CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 124: Anger him

Chapter 124

"His health is bad, didn't the doctor say? If he can't find a suitable heart source, he will probably not live next year."

"and then?"

"Then?" Luo Qingyun looked at his cold expression, and suddenly realized that Su Yinghao could not change his mind because of himself.

Also, if Su Yinghao is so easily controlled by others, is he still Su Yinghao?

Giving up the decision to persuade him to let go of Su Qize, her eyes dropped, and her tone was a little lost, "Forget it, just treat me as if I have never been."

Turning around, she picked up the bag on the sofa and was ready to leave.

But before she had time to take a step out of her feet, her hand was grasped by his big palm.

Luo Qingyun turned his head, looked at him for unknown reasons, and did not understand what he meant.

"I'll send you," he said.

"No, I can go by myself." She didn't want to refuse directly.

"Then you are here to wait for Su Qize to pick you up." He said, with a slight force in his arms, he took her directly to the sofa and sat down, without waiting for her consent, he took out his cell phone and called Su Qize's phone, It's me, Luo Qingyun is with me, you come and pick her up. "

Hanging up the phone, Luo Qingyun was a little angry, "Why do you do this? Why call him?"

Su Yinghao didn't say anything, just looked down at the time on the watch, "How long will you say he will come over?"

"What do you mean by this?" Luo Qingyun frowned. Did he know that Su Qize was nearby?

Su Yanhao didn't speak, her long fingers pinched her chin, "Look at you so much about him, I want to see if he cares about you so much."

"You ..." Luo Qingyun glanced at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and finally spit out two words, "boring!"

The two were wide-eyed and small-eyed, and the office door was suddenly opened from the outside.

"President, Fu Muzhen's side ..." Qiu Yue came in from outside, preparing to report the situation, but suddenly saw the two people on the sofa sitting in that extremely ambiguous and ambiguous attitude, he was so frightened that Exit.

"Come in." Su Yinghao ordered him to come in.

The hand holding Luo Qingyun's chin was also retracted, adjusted his sitting position, and raised his eyes to look at Qiu Yan who was coming towards this side.

Qiu Yan walked to the sofa, and first glanced at Luo Qingyun, who was sitting aside, and found that her face was flushed and her expression was awkward.

"Say, what is it?" Su Yinghao asked.

Qiu Yan quickly regained his sight and adjusted his emotions. "Well, did you not ask me to send someone to take the bracelet that was auctioned off at the auction to Fu Muzhen? He seems to like it, Have dinner with you tomorrow night. "

"Oh? Really?" Su Yanhao heard the words, raised an eyebrow, and the light of his eyes lightly spit to Luo Qingyun beside him.

Luo Qingyun heard the news, his face suddenly changed.

She started to feel a little confused, didn't Fu Muzhen meet Su Qize at noon?

Why did you turn around and ask Su Yinghao again?

Has he decided to cooperate with Su Qize, and is he working on Su Yihao's idea?

Or does he actually fool around and fool on both sides?

She was thinking hard, and the deskphone on the desk suddenly rang.

Qiu Yan got up and answered the phone. "Hey, yes, he's here? Then ask him to come up."

Hanging up the phone, Qiu Yuchao reported to Su Shihaohui, "The president is the second son."

"I know, you can go out." Su Yinghao whispered, looking again at Luo Qingyun with complex expression.

Qiu Yi exited the office with great interest.

Luo Qingyun knew that Su Qize was going upstairs soon. She immediately got up and was going to wait for him at the door.

But as soon as she moved, she heard Su Yinghao's voice coldly, "Can't wait?"

Luo Qingyun was stiffened by what he said. Where can she wait? She just wanted to leave here quickly, sitting side by side with the two of him like this, and every point was a torment for her.

"You asked him to pick me up. He's here already, can't I go?" Taking a secret breath, she suppressed the depression in her heart, looked at him, and asked.

"No," he said, reaching out and pulling her directly into his arms, holding her face with a big palm, and the thin lips fell firmly on her lips.

Luo Qingyun was shocked by his sudden movement, and his brain became blank for a moment.

What is he doing?

Why is it so suddenly?

Is he crazy?

Her eyes widened, and her body became stiff as if he had clicked on his hole.

The warm thin lips rolled on her plump lips, and the dexterous tongue gently pried open her shell teeth. When she touched the tip of her tongue, she seemed to be electrocuted and every cell was activated. Then, a tingling sensation spread all over the body in an instant.

His kiss was a gentle temptation at first, but behind him, with a devastating aggression, entangled with her lips and teeth.

