CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 142: Playing with her?

Chapter 142 Playing With Her?

Huo Xiwen came out of the company in the afternoon and did not go home, but went directly to the imperial court next door.

On the top floor of the elevator, the secretary just opened the president's office door for her, and saw two people sitting on the sofa in the office.

"Brother Xi ..." Huo Xiwen lifted his feet and walked over, but turned back to see the figure sitting with his back to him.

Taking a look, her footsteps stopped momentarily.

Fu Muzhen, why is he here?

"Mrs. Su, I haven't seen you in a long time." Fu Muzhen looked at her and nodded at her with a smile.

Huo Xiwen rolled his eyes and saw nothing for a long time.

This guy really pretends to be garlic.

Glancing at him quietly, Huo Xiwen lifted his feet and walked to Su Yinghao, reached out, deliberately holding Su Yinghao's arm, "Brother, I have something to look for you."

Su Yinghao looked at her and asked quietly, "What's the matter?"

Huo Xiwen deliberately turned to Fu Muzhen again, "It's better not to be known to outsiders."

"Is that so?" Su Shihao heard, her eyebrows raised slightly, her gaze also looking at Fu Muzhen.

Of course, Fu Muzhen knew that the outsider in her mouth was herself, but she deliberately pretended not to understand, "Mrs. Su joked, how can there be any outsider here?"

"If you don't ..." Huo Xiwen looked at him, thinking that he was the outsider, but he didn't finish his words, but was interrupted by him. "Is it necessary to have slept in a bed to be considered an insider? "

His words clearly reminded her that the relationship between the two of them was so close that they could not distinguish each other.

On the contrary, Su Haohao maintained the purest relationship with her.

"You ..." Huo Ximing knew that there was something in his words, but he did not dare to attack on the spot, for fear of being discovered by Su Shihao, he had to endure.

Su Minhao also saw that Fu Muzhen had no intention of evading, and he was suddenly interested in the man's attitude.

Why has interest always been supreme, and Fu Muzhen, who cares nothing, would be interested in what Huo Xiwen wants to say?

"Xi Wen, since Mr. Fu doesn't consider himself an outsider, then you don't need to be polite to him. If you have any trouble or need, tell him." Since Fu Muyi wants to go through the muddy water, he will complete him.

The bad things inside the Huo's group may be too civilized for a while.

Leave it to Fu Muzhen to deal with it.

As soon as Huo Xiwen heard Su Jihao kicking the ball directly to Fu Muzhen, he felt a little depressed, and his mouth was unhappy. "Hey brother, how do you know what I'm telling you is trouble?" "

"If you didn't run into any trouble, you wouldn't have come to me before work. Let's talk, who is giving you problems?" Su Yunhao knows Huo Xiwen so much, basically this little girl has nothing Things can be hidden from her.

"It's Huo Jiabao. He fancy a piece of land in California and wants to cooperate with a real estate developer in the United States to develop that land as a shopping mall. But we are not clear about the other party's qualifications and worry about being deceived. Brother elder brother is not here Does the United States have a branch? Can you help me? "Huo Xiwen had to talk about his troubles.

"California?" Su Yinghao seemed to remember something when he heard the address, but he didn't say it, just turned to look at Fu Muzhen. "It seems that this thing really has to be done by you. The company is not very familiar with it in New York or California. Mr. Fu grew up in the United States. He must have extensive connections there. It should not be difficult to check the details of a company. "

"It's not difficult." Fu Muzhen raised her eyebrows lightly, and her dark eyes looked at her with soft light.

His eyes made Huo Xiwen's heartbeat suddenly accelerate, and his face was instantly flushed.

He deliberately turned his head and did not look at his face. Huo Xiwen looked at Su Shihao with a sad look. "Brother, do you really want this person to help?"

"Um." Su Yinghao said, stood up, and dealt with Mu Yan, "General Manager Fu, you are talking with Xiwen here, I will be out of the way for a while."

Fu Muzhen nodded to him, and Su Yinghao immediately left the office and walked out.

Out of the president's office, he went directly to Qiu Yan's office next door. At this time, Qiu Yan was buried in a pile of documents and was too busy.

"Release the work in your hand." Su Yinghao went to his desk and instructed.

Qiu Yan immediately raised his head and stood up from the chair. "President, what do you tell me?"

"Did you all find Luo Qingyun's figure in City Y this time?" Su Yinghao asked.

"W City also sent people to find it, but none were found. At present, the scope has been expanded, and major cities in the country have found private detectives to investigate. But ... no news yet."

"I don't need to find it in China for the time being, you should find someone to find out Luo Qingyun's brother's information and send it to my mobile phone." Su Yinghao said.

"Qiyun's younger brother?" Qiu Min heard and seemed to understand, "You mean, Qingyun may have gone to the United States to find his younger brother?"

