CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 112: Complete break

Chapter 112 Complete Break

Luo Qingyun stood in the rain for a long time, and the pouring rain hit her, leaving her nowhere to dry.

There are no street lights on the dark national road, and passing vehicles splash water on her from time to time.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, and she felt cold, tired, and afraid.

When she couldn't stop the car, she could only walk in the direction of the city.

At this time, the long elegant skirt on the body became a burden.

After the long skirt was wet by the rain, it became extremely heavy. It dragged on the ground. Although the heels on the feet fit well, they were new shoes. They have been worn for a long time, and they have become soaked with water Grinding her feet, a blister was blown out of her heels not long after, and her pain was as if she had been stuck with a needle every step.

"Didi ..." Suddenly, there were two huge car horns behind him. Looking back, he saw a car driving behind her and almost hit her.

As she passed by, the driver lowered the window with an anger and yelled at her: "Grandma, are you looking for death?"

Luo Qingyun scared back to the edge of the road and walked slowly along the dark road.

Tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes, and her body was so cold that her shoes were too abrasive and she didn't dare to wear them anymore, so she had to take off and walk forward barefoot.

But then, the cold rain water passed the cold through her feet, and for a moment, she just felt colder.

Su Haohao's coat was still covering her at this time, but she couldn't bring any warmth to her. On the contrary, it only put a heavy burden on her.

I'm really tired, it hurts, I'm desperate.

Luo Qingyun never knew that Su Yinghao would be so cruel to her.

In such a rainy night, she was left alone on the road where there were no visible figures.

Does he want her to be killed by a car?

She couldn't understand his behavior as momentary, maybe it was something he wanted to do long ago and never had the chance to do it.

That's okay. If she was killed by a car in the next second, she would be completely relieved.

Anyway, since she was born, her father didn't hurt, and her mother didn't love her. She hadn't had a few days in the good life. The most in her memory was suffering from various white eyes from friends and relatives because she was abandoned by her parents.

People like her might not have lived in this world.

As she thought, a tearful smile suddenly appeared on her tearful face.

Forget it, he wants her to die, even if she escaped this tonight, next time I'm afraid there will be more fierce moves waiting for her.

Maybe, she really shouldn't provoke Su Yinghao. She knew nothing about him, and didn't know him at all, so she would pay wrongly.

If she died here today because of him, it might be God's punishment for not looking at her.

She didn't feel wronged, after all, falling in love with Su Yinghao was her own choice and could not blame anyone.

Just, the child in her belly was bitter.

Before we can have a look at the world, we will go to Huangquan with her useless mother.

The trembling little hand held her slightly swollen belly, and her heart was bleeding.

"Baby, I'm sorry, mom is useless. Mom can't protect you ..."

She cried aloud, her head began to faint, and her vision gradually blurred.

Taking a few more steps, the whole person's legs softened, and they fell to the ground and lost consciousness.


When Su Yihao drove back in search of Luo Qingyun, he saw the slim figure falling down in the rain, only to feel his heart shrink.

When he got out of the car, he rushed into the heavy rain, picked her up from the ground, and called her name.

"Qingyun, Luo Qingyun !!"

She didn't respond, her pale face and her lips were blue.

His hands touched her soft body, and the coldness made him panic.

After carefully examining her for any trauma, after confirming that she had hit her forehead only when she fell, and that there were no other scars on her body apart from the skin, he carried her into the car and placed it in the front passenger seat.

The rain water drenched the leather seat down to the foot pads along her clothes, Luo Qingyun's head rested on the headrest, and Su Weihao's wet jacket had been pulled off.

I took a lot of paper towels out of the locker and wiped the rain on her hair, face, neck, and shoulders, and then turned on the air-conditioning and heating to increase her temperature.

The car drove straight to a nearby small hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, because she was a pregnant woman, the young night doctor was inexperienced, and she didn't dare to give her medications. Therefore, she always felt a suspicious temperament when she was diagnosed.

Luo Qingyun lay on the hospital bed for a long time, and suddenly had a high fever.

The doctor on duty was frightened and asked the nurse to take an ice pack and give her physical cooling.

Su Haohao didn't trust the hospital or doctor, so he called another doctor he knew.

Not long after, an ambulance from a high-level private hospital in the city appeared in front of the small hospital, still in a coma, and Luo Qingyun, who had a high fever, was transferred.


Huo Xiwen returned home, as soon as his front foot entered the door, Su Yinghao called on the back foot.

"Brother, what's the matter?" She answered while answering the phone while changing her shoes.

