CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 126: girlfriend?

Chapter 126 Girlfriend?

"Don't pay it back?" But she moved a small step, but Fu Muzhen straightened up and stretched his long hand to the coffee table, grabbed the pistol lying quietly on it.

Huo Xiwen's Yu Guang saw this move, and he shrank back in fear, forcing his inner fear, turned his head, and looked at the man on the sofa.

"You make sense, obviously he owes you money, you go to him, why do you want to find me?" She was also unlucky, and actually found Ye Ziquan such an unreliable person to come out to herself. "Boyfriend."

"He said you were his girlfriend. I can't find anyone now, shouldn't I find you?" Fu Muzhen took a handkerchief and gently wiped the black hole of the muzzle, a handsome face sunk in the shadows In the middle, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Huo Xiwen was aggrieved, "I'm not his girlfriend, he lied to you."

"Oh? Isn't it? Who are you then?" Fu Muzhen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No one, I just knew him just now." She now regretted it so much that she shouldn't know such a pit.

"Nobody? Just give me ten million for him as soon as you meet him. Does Miss Huo think she's telling lies very well, or does it seem like I'm deceiving?" Fu Muzhen said in a tone. It has become deep and cold from the former laziness.

"No, I didn't lie to you. I really knew him. I am ... I am ..." How could she explain that he believed that he had nothing to do with Ye Ziquan?

Huo Xiwen was so anxious that he sweated on his forehead.

She knew that Fu Muzhen was not a provocative character. This person was born in a foreign country as a "rogue", and it was not impossible to kill or overdo it.

But don't anger him.

"If I remember correctly, Miss Huo should be Mr. Su's wife. Do you know how to raise a small white face outside?" Fu Muzhen didn't listen to her explanation. He stared at her as if he could Her three souls and seven souls looked clearly.

"He doesn't know. Don't tell him about it." Huo Xiwen knew that he had reached this point, and he had completely played with it.

Ye Ziquan apparently ran away with money and threw this mess at her.

If Su Chen knew again that she had used such a botched scheme to trick him into divorce, and she also played with herself, she would not only be very angry, but she would not be doing any tricks before him in the future. I believe it.

"It turned out that Ye Ziquan was the little white face you raised." Obviously, the focus of Fu Muzhen's grasp was completely different from what she thought. When Huo Xiwen said, it was tantamount to realizing her relationship with Ye Ziquan.

"No ... No, you misunderstood ..." Huo Xiwen was really crying, why didn't she know that this was a text trap set by Fu Muzhen?

"It seems that you can't take out the remaining ten million today." Fu Muzhen had determined that there would no longer be a second ten million in her bag. Suddenly, his long arm stretched out and grabbed Taking hold of her thin wrists and pulling slightly on the sofa, she suddenly became unstable, and fell on the sofa with her body hitting him heavily.

"噗通 ... 噗通 ..." A strong heartbeat sounded into her ears before she realized that her face was resting against his chest.

"What do you do? You let me go." Her body was involuntarily hot, and she tried to struggle subconsciously, but her body was locked in his hands.

Jun Yan suddenly fell down, her deep eyes exuding a cold light, her thin lips slightly open, and her low magnetic voice drifted into her ears: "It's really bold ..."

Huo Xiwen was stunned and couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence. He couldn't look away from his pressing stare and had to fall on his throat.

"You ... what are you talking about? I ... I don't understand ... you let go of me ..." She pressed her inner uneasiness, her big watery eyes fluttered, and she looked very touching.

"Since you have no money to pay, use your body to pay the debt." He looked so dark as Shura in the night, and his long fingers slid across her little face with cold temperature. Ten million times, how many times can a body like yours be paid off? "

"Stop it, don't touch me, don't you just ask for money? Okay, I'll give it to you." Just 10 million, she is not unable to take it out, but can't be tainted by this bad guy because of this matter .

"But I remember we promised to pay back today." He didn't plan to let go of her at all. Instead of not letting her go, he held her hand tighter.

Huo Xiwen has never been treated like this by a man. She was anxious and afraid in her heart. Fu Muzhen had a gun in her hand. She was even more afraid to struggle too hard, for fear of angering him.

For a while, I was so anxious to cry, the crystal tears slipped silently from the face, crystal-like, flawless, hung on the cheek, and then dropped, dripping on the back of Fu Muzhen's thick hands, the touch is warm .

