CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 134: bleeding

Chapter 134: Bleeding

She is really not good at working in the kitchen. As a daughter of the Huo family, she is naturally untouchable.

So for her to do these things right now, it's hard for her.

However, compared with her clumsiness, Fu Muzhen, as a successful BOSS-level big man, seems to be more at ease in the kitchen.

Seeing Huo Xiwen's confused look that could not find North, he did not lose his temper, but instead patiently pointed out, "Boil water in a pot."

Huo Xi's text was extremely embarrassed in the heart, and she was very anxious when she was afraid that Fu Muzhen would scold her with a temper.

But when he heard his warm voice coming from her ears, she didn't have the slightest discomfort. She suddenly felt a moment of sorrow in her heart, too late to think too much about his attitude, and found a small milk pan filled with water, Put it on the stove.

However, the problem came again.

The stove did not know what was going on. No matter how she twisted it, the fire would not ignite.

After tossing for a long time, she had to turn to Fu Muzhen for help.

Fu Muzhen lowered the bowl in her hand, walked behind her, and did not wait for her to give up the position. She reached out and circled her in her arms, covered her hands with her big hands, gently pinched the switch of the stove, and then went down Alas, follow along ...

The fire ignited easily.

And Huo Xiwen's heart followed the flames.

The small hand was clenched firmly in the palm of his big hand, and his heart trembled.

Why did he suddenly become so tender?

It doesn't seem to be the shameless usury boss before.

Forced to lean in his arms, smelling the faint smell of tobacco mixed with cologne from her body, her heart beating involuntarily.

At such a close distance, although she turned his back to him, her face was still red.

I don't know if she felt her distress, Fu Muzhen suddenly let go, turned around, washed the tomatoes and green onions, and started chopping vegetables.

He didn't tell Huo Xiwen to do anything anymore, Huo Xiwen had no choice but to look at his skillful chopped vegetables, scrambled eggs, strips, and finally pan ...

When he was cooking, his serious expression was like a poster, deeply imprinted in her mind.

This man is really beyond her expectations.

But at the same time, another voice in her heart warned her, illusion, all this is illusion!

Don't think that he can cook, he is not the big **** who can only threaten and seduce.

Huo Xiwen, calm down, don't be fooled by him.

Two bowls of noodles were placed on the dining table. Huo Xiwen looked at Fu Muzhen, who was wiping his hands in doubt, "Since you can cook for yourself, why should you let me come over?"

I must have known that she was with Su Yinghao, and she intentionally embarrassed her.

"I don't like washing dishes." He gave her a slight glance and gave her an unexpected, seemingly reasonable answer.

Well, I wanted her to come here as a dishwasher.

Taking a deep breath, what else did she want to say, but seeing that Mu Muyan was already immersed in eating noodles.

Huo Xi's text has no appetite, but she did not eat anything for dinner, and now smelling the strong aroma of the bowl of noodles in front of her, some index fingers can't help moving.

The main thing is that she was curious, what flavor would the noodles made by a man like Fu Muzhen?

The noodles were hot, so she was careful when eating.

I did not dare to expect anything from this big boss, but when I entered, it was unexpectedly delicious.

How could it be so delicious?

She couldn't believe her eyes widened, took a few more sips, and determined that she hadn't just hallucinated, she raised her head and looked at Fu Muzhen in front of her.

"Have you ever done a cook before?" She swallowed the noodles in her mouth, she asked curiously.

Fu Muzhen glanced at her lightly. The ink-colored pupil exuded a cold light and a sculptural perfection of the facial features like the bright moon in the sky. In the warm environment at this moment, it looked much softer than before.

"Heh ... hehe ... I just asked casually, the noodles you made taste good ... very good ..." Seeing him just look at himself like that without saying a word, Huo Xiwen smiled awkwardly, then continued to eat.

The atmosphere became weird as a result.

"Slow down ..." Seeing her bitter expression, Fu Muxi suddenly spoke, and her warm voice entered her ears without warning.

Mu Ran looked up, and she stared at this handsome and extraordinary face.

Did she just hallucinate?

Why did Fu Muzhen become like this?

Isn't he a cold-blooded and ruthless underworld brother?

How can you be so warm at the moment?

Taking the wrong medicine?

Ignoring the doubts in her eyes, he seemed to have finished eating, and put the chopsticks in his hand gently, saying: "Remember to wash the bowl!"

Then got up and walked towards the second floor.