"It is very likely that in this world, Luo Jingying is the only person she can believe and can rely on. If she is going to disappear, she can only find Luo Jingying." He should have thought of this already, Luo Qing Yun's disappearance confused him so much that he even forgot this basic clue.

Qiu Yan heard that, and felt that this possibility was very high, so he said, "Okay, I'll let people find out all Luo Jingyan's information."


In the office, Huo Xiwen and Fu Muzhen sat face to face.

Compared to Huo Xiwen's nervousness, Fu Muzhen looked much more calm. He leaned back on the back of the sofa, his hands spread out, resting on the edge of the sofa, a pair of good-looking eyes, looking at the uneasy face in front of him. Little woman.

"Say it." Two minutes later, he spoke lazily.

"What?" Huo Xiwen stared straight at him.

"Aren't you asking me for help?" Fu Muzhen looked at her with a smirk.

Huo Xiwen frowned, his expression a little upset, "Well, whoever wants you to help, I don't want to."

"No? Are you sure?" Fu Muzhen said, stood up and stretched out, "then you have to think clearly, Su Yihao kicked this ball to me, obviously he can't help you If you refuse my help and you are deceived by then, don't cry for me. "

"Who will cry for you ..." Huo Xiwen bit his lip, his face stubborn.

"Really don't want me to help?" Fu Muzhen looked at her look hesitant and wanted him to help, but he couldn't pull down the small appearance, and his heart was funny.

Huo Xiwen really wanted to say, don't ask him to help, just go back.

But thinking that Huo Jiabao was waiting for an opportunity to catch her weakness at this moment, she had to pay Mu Yi to help.

After weighing her heart, she finally had a decision.

Anyway, Fu Muzhen had done so much to her, and it was not a sin to use him.

"Then ... that's okay, then you can help me." She opened her mouth, her tone reluctantly.

"This is the tone you ask for help?" Of course Fu Muzhen didn't buy it, but now she begged him.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Huo Xiwen drummed his cheeks and looked at him.

Fu Muzhen said nothing, took out a business card from her pocket and handed it to her, "Eight tonight, come here."

Huo Xiwen glanced at the address above, a star hotel in the city.

She immediately protected her **** with both hands, and looked at him with vigilance, "You ... don't think about it, I will never have any more relationship with you ..."

Fu Muzhen heard the words, looked at her with a funny look, and her long fingers flicked her head slightly. "If there is only one thing in your head to go to bed, I don't mind fulfilling you."

"Uh ..." Didn't you want her to sell?

"Let ’s go. Tell me Su Suhao for me. If the project I told him in the afternoon is OK, I will ask the assistant to send the contract over." Fu Muzhen said, turned and walked out the door go with.

When he left, Huo Xiwen buried his head in the back of the sofa with annoyance.

Shame is so shameful, what is she thinking?

Such a misunderstanding would occur!

I'm so annoyed, I'll make fun of him when I see him at night!


At eight o'clock in the evening, Huo Xiwen came to the hotel door as promised, and called Mu Mu in the lobby to tell him he was there.

But no one answered the phone for a long time.

She had to sit in the lounge area of ​​the lobby and wait.

But after a long time, I didn't see Fu Muzhen. When I called, there was no one to answer.

Huo Xiwen suddenly felt that he should not be played by him, right?

Make her like a fool, wait here for so long.

Thinking of this possibility, she was furious and went out to stop a taxi and went straight to Fu Mu's villa.

Qianjiang Villa District.

According to her memory, she found Fu Muzhen's villa, got out of the car, and prepared to knock on the doorbell, but she saw several young men in suits and shoes standing at the door.

what's going on?

Huo Xiwen glanced at the door, and someone came up, "Who? What are you looking at here?"

Huo Xiwen felt that the other party was very murderous and a little scared, so he said, "I'm here to pay Mu Mu. Is he at home?"

"Name," the other asked.

"Huo ... Huo Xiwen ..."

"Wait a minute." The other party said, took out the intercom, and began to inform the villa.


At this time, the atmosphere in the villa was tense.

Fu Muzhen sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, his fingers beat the arm of the sofa rhythmically.

"Boss, the members of the Jack Party arrested Miss Huihui just to lead you back to the United States. If you go back at this time, wouldn't you be fooled by them?" Zhao Wei looked at him with an expression of doubt.

"I won't go back. Are you sure you can save someone?" Fu Muzhen frowned coldly, his voice had no temperature.

Zhao Wei's eyes flickered. Indeed, if Fu Muzhen didn't go back, it would be too difficult to rescue Huihui safely.

"Contact the private jet and leave in two hours." Fu Muzheng ordered that no one could change his mind anymore.

At this time, someone came in from the door and whispered in Zhao Wei's ear. Zhao Wei's face showed a hint of joy, and he turned to look at Fu Muzhen, "Boss, Miss Huo is here."

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