It wasn't the first time that Fu Muzhen saw a woman shed tears in front of him, not to mention that this woman in front of him should not have mercy on her.

But I don't know why, the moment he saw her tears fall, his heart was touched inexplicably.

The little woman in front of him was completely different from the savage lady in his impression.

She now looks so pathetic.

The red nose and the big disappointed eyes seemed to have to soften even a hard-hearted person.

"Crying enough?" He pulled his head away slightly, driving away the inexplicable compassion that had been given to her in his heart, and the magnetic voice sounded again, sounding extraordinarily indifferent at this moment.

His voice brought Huo Xiwen back from that huge blow, and he sucked his nose. She raised her hand and gently wiped the tears on her cheek. The voice choked slightly: "You ... what do you want? "

"What do you say?" Fu Muzhen's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Mei Feng raised his head slightly.

Huo Xiwen was scared by the dangerous breath in his eyes, his neck shrinking involuntarily.

It is a pity that at this moment she was surrounded by him in her arms, and she could not escape.

"I don't have any money in my bag now ..." Huo Xiwen said weakly, she didn't even carry the checkbook with her. If he had to ask her to take out ten million at this moment, she wouldn't be able to get it even if she killed her. .

"So ..." He looked at her, his eyes darkened, and slightly spit out two words in his slightly opened lips: "meat, compensation!"

The words "meat ... meat, compensation ..." startled her, and her lips trembled. "No ... no ..."

However, her refusal did not seem to affect him in the slightest. Withdrawing the arm that circled her body, he leaned back on the sofa in a leisurely posture, elegant and comfortable.

The silver-gray metal-framed phone lined his temperament even more deserted, and his slender fingers slid off the unlock key gracefully, then dialed a shortcut dial key, and the phone was quickly connected.

"Come in!" He said lightly at the end of the phone.

Before long, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside. A middle-aged man with glasses and a camera on his back followed the assistant Zhao Wei and walked in.

"President, this is Mr. Yi, the editor-in-chief of Global Weekly," Zhao Weichao said.

Yi Ping immediately took a step forward, reached in front of Fu Muzhen, and reached out his hand diligently, and said hello to him: "Mr. Fu, hello, long for your name, I have long wanted to give you an exclusive interview."

Fu Muzhen waved his hands coldly and arrogantly, signaled Yi Ping to sit down.

Followed by the sideline: "In the next issue of the weekly, I hope my girlfriend and I can make the cover."

Speaking of which, he stretched out his arms and deliberately took Huo Xiwen into his arms.

When Huo Xiwen heard this, his expression shook, his mouth widened, and he could almost swallow a raw egg.

Yi Ping knew Huo Xiwen, so when he heard this, his expression was even more surprised.

Huo Xiwen, the daughter of the Huo Group, the future successor, and the wife of Su Tinghao, the president of the Royal Court Group, is married to the wife of Ming Media. How did she become a girlfriend of Fu Muzhen?

The amount of information is too large.

If this interview can be put on the cover, it is estimated that not only their magazines can be sold out, but I am afraid that the entire business community will be greatly affected by this.

He absolutely did not believe that such good fortune would suddenly come to himself. Before he came here, he did his homework and knew what Fu Muzhen was born. He also knew how ruthless his means was, not to mention this. The matter also involves the indifferent Yan Wang Su Yanhao in the business world. None of the three people involved can be offended by him.

He felt faintly that he might be used as a gun and turned into cannon fodder.

There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and he didn't dare to breathe, only looking at the pair of "Lang Cai Nuo Nu" in front of him, he didn't dare to say a word.

"Why isn't Editor Yi talking? Do you think I can't get someone to cover your magazine?" Fu Muzhen saw Yi Ping look at him nervously, and he didn't dare to agree for a long time, his frown frowned.

"No problem, no problem, thank you Mr. Fu for being so despise and willing to give us such important news for our weekly publication. You can rest assured that you will take a photo later. I will definitely help you and Miss Huo take a beautiful look "Yi Zhao agreed with a flattering look, but the cold sweat on his back kept on going out.

Then he took the camera out of the bag.

"Wait ... wait a minute ..." Huo Xiwen saw this, and finally reacted at this time, busy raising his hand to stop them and saying, "I ..."

"Why? Is it true that being my real girlfriend is more wronged than making you a fake wife Su Suhao?" Fu Muzhen raised his eyebrows, his eyes narrowed slightly, threatening her with words.

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