CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 125: Think for him

Chapter 125

"But she finally married Su Qize." This is something Su Yinghao can never let go.

No matter how much Luo Qingyun loves him, but she chooses to marry Su Qize, then there is doubt about Luo Qingyun's love for him and the children in his stomach.

Qiu Yan also couldn't explain Luo Qingyun ’s reason for marrying Su Qize. He knew that unless there was a very good reason to explain Luo Qingyun ’s marrying Su Qize, the relationship between Su Qihao and Luo Qingyun was forever Can't solve it.

"Then you just asked the second son to pick her up, did you intentionally stimulate him?" Qiu Yan asked again.

Su Yinghao shook his head. "I just want to let Luo Qingyun know why I can't let Su Qize go."

Luo Qingyun did not seek protection for Su Qize on his side. In order to avoid the conflict between them, she would definitely turn to Su Qize to abandon the joint act with Fu Muzhen. He deliberately did this play for Su Qize, but Fan Su Qize A bit of sincerity in Luo Qingyun, he certainly can't stand such a stimulus, so no matter how Luo Qingyun asks him to stop, he can't do it.

Only then can he have very good reasons to kill Su Qize.

Even if Luo Qingyun was to blame in the end, he could only blame Su Qize for his own death, not his ruthlessness.

After all, Su Qize first shot!

Although the battle will be tough, he is not afraid.

There is Fu Muzhen behind Su Qize, but why is he fighting alone?

He still has Huo!


Luo Qingyun and Su Qize came out of the elevator and went directly to the parking lot.

Along the way, Su Qize's face was ugly and silent, without saying a word.

When Luo Qingyun saw him, he dared to speak.

Until the two got into the car, Luo Qingyun saw that he was still calm, and then slowly explained, "Qi Ze, things are not what you see, between me and Su Yinghao ..."

"You don't need to explain to me what you and him do. It's all your freedom to do what you want." His voice was cold and he started the car and drove out of the garage.

Luo Qingyun was so stupefied by his words that he didn't know what to say, and then there was a longer silence.

The atmosphere inside the car became very depressing. From time to time, she turned her head to glance at Su Qize's expression, and found that he kept pursing his lips, his face was as cold as his speaking tone.

"Are you angry?" She didn't know how much later, she finally couldn't stand the depressive atmosphere, and asked.

Su Qize didn't speak, but his face was somber.

Luo Qingyun knew that he was really angry.

But she didn't quite understand why he was angry.

"You know the relationship between Su Yehao and I. I came to him today because ..."

She was trying to explain to him why Bai appeared in Su Yinghao's office today. As a result, she opened her mouth. Su Qize slammed the steering wheel, pressed the brakes hard, and the car stopped at the roadside.

Because it was a sudden kick, Luo Qingyun's body leaned forward, almost hitting the front windshield.

Frightened, she turned to look at Su Qize aside, and saw that he also turned his head and looked at her at this time, "I know what your relationship with Su Haohao was before. You don't need to remind me. What do you think in your heart? I will never interfere in what to do, because I promised you that although you married me, you are free. But when I think about it for you, can you even stand a little bit My position is to think about it? "

Luo Qingyun stared at him for the first time. He showed such an angry look in front of her.

This suddenly made her feel that the warm, big boy in her mind became very strange in front of her, and even different from the gentle and jade man in her previous impression.

Su Qize was not in the mood to pay attention to how she thought of herself, and his words did not speak.

After a pause of half a tone, he continued: "As your nominal husband, you suddenly walked so close to Su Haohao. If this thing was known to others, what kind of conjecture would they make? Today in Su In the Hao's office, if the person who came in through the door was not me or someone else, how should you be with yourself? What kind of vision would others use to see me? I can ignore whatever you do, but I I hope you think about my situation a little while doing something. I am a normal man, and I want to look good? "

With what he said, Luo Qingyun instantly realized that he really did make a big mistake.

Perhaps he was right, he never considered the issue from his standpoint from beginning to end.

Every time she thinks, she starts from her own perspective, even from the perspective of Su Yinghao.

However, Su Qize is also a man. Now that he is enjoying the convenience that he as a husband brings to her, shouldn't he also take seriously the behavior of a wife?

It seems she did go overboard today.

"I'm sorry, Qi Ze, I ... didn't think that much." Apologizing in a low voice, her tone was full of self-blame.

