CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 135: Can't help it

Chapter 135

"What?" Huo Xiwen froze for a moment, then reacted, his face flushed red, but forced himself to calm down, "Who said? My first kiss was long gone, and I tell you, I have made dozens of boyfriends before, All of them are small fresh meat, much handsomer than you. You should humble yourself. "

"Is that so?" He Jun eyebrows lightly. "Do you dare to tell others like this?"

"I ..." Huo Xiwen smiled, "Why should I tell others? Fu Muzhen, I tell you, don't think you can do what I kiss, you don't want to lie to me, I won't believe it Whatever you say, don't try to use me to deal with your elder brother. "

"Is that right? I changed my mind now." He bowed his head, wrapped her hands, and then reached for her ankle, holding the slim jade foot in his palm.

"Changed my mind ... what does it mean?" She was completely confused by him, her bright eyes, and he looked at him in doubt.

After applying medicinal wine to the palm of the hand, rubbing it and heating it, her palms fit snugly over her red and swollen ankles.

"So comfortable ..." The hot feeling instantly penetrated into her skin and passed through the blood to the whole body, making her unable to help but close her eyes.

Half a minute later, Huo Xiwen was still immersed in the comfort of his ankle being gently massaged. Suddenly he felt a pain in his head, and Fu Muzhen's fingernails slammed into her forehead: "OK."

"Huh?" Huo Xiwen opened his eyes and stared at his right foot placed on the sofa by himself. Although the ankle was still red, it was not as painful as before.

Standing up, Fu Muzhen put the medicine box back in the distance, and turned to wash his hands in the kitchen. Huo Xiwen looked at his figure, remembering that he had not answered his question yet, so he got up from the sofa and stomped his foot. And asked, "You haven't said, what did you change?"

Fu Muzhen washed his hands and walked in front of her. The one-eight-five-meter figure looked at her one-meter-six, her deep eyes became a little confused and affectionate at this moment.

Reaching out, hugging her shoulders, the thin lips touched slightly, and a gentle voice passed into her ears: "Don't you think I pretended to like you, to use you to fight Su Shihao?"

"Isn't it?" She didn't believe it.

"Yes, but I change my mind now." He said here, paused, "I like you but you, and Su Suhao is against Su Suhao. The two cannot be confused."

"What do you mean by that?" She still didn't quite understand.

"I mean, I want you, nothing to do with Su Yinghao." After speaking, before Huo Xiwen reacted, his lips fell on her lips again, gentle.

Huo Xiwen, because of his sudden invasion, could not help but fall backwards, and the two bodies fell heavily on the sofa ...

Huo Xiwen was confused by his kiss, his brain seemed to be out of control, and she forgot to resist.

Her enthusiasm greatly encouraged Fu Muzhen, and her large hands like the magic claw touched her more hotly.

"Little fairy." Fu Muzhen's voice was low and full of joy, and the big palm slowly extended down.

Huo Xiwen lay on the sofa and recovered after a brief blank of his brain.

God, what is she doing now?

This man is Fu Muzhen.

A big devil who cannibalize.

She was in his arms ...

"Come on." The overbearing man wouldn't allow her to have a slight flash, with her big palm reaching behind her head, pressing her little head, and controlling her lips to withstand his demands.

No, you can't ...

Huo Xiwen returned to her senses, and as soon as reason recovered, she opened her eyes wide, struggling constantly, trying to push away the man who was under pressure.

However, Fu Muxi still hugged her arrogantly, and kissed even wilder, and seemed to be entangled with her like this forever.

No ... she doesn't, she doesn't ... Helpless tears slip from her eyes, and the slight wetness touches the man's face, making him stop and look at her.

"You don't like it?" From what she had previously welcomed, he thought she liked it.

"You ... you are a bad person ..." Huo Xiwen Jiao Jiao rebuked, even though she was angry, her voice was still soft, making the man who suppressed her think she was coquettish.

"Bad guy?" Fu Muzhen grinned and calmed her softly. "Then I'll be nice to you ..."

Talking, she began to kiss her neck again.

"Hey ... didn't I mean this ..." She still wanted to struggle, but with a mouth, the man's tongue slipped into her mouth again, seducing her again.

"Xiwen ... relax ..." The man whispered in her ear, making her shiver uncontrollably.

"You ... what are you going to do?" Feeling in danger of losing one's body, Huo Xiwen's face blushed and her hands fluttered like a kitten around her neck, struggling.

However, the answer to her was no longer his voice.

It was his strong movement.

"It hurts ..." She widened her eyes, fine sweat was already on her forehead, and tears fell down.

Grasping his spine tightly with both hands, he tried to control himself so as not to scream.

"It won't hurt any time soon ..." He was like an adult with candy, seduced / confuses ignorant children.

Easily untie yourself, without much hesitation, directly occupy.

"Relax, I won't be too heavy ..." In this case, he had no choice but to coax her, and didn't dare to move anymore.

"It hurts ... It hurts ..." She cried with tears in her eyes, resting her head on his shoulders, and clasped his thick body tightly with her hands, her voice breaking.

"Don't cry, I'll come out, okay?" He kissed her tears that slipped on his cheeks, and the salty taste let his passion gradually recede. For the first time, that was enough.

She raised her head and stared at him with big watery eyes, her eyes clear as the blue waves in the pond: "Aren't you lying to me?"

"Don't lie to you, just relax ..." His voice was so tender and sweet, and the deep ink pupils were full of pity for her.

Huo Xiwen felt like he was in a spell, and his body relaxed a little.

Fu Muzhen felt the change of her body and pulled the distance from her, no longer hurting her ...

Everything finally passed, Huo Xiwen was lying on the sofa with a weary look, and the pain on his body had disappeared, but the next thing to face was endless embarrassment.

She kept raising her eyelids and did not dare to look at him.

What just happened has long changed the relationship between them.

Obviously, she hasn't recovered from the chaotic scene just now, and she doesn't know how to face this man who already has a skin relationship with her.

Fu Muzhen stood up from the sofa, and her eyes fell naturally on her. Her skirt had been torn and tangled by him, and the exposed skin of her body was also shown by the excitement / love just now. A piece of pink.

Bend over and hug her horizontally from the sofa, but clearly see the sofa, which is a little red.

For the first time, she was accepted by him.

"What are you going to do?" She was picked up by him like this, and her nerves were involuntarily tense up. Things like just now, she didn't have the courage to try again today.

"Would you like to stay like this?" His thin lips tickled slightly, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, turned, and lifted his feet toward the second floor.

"I'm going home." It's too dangerous here, this man is too dangerous, and she doesn't dare to stay with him any more.

"You want to go home like this?" He looked down at her with a hint of teasing in his voice.

Huo Xiwen knows that he looks very embarrassed now. If he really goes back like this, he will be suspicious when he sees it.

Long legs passed through the large room and straight into the bathroom.

"Do ... what?" She pressed her hands a little harder and climbed his shoulders, not wanting to let herself fall.

"Take a bath." His magnetic voice spit out two words in her ear briefly, and then put her into the bathtub aside.

Huo Xiwen heard the words and said busyly: "I ... come by myself ... come by myself ..."

Fu Muzhen caught her injured hand. "If you don't want it to worsen, don't move."

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