open your mouth."

She frowned, and she wanted to refuse, but made a mouthful, and he delivered the meat to her mouth as if it was the right time. I remembered that **** stuff had just entered his mouth at the moment. Luo Qingyun had no time to taste the deliciousness of the steak, and just wanted to vomit.

"Swallow." His tone was commanded, his voice was not cold, but he could not resist.

Forcing herself to swallow the flesh in her mouth, she almost grieved with tears.

"Do you want me to feed?" He asked softly with a faint smile.

Lowering his head, Luo Qingyun began to fight the meat on the plate. I was thinking of something very disgusting, and after forcing myself to eat a small piece, I found that it tasted good. Coupled with old wine, she began to realize why so many people like western food.

Except for the beginning of the meal, the two met for the rest of the time, and the rest of the time was silent until Su Haohao bought the order, and the two walked out of the restaurant on the lake.

"Thank you for your lunch, which has delayed you for so long. I think I can go back by myself." Following him to the garage, she finally dared to speak up.

"I'm never used to doing things half-way," he said, and opened the copilot's door for her again.

The implication is that she must be sent home.

"I really don't need it, you can do it for you." Continue to stay with him in a space, she was afraid she would go crazy.

"Luo Qingyun, didn't you say that you want me to forget the past, when nothing happened? Now I'm sending you home as an elder brother, why should you refuse? Or, it's because you can't let it go, so Is he desperately trying to keep a distance from me? "Su Yinghao's eyes hung up at her, word by word, like Hong Zhong, ringing in Luo Qingyun's heart.

Luo Qingyun's complexion was slightly white, and her teeth bit her lower lip, her face stubborn.

Did she not let go?

No, that's not the case!

"Don't think too much. I didn't let it go. I just ..." She wanted to explain why she avoided him as a femme fatale.

But he didn't have the patience to listen, "Then get on the car and prove it to me!"

Luo Qingyun looked up, and his big watery eyes met his deep, unhappy eyes. For a long time, he gritted his teeth and bent down. She got into the car and looked forward without expression.

If the courage to be alone with him is evidence that he has been completely put down, then she is willing to try to adapt to the embarrassment that makes breathing difficult.

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