CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 127: brazen

Chapter 127 Shameless

"How do you know ..." Huo Xiwen looked at him in amazement. What kind of monster is this guy?

Actually knew that she and Su Yinghao were just pretending to be husband and wife.

"You don't need to know that I really know, you just need to know, if I disclose this news, do you know what the consequences will be?" Fu Muzhen threatened her with a smile.

Huo Xiwen certainly knows how explosive the news will be once it is revealed to the outside world.

Fu Muzhen looked at her small, stubborn look with satisfaction, stretched out her hand, took it over her shoulder, and whispered in her ear and ordered her: "Good, look at the camera, smile ..."

In this way, under the intimidation of Fu Muxun, Huo Xiwen was forced to take a photo with him that looked so divorced.

And she also deeply understood that she had become the devil of Fu Muzhen, and her good life was over.

After Yi Ping took the photo, he asked them a few questions briefly, which were basically answered by Zhao Wei.

The story is quite wonderful, it is the plot of the dog blood romance at eight o'clock, and Huo Xiwen heard it in a rush.

Why didn't she know that she and Fu Muzhen had known each other more than a decade ago?

And the two still fell in love at first sight, but because they were too young, they just had a crush on each other.

That's enough ...

With the end of the interview, Yi got up and left.

After Huo Xiwen waited for Yi Ping to leave, he finally could not help but question Fu Muzhen: "Mr. Fu, please tell me why you are doing this. You know that I am a husband's wife, and threatened me to take such a picture. What ’s delicious for you? "

"Is it good?" Fu Muzhen gracefully crossed Erlang's legs, with a sarcastic smile on his face. "Miss Huo is too unconfident. Couldn't it be that I paid someone to really like Miss Huo, so I did the wrong thing." ? "

"You ... what do you mean? Well, don't you just want to force me to pay back the money? I promise you, Ye Ziquan owes you money, I will definitely pay it back to you, didn't he take you ten million more? I will return you 20 million more, please don't play me any more, okay? "Huo Xiwen said extremely solemnly.

"Repay the money? Do you think the money between us can be solved now?" Fu Muzhen ticked the corner of his mouth, suddenly leaning forward, Jun Yan approached her face, the warm breath fluttered to her Face: "The ten million you do n’t have to pay back, it is used to buy your body. From this moment, in the next year, all your evening time belongs to me. Remember, it is all, On call! After all, I don't think you want to be seen in and out of my house during the day, right? "

"You ..." Huo Xiwen felt insulted by him, his lips trembling involuntarily, and round eyes stared at him for half a second before cursing, "Rogue."

"It's a great prize." Fu Muzhen smiled at him with a complete disapproval.

Huo Xiwen gritted her teeth. She had never encountered such a brazen person before.

"You don't have to think about it, I will never promise you." The tiger didn't show his might, really when she Huo Xiwen was a kitten?

"Don't promise? That's okay. I'll call Yi Ping now and let him publish the report tonight. I really want to see what Su Shihao will do when the time comes. Your parents are What's the reaction? I heard that Ling Zun's body is not very good, so I can't stand any stimulation. "Fu Muzhen openly threatened her.

Huo Xiwen's soft underbelly was caught by him all at once, and he could not fight back.

Perhaps this matter was known to Su Shihao, which may not be a bad thing. She could even push the boat down the river and use her plan to persuade Su Shihao to divorce herself.

This is exactly what she used to pay Ye Ziquan to play as her lover.

But Fu Muzhen is not Ye Ziquan. This terrible man has no control at all and wants to use him. He is just trying to make a hide with the tiger. He may be swallowed by his bones anytime.

Therefore, don't ever think that you have such a great ability to use this man.

Fearing that he would really let the report out and that it would have immeasurable consequences, she decided to take a soft spot in front of him.

After a lot of thought, she cleared her throat and said, "You just said that in the next year, all of my night time belongs to you. This is impossible. I am Mrs. Su Haohao. If I am not at home at night, He will doubt it. "

"What do you suspect? Do you doubt your derailment?" Fu Muzhen said, laughing, "If I remember correctly, you asked Ye Ziquan to make him doubt."

Seeing his own excuse, she looked a little upset and just calmly said, "But you are not Ye Ziquan. If he knows that I am with you every night, then ..."

"You say that, it makes sense, he probably wouldn't want to see you with me." Fu Muzhen knew this very well, and after a moment's thinking, he said, "Then after the early morning. "

"Morning ..." Is this guy crazy?