"You don't need to apologize, you don't have me in your heart, I can understand." Su Qize's voice was deep, with a deep loss.

"No ... No, I'm not without you, I'm just ..." She just got used to thinking about Su Yinghao first.

"Well, needless to say, I don't blame you. It was my choice to let you be my wife, and I also understand that you still have feelings for Su Yinghao, but now that you have decided to let him go , I hope you can really look forward, don't be entangled in the past, okay? Can you promise me? "Su Qize looked at her sincerely, hoping she could nod.

Luo Qingyun looked at his handsome, somewhat forbearing face, and for a long time nodded gently.

Just, put down Su Yinghao? Can she do it?

she does not know.

At least temporarily, she felt she couldn't do it!


Pearl Group.

In the president's office, Fu Muzhen came in from the outside with his front feet, and the assistant on his hind legs rushed over.

"President, Miss Huo has called and asked you to meet in the same place tonight."

"Old place?" Fu Muzhen Jun's eyebrows narrowed slightly, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Well, it should be the KTV you met last time. It seems that Miss Huo has prepared the money and is going to pay you back tonight."

"Is that so?" Fu Muzhen heard, his mouth rising upward, and asked, "Where is Ye Ziquan?"

"I've been staring at that guy. It's very honest these days. I haven't been out at home. However, I'm bored. You said that Miss Huo is Su Shihao's wife. Stir up with Ye Ziquan's little white face? Although Xiao Bai's face looks good, but compared to Su Shihao, that's a long way off. "The assistant's face was puzzled.

"How do you know Ye Ziquan is her little white face?" Fu Muzhen raised an eyebrow, anyway, he was unbelieving.

"Isn't that Ye Ziquan? Isn't Miss Huo her girlfriend? Was that kid blind? If so, why did Miss Huo pay him back?"

"Want to know the answer?" Fu Muzhen looked up at the confused assistant. "If you don't know, just ask."

"Ask? Who?" The assistant froze for a moment, then reacted, "Okay, I'll find someone to ask the boy for a clear answer."

Fu Muzhen smiled slightly and waved him out.

Go to the executive chair in front of the desk and sit down, pull open the drawer, and inside lies a delicate brocade box.

Open the brocade box, you can see a bright and transparent jade bracelet lying quietly inside.

That was the meeting ceremony that Su Yinghao sent to someone in the afternoon.

Holding the bracelet in his hand and playing for a while, he seemed to remember something, wrapped it carefully with a handkerchief, and put it back in the brocade box.


eight pm.

Lehuang KTV.

This is where they first met.

Huo Xiwen finally came here again.

It is still a 626 box, but this time instead of pushing the door herself, someone opened the door for her.

In the box, at the moment, there was only Fu Muzhen alone, his legs were tilted elegantly, and all over him exuded the indifference and noble temperament that dare not approach.

The dark orange light shone silently on him, gently projecting his elegant figure on the golden wall.

With a well-defined face, he could not see what his expression was at this time, but on the crystal coffee table in front of him, there was a cold pistol.

Such a battle was enough to scare Huo Xiwen's arrhythmia.

After she entered the box, the door was closed by people outside, as if a door of life and death separated her from the outside world.

The cold pistol on the coffee table made Huo Xiwen's heart faint. Far away, she just stood behind the door and did not dare to move forward.

"Come here!" The cold command sounded, and the dark eyes shot straight at her like a sharp sword edge, cold and extremely deterrent.

Huo Xiwen heard this cold instruction, and he trembled involuntarily, forcing himself to calm down, holding the bag with his hand, holding it firmly, moving the steps under his feet, and walking to him.

Open the bag and take out a check from it. She passed the check to him pretending to be calm: "Here is ten million. Repay your money, and you collect it."

Fu Muzhen reached out to receive the check, glanced at the amount above, put the money on the coffee table in front of him, pressed it with a wine glass, raised his eyes, and his voice was lazy, "10 million? How is that enough?"

not enough?

Huo Xiwen froze, didn't he say 10 million last time?

How could it not be enough?

Seeing her expression of doubt, Fu Muzhen said softly, "Don't you know? He took ten million more from me today."

"What?" When Huo Xiwen heard this, his face became green with anger.

Ye Ziquan is a daredevil, how dare he!

But then, what happened to her?

"Since he took your money, you can ask him to ask for it, and I won't help him pay it back again." Huo Xiwen finished, and turned to leave.

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