"You should come to Liren Hospital right now."

"Hospital? What's wrong? Brother, are you injured?"

"It's not me, it's Luo ... Anyway, come over right away."

Su Yinghao finished, and hung up the phone directly.

Huo Xiwen knew that if nothing serious happened, Su Yinghao would never call himself.

She didn't dare to delay and immediately put on her shoes again and drove towards Liren Hospital.

A fifteen-minute drive, when she came to the VIP ward door of the hospital, she saw Su Yihao sitting on the leather sofa outside with expressionless expression.

The white shirt on his body was wet by the rain and affixed to his body, looking slightly embarrassed.

Huo Xiwen walked quickly to him, "Brother, what's wrong? What happened?"

Su Yanhao looked up at her and pointed at the ward behind him. "Luo Qingyun is in it, she has a rain and fever, and you stay here tonight with her."

"Ah?" Huo Xiwen heard the words, his expression stunned, "I stay here? What about you?"

"She won't want to see me." His voice seemed weak, and he dropped the sentence and got up to leave.

She should hate him now, if she was conscious.

Throwing her alone in such a dangerous place, how **** is he to do such a thing?

Tonight she must have been frightened. When she had a fever, she was still talking nonsense, her body was shaking in his arms, obviously she was having nightmares.

There must be him in the dream, and still play the role of bullying her.

Su Yinghao, Su Yinghao, your purpose has finally been achieved.

Revenge her, she will be far from you completely from then on.


Huo Xiwen looked at the back of Su Shihao's departure, and he couldn't bear it.

Taking out her mobile phone, she quickly dialed a number and said to the other side of the phone, "Cai Ling, what did I tell you, how did you proceed? I don't care, I must see him the day after tomorrow!"

Hanging up the phone, a nurse came out of the ward and saw Huo Xiwen, looking at her curiously, "Miss, what are you doing here?"

"Ah? Oh, I'm the family member of Miss Luo inside, and came to accompany the bed." Huo Xiwen explained.

"This way, then you can go in. With a slight movement, she fell asleep," the nurse instructed.

"Well, I want to ask, is she all right?"

"She just put the fever down. She is pregnant. Many medicines cannot be used. However, now that the situation is good, don't worry too much. Go in."

"Okay, thank you." Huo Xiwen thanked and pushed the door into the room.

The environment and decoration of the private hospital are very good. In addition, Luo Qingyun lives in the most luxurious VIP suite. There is a ward, a family room, and a living room, kitchenette, toilet, and bathroom.

Similar to a five-star hotel.

After Huo Xiwen went in, he first went to the ward and took a look at Luo Qingyun. When he saw that she was asleep, she didn't dare to bother, and turned to the accompanying room to rest.

The next day.

When Luo Qingyun woke up, he found himself in a completely strange environment.

There was a hint of disinfection water in the air, mixed with the fragrance of flowers.

Where is she?

Vaguely remembered that she collapsed on the road last night.

Being confused, Huo Xiwen pushed in the door from the outside and looked at her with a smile on his face. "Qing Yun, are you awake? How are you feeling? Is it full of energy in the new day?"

When Luo Qingyun saw Huo Xiwen, he was very puzzled. "Miss Huo, why are you here?"

"Oh, Miss Huo, call me Xiwen. Didn't I tell you earlier." Huo Xiwen opened a thermos barrel in his hand, and a fragrant smell came out.

Pour the freshly baked fresh porridge into the bowl, blow it by the mouth, and bring it to her hand. "You got the rain last night, and then you got a fever. It was your elder brother who sent you to the doctor ... "

Luo Qingyun just took the porridge bowl. When he heard Huo Xiwen's words, the hand holding the bowl was unconsciously loose. Fortunately, Huo Xiwen's eyes were so fast that he saw it and immediately reached out to catch the bowl. On the bed.

"Qing Yun, what's wrong with you? You can scare me. Fortunately, I'm agile, otherwise I will find someone to cook this bowl of porridge for you." Huo Xiwen said, setting the bowl aside On the bedside table, "Forget it, it's hot anyway, let's cool down before drinking."

Luo Qingyun didn't listen to her at all. She was full of the words she had before, and it was Su Yehao who brought her to the hospital.

How could it be Su Yanhao?

Isn't he heartlessly throwing her on the national road and letting her walk back to the city in the rain?

Huo Xiwen saw Luo Qingyun's expression look a little dazed, so he carefully asked, "Qing Yun, you and my elder brother, what happened to you last night?"

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