Huo Xiwen stared at him with a grimace, "What did you tell me to do in the early morning? Wouldn't you want to treat me ..."

Although she has decided to compromise temporarily, if she really wants her to betray her body, then she will be cut off.

Just when she made up her mind to fight to the end, she heard the other party flutter a few words, "Look at your performance."

what? !!

What does it mean to see her performance?

She was about to ask him, but saw his thin lips open again, and spit out a word again, "and ..."

Fu Muyi's tone suddenly became ambiguous and ambiguous. At this moment, the pupils in the dark color became deeper and deeper, with a little fascination, and the voice became sexual / feeling: "My need."

Huo Xiwen looked into his eyes. For a moment, she almost forgot about it.

When she reacted, her face was instantly red like Apple, and she was ashamed and annoyed.

"Let's go." Just when Huo Xiwen didn't know how to fight back, Fu Muzhen suddenly got up, looked at her subtly, and ordered.

"Go ... where?" Huo Xiwen looked up, looking up at the tall and erect body.

From this point of view, Fu Muyiwei shore looks like a **** of heaven.

"If you want to stay here with me all night, I have no opinion."

"..." Huo Xiwen stood up, cursing inwardly. "Shameless, who will spend the night with you here?"

"What did you say?" He had already stood up, and suddenly looked down at her again.

Huo Xiwen was startled by him. Is this a ghost?

You can even hear the voice in her heart!

"No ... nothing, let's go, I'm going home." Huo Xiwen didn't want to stay with him for more than a second, this man was terrible, she always felt that she would become secret in front of him.

When the two were out of KTV, Huo Xiwen was afraid that Fu Muyi would send him, and he hurriedly said before he said, "Well, I drove over by myself, so you don't need to send me. You should drive too Then we'll be separated here, bye. "

After speaking, he didn't go to see Mu Mu's expression, let alone wait for him to speak, panic turned and left, and went to the parking lot.

Fu Muzhen looked at her back, which was almost "escape", leaving a smile deeper than before.


Hibiscus Garden.

At noon, Su Qize sent Luo Qingyun home, and then went out, because he felt angry before, Luo Qingyun didn't know how to talk to him about his cooperation with Fu Muzhen to deal with Su Qinghao.

Later, Su Qize went out and did not return until the evening.

After an afternoon of gestation, Luo Qingyun still decided to talk to Su Qize.

Seeing that his car stopped downstairs, after he went upstairs, he saw that he did not return directly to the room.

After asking Guiyi, he knew he had gone to his study.

Going downstairs to make a cup of ginseng tea, she came upstairs and knocked on the door of the study.

Su Qize looked up and saw that it was her. She frowned slightly, saw a tea cup in her hand, and a gentle smile appeared on her face. "Haven't you rested yet?"

"I'm waiting for you." Luo Qingyun went to the desk and put the cup of ginseng tea in front of him. "I just made it for you. You like to stay up all night. Drinking this is good for your body."

Su Qize opened the lid and glanced at the contents. A faint scent of medicine drifted in the air, took a deep breath, and his face was ironed with a smile. "Thank you, you can leave these things to the servants later. You do n’t have to do it yourself. "

"Cup of tea, it's not troublesome, it's okay." Luo Qingyun whispered softly.

Su Qize smiled, took the tea cup to his mouth, and tasted it lightly, "It's fragrant."

"Be careful, don't be hot, this is boiling water." Luo Qingyun told him.

Su Qize nodded, took another sip, and looked up to find that Luo Qingyun was standing in front of himself thoughtfully, without intending to quit, so he raised his eyebrow and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Well, Qi Ze, I ... I have something to tell you." Luo Qingyun hesitated, and still spoke.

"What's the matter, you say it." Su Qize was blowing hot tea in the cup, and the heat formed a thick mist in front of his eyes, hiding his eyes behind the mist, not really looking.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Qingyun asked with a serious expression: "I want to ask you, are you going to sell the 10% shares of Huangting Group in your hand to Fu Muzhen?"

When she said this, she clearly felt that Su Qize's expression had changed, and then he heard him ask, "Where did you hear that?"

"I dine at the restaurant where you met with Fu Muzhen today. I wanted to say hello to you in the past, but I heard your plan," Luo Qingyun said truthfully.

Su Qize heard the words and seemed to think of something. His eyes became extremely cold looking at her, "This is why you went to Su Yinghao at noon?"

Luo Qingyun's eyes were a little hairy with his eyes. She had never seen Su Qize show this expression in front of herself, and felt a little scary.

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