CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 111: What does he want?

Chapter 111 What Does He Want?

Luo Qingyun looked at him, his big eyes blinked softly, and the wet tears in his eyes were still hanging on his eyelashes.

It seems he is really angry.

"I'm sorry ... I just ..." The voice was choking, and she wanted to apologize for her attitude.

"Oh ..." She's sorry for just a sneer, "Isn't she keeping your husband? Go on!"

"I didn't mean to get angry at you just now. I don't know if he would be sent to icu directly, I ..."

"Luo Qingyun, I'll say it again at last. Before I throw you down, you better get out of the car yourself and disappear from my eyes." His expression was cold, his voice without a trace of emotion, strange enough to make people scared.

Luo Qingyun knew that he had irritated him completely this time, simply breaking the jar and breaking, she didn't believe that he could really throw her out of the car.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she put on a look that relied on him, "Unless you are not angry with me, I will never get out of the car. If you want to throw me down, throw it."

"Don't you think I dare?" He didn't expect her to play tricks with him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light came out.

"I know nothing you dare not do, come on, throw it." She closed her eyes and rested her head on the headrest behind the front passenger seat.

Su Yanhao Jun frowned slightly for a long time, but did not really throw her out of the car. Instead, he started the car and drove forward at a very fast speed.

Luo Qingyun's body was pushed tightly against the back of the chair by the sudden acceleration of inertia. She looked at the cars and buildings passing by the window, she began to regret it. How about it?

"Stop, I'll go down, I'll go down ..." She clutched her seat belt tightly with both hands and regretted it.

"I gave you a chance. You refused. Now, I have the final say." After getting in his car, did she think she was still free?

Luo Qingyun saw the number rising on the dashboard and immediately felt a sadness on the thief ship.

Luo Qingyun, Luo Qingyun, you still don't know him Su Suhao too much. When did he do things according to the wishes of others?

"You drive slowly, it's too dangerous." She couldn't let him stop, she just begged him to slow down.

But she didn't say a word. As soon as she said it, the car drove faster.

The performance of the anti-luxury car completely broke out at this moment. Although the stable body system allowed him to drive at top speed, he did not feel the car erratic.

It was just because the speed was too fast that she couldn't see anything out of the car window and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

However, in just a few minutes, he has dumped dozens of cars traveling in the same direction continuously, and even some good people, after being overtaken by him, increased the throttle and started to catch up behind, of course, they certainly could not catch up.

Outside the car, it suddenly rained at this time, anxious and heavy, hit the windshield in front, and made a "click" sound.

Luo Qingyun saw that the car was not driving in the direction of Furong Garden. She didn't know where he was going, and couldn't help but ask, "Where are you taking me?"

Su Haohao ignored her, and looked intently at the front. The throttle under her feet didn't let go for a moment.

Luo Qingyun sat next to her, feeling that her small heart was hanging high at this moment, hanging in the air.

She couldn't guess his thoughts. The rain outside was getting heavier, and the feeling of uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger.

The car quickly drove out of the city and drove fast on the national road in the suburbs.

The buildings on both sides have disappeared from the high-rise buildings, replaced by rows of low-rise ordinary houses.

The farther you go, the wider the distance between the buildings. To the back of the road, there are lush mountains on both sides.

Because of the sudden heavy rain, the speed of the passing vehicles was slowed down. Only Su Yinghao's car continued to drive at high speed.

"You stop, where do you want to take me? Stop it, stop now ..." Luo Qingyun was getting more and more panicked, two little hands clutching at the seat belt.

"Stop, did you ever hear me? Su Yunhao, are you crazy?" Luo Qingyun finally shouted at him with some disappointment after seeing him ignoring himself.

As soon as her voice had fallen, Su Yinghao slammed his foot and heard only a sound of harsh tires rubbing against the ground. The car was stopped on the side of the road by him.

Because of the inertia of the car, Luo Qingyun's body was pushed hard forward. Fortunately, her seat belt was fastened, which prevented her from hitting her windshield.

But Rao was so scared, she was frightened, and her little face, which had turned red because of fear and fear, was completely white at this time.

Su Yanhao raised his hand, and violently pulled the tie around his neck, unbuttoned the first button on the shirt, turned his head, and black eyes stared deeply at the woman next to him, looking at her unpredictable look, dark The dumb voice said lowly, "Am I crazy?"

