CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 143: Find whereabouts

Chapter 143

"Huo Xiwen?" Fu Muzhen frowned slightly, suddenly remembering that he had dated her tonight, "tell her that the appointment tonight is cancelled and let her leave."

"Boss, don't you see her?" Zhao Wei asked carefully.

Fu Muzhen Jun frowned. "Don't understand me?"

Zhao Wei didn't dare to say more, just ordered the people below to send Huo Xiwen.

Outside the iron gate of the villa, Huo Xiwen waited for a while, then heard the black suit in front of her and said to her, "Mr. Fu said, the appointment tonight is cancelled, Miss Huo, please come back."

When Huo Xiwen heard this answer, he knew in his heart that most of them were being played by Fu Muzhen.

This guy has no intention of helping himself at all.

I just want to make her play.

Although she was very angry, but could not vent her, she turned away in depression.

On the way home, she cursed Fu Muzhen and thought to herself that she would n’t help if she did n’t help. It was a big deal. She went to California in person. Anyway, she was studying there and was familiar with everything there. Afraid that you will not find North?


The next day, when she came to the office, she told her assistant about her decision. The assistant heard the words and persuaded, "President, such a small matter, just let the people below check it. Why do you run it yourself?"

"People below? Do you think anyone below us can use it? Don't look at