Luo Qingyun felt a little breathless for a moment. She climbed his hands on his shoulders and tried to push him away, but she couldn't do anything. She could only close her eyes and let him snatch.

At first Su Yunhao just wanted to punish her, but then when he tasted the familiar sweet taste, he became addicted and couldn't bear to let go.

There was a knock outside the door.

Luo Qingyun knew that Su Qize was here, and he was frightened and struggled.

But the more she panicked, the more Su Yinghao didn't want to let go of her.

A pair of big hands held her tightly in her arms, her lips clinging to her lips.

"Hmm ..." Luo Qingyun wanted to shout, but her lips were blocked, she couldn't make a loud sound at all, and she was so sweaty for a while.

There was a knock on the door three times, probably because no one answered him. Su Qize did it by himself and pushed the office door open.

What caught the eye was the two entangled on the sofa.

The moment Luo Qingyun saw Su Qize's figure walk in from the door, he slammed his mouth and bit Su Suhao's lips.

The moment Su Suhao saw the door, she let go and let go of her.

Luo Qingyun bit him. His expression was painful, but a smile appeared on his face.

Su Qize's face was iron-blue. He took a few steps forward, rushed directly to the sofa, reached out, and pulled Luo Qingyun out of his arms, staring at Su Shihao coldly. A moment, what have you done to my wife just now. "

"You won't want to know." Su Minhao licked her lower lip, and a sneer was on her face.

Su Qize took a deep breath, and seemed to be restraining his temper. For a long time, he was very angry and smiled, "OK, you can play!"

Throwing down these words, he turned around and left without looking back.

Knowing that he was angry, Luo Qingyun was busy raising his heels. Before leaving the office, he did not forget to glance at Su Yinghao, only to find that his face was no longer proud, but cold.

Suddenly she didn't understand why Su Yinghao had to kiss herself when she knew that Su Qize was going upstairs immediately.

Is he trying to make Su Qize see this scene on purpose, to anger him?

After the two left, Qiu Xun came to Su Xunhao's office and saw that he was leaning on his back with a cold expression, eyes closed slightly, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"President, they're gone." Qiu Yue came to him and said softly.

"Um." Su Yinghao said lightly.

Qiu Yan asked with a puzzled look at this time, "President, why do you want the second son to know that Qingyun is with you? You asked him to come upstairs to pick her up."

What good is it for them?

"Do you know why Qingyun came to me today?" Su Yunhao asked, his voice was very low.

Qiu Yan shook his head, "I don't know."

"Su Qize has already been on the line with Fu Muzhen. She knows that Su Qize is probably not good for me, and he is afraid that I will deal with Su Qize, so he came up to intercede."

"What? Why is she so confused? Now that you know Su Qize is not good for you, why not persuade Su Qize and let you let him go instead?" Qiu Yi didn't understand Luo Qingyun's brain circuit.

Under normal circumstances, if you don't want to see their brothers being disabled, shouldn't you go to all Su Qize and don't mess around?

"Do you think Su Qize will be my opponent?" Su Yanhao heard the words and raised his eyebrows at Qiu Yan.

Qiu Yan could not answer when he heard such a rhetorical question.

If it ’s just about personal strength, in fact, the two brothers are indifferent. Su Qize ’s IQ is definitely not under Su Shihao, but his body is not good. In addition, Su Qihao has the entire Imperial Court behind him, so Su Qize is basically Just fight him not to win.

However, if Su Qizela has reached Fu Muzhen, a powerful ally, it is not impossible to win against Su Qihao.

So Su Yinghao asked him if Su Qize was his opponent, and he really said badly.

"Do you think he has Fu Muyi's help, maybe he has half the winning percentage?" Su Yihao said.

"Fu Muzhen's background is too complicated, with the support of international consortia ..."

"But Qingyun doesn't think so. She feels that Su Qize is not my opponent at all. She should be unable to persuade Su Qize, so she can only come to me."

Su Yehao didn't know if he should be happy or sad.

In Luo Qingyun's heart, he turned out to be so powerful.

"That's it ..." Qiu Yao finally understood, he frowned, and continued, "But you're not in a good situation now, why don't you tell Qingyun clearly?"

"Why make it clear? If she is worried about me, I tell her the situation on my side, it will only make her more worried. If she only cares about Su Qize, I tell her the truth, what's the point?"

"That's true, however, President, I always think that Qingyun cares about you. How much she loved you in the past, you don't know, I can see clearly as a bystander. Her birth is not good, if not true Loves you very much, how dare she imagine you to marry her. She was as persistent as your wife before. If it was only for money, she could promise to stay by your side and be your love. The expression analyzed carefully.

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