As soon as Fu Muzhen left, Huo Xiwen felt that the whole person was relaxed. He took a long breath and looked at the bowl of colorful noodles in front of her.

After eating the noodles, get up, stack the two bowls together and hug towards the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen, she didn't see the small water splash that had accidentally spilled on the ground when washing the vegetables before. She slipped on her feet while wearing slippers, and she slipped under her feet, letting her fall backwards.

There was a sound of "ping-pong-ping-pong", and the two big bowls shattered, and she fell to the ground, her **** was almost numb.

Supporting the ground with both hands, I wanted to stand up again, but it just happened to be on the shards of the bowl. There was a hot pain in the palm of her left hand. She quickly raised her hand, but saw that the palm had been cut by a shard, and the blood went straight out. Risk.

"It hurts ..." She frowned tightly, gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand to catch the table, and tried to stand up.

But when I got up, I felt a sudden pain in my foot. Just that slip, I sprained my ankle, and I felt pain when I tried hard.

Sitting down on the ground again, she was at a loss as she felt all kinds of pain coming from her body.

Fu Muzhen, who had just changed clothes upstairs, frowned as he heard the noise downstairs.

When he came downstairs, he saw a scene in the kitchen, his brows could not help deepening.

A few steps forward, he suddenly stooped and hugged her.

Huo Xiwen thought he would scold himself for being clumsy, and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to break the bowl, the floor ... the floor is too slippery ... so ..."

"Does it hurt?" However, instead of caring about how she broke the bowl as she expected, he cared about herself.

His voice was too gentle, without any reproach, so that she could not help but believe it. Perhaps his concern came from the heart.

Fu Muzhen held her in her arms, and the scent of candy-like shampoo on her hair instantly channeled into his nose, just like summer ice cream, which made people want to bite down.

Go to the sofa, gently put her down and sit down, then turn around and go to the cabinet, take out the medicine box and twist it.

"Hand." Go to her, squat down, open the medicine box, remove the sterile cotton ball and iodine from it, hold the cotton ball with tweezers, dip it in a little bit of iodine, and then stretch out her hand to signal her to put the Put that hand on your palm.

Because he was crouching in front of her, Huo Xiwen's position was slightly higher than him at this moment. He looked at his face from top to bottom, but felt that his nose was more upright than he looked from the front. The contour is deep and solid.

The little hand rested lightly in the palm of his palm, but his eyes kept looking at his face.

As if this magnificent handsome face near her eyes could be her painkiller.

In front of the iodine, she gently applied the wound on her hand. As soon as she touched it, she was shocked by the tingling and wanted to retract her hand.

"Don't move ..." He whispered, palms gathered, catching her wrists, preventing her from receding.

"It hurts ..." Huo Xiwen opened his mouth weakly, his long eyelashes trembled gently, and liquid swirled in his eyes.

Hearing her shout of pain, he suddenly looked up, and the dark pupils saw her pain.

When she had no warning, he suddenly leaned forward, and her thin lips covered her lips without warning, rolling, and the tip of her tongue broke open her tight lips, and pry open the tightly closed lips. She touched her sweet tongue.

"Hmm ..." She was frightened by the sudden kiss, her head tilted back involuntarily.

In this way, he leaned forward, but he was so good that he completely pressed her under him.

At this moment his pupils were darker than before.

Her taste is sweeter than he thought, like an addictive poison, once you taste it, you will never forget it.

But how could her response to kissing be so jerky?

Jerky, as if she had never experienced it before?

In fact, this is indeed Huo Xiwen's first kiss.

Fu Muzhen's kisses got deeper and deeper, and the big hands slipped over her unconsciously, feeling the exquisite curves of her wonderful body.

Huo Xiwen had already been kissed by him, his brain was blank and almost hypoxia.

"Stupid, are you going to choke yourself?" Realizing that she had never breathed, he suddenly raised his head, his thin lips reluctantly left the tender red lips that he had kissed slightly, his voice was dull Road.

"Hoo ..." Finally she was free. She exhaled for a long time, her eyes widened, and the look at the bottom of her eyes suddenly became annoyed and angry. She clenched her fists with both hands and smashed into his chest: "Bastard, who Let me kiss you, shameless, stinky hooligan ... "

"First kiss?" With a smile under his eyes, his big hand gently caught her little pink fist, got up, crouched down again, took out a band-aid from the medicine box, and stuck the wound accurately.

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