Yeah, he was really crazy. If not, why did he work so hard to save Su Qize for her?

If it was n’t crazy, why would she worry that she could n’t keep her body and let her go back to rest after being rescued, but she was treated in that way.

Luo Qingyun bit her lip and didn't speak, she didn't even dare to look up at his eyes. She was afraid that she might accidentally provoke him again.

Her silence and avoidance made him a little annoyed. She reached out her hand and held her face with a big palm, staring at her with a bit of pain in the cold and charming black eyes. Excited, noisy? Why aren't you talking anymore? "

Luo Qingyun felt that his jaw was almost to be crushed by him, holding back tears. She slowly raised her eyes and looked directly at his eyes. "If you are angry only because I have a bad attitude towards you, then I apologize to you. I hope you can calm down and stop doing such a dangerous thing. "

"Apologize? Do you think I need it?" Gently pursed the thin lips, sneered at the corners of his lips, his voice was full of sarcasm.

"Don't apologize, what do you want?"

"What do I want, don't you know?" His eyes stared at her, his eyes complicated.

Suddenly he didn't dare look directly into his eyes. What did he want? She really didn't know.

From beginning to end, she could not see his mind.

Once so sweet together, she thought he would marry her, and then turned his head to old, but he didn't.

Watching him marry another, she thought they could only be regarded as a flesh trade, but he seemed to want to recover something.

Now he asked her like this, she didn't know how she should guess his mind.

"Looks like you really don't know." The long silence finally exhausted his patience, shaking his head, and his tone was disappointed.

"Su Yunhao, can't we get along like ordinary loved ones? Or, you feel awkward and treat me as a stranger." As long as they can get along with each other less uncomfortably, she can choose to play in front of him Any role he wants.

"Stranger?" He repeated the three words she had just said in his mouth. After a moment, he looked up, his cold eyes stared straight at her, without a trace of affection, cold and ruthless, "So stranger, please ask me now Down the car. "

"What?" She looked at him with a blank expression.

It was raining outside and no one was on either side. To her knowledge, a funeral home and a large cemetery were not far away.

He asked her to get off the car at this time, what should she do?

"Don't you want to be a stranger? Let's start from this moment. Get off the bus!" Su Yanhao retracted her gaze on her face, without any joking tone.

Luo Qingyun finally understood why he drove the car this way.

Come to think of it, he made up his mind early and wanted to throw her here as a punishment for her.

"Okay, I get off." She nodded, holding back the tears in her eyes, her nose sour.

Pushing the door of the car, the rain suddenly came in from outside the car, hitting her clothes, cold, like his face at this time.

He was still wearing his suit jacket and had no time to return it to him. The doors closed automatically, and the car's roar sounded the car leaving at a very fast speed.

The rain was heavy, one by one, like beans, hit her face and body, but within half a minute, her body was wet.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. After the weather changes, the temperature drops particularly quickly.

Luo Qingyun stood on the side of the road, trying to stop the car heading for the city, but which driver dared to stop at such a bad night.

The rain flowed down her forehead into her eyes, mixed with hot tears, and went straight down.

The shattered hair on the forehead was also attached to the forehead and cheeks along the rain.

The makeup on her face had been washed away by the rain, and she was standing in the cold rain at this time, like a flower blooming in the wind and rain, which may wither at any time.


Su Yunhao drove in the direction of the city, his mood was terrible at this moment.

The gloomy face was as cold and terrible as King Yan Luo.

"Bell Bell" The cell phone inside the storage box suddenly rang.

The electronic screen shows Huo Xiwen's call.

Despite the irritability, he connected the phone.

"What's the matter?" His voice was low and cold.

"Brother, where have you been? I looked for you at the venue and found no one for a long time. Now the reception is over, and I am going home."

"I'm outside, you go back by yourself."

"Outside? Who are you with? Is it Qingyun?"

"Don't ask so much, you go back to rest early and don't wait for me."

"Uh-huh. Understand, I promise not to wait for you, you can come back later, oh no, it's better not to come back. Then I'll hang up first, yes, you have to be gentle with Qingyun, she is pregnant now Frightened people. "Huo Xiwen urged carefully and hung up the phone happily.

However, her words reminded Su Yinghao.

Yeah, she's a pregnant woman. Why did he forget it? !!

Damn, what did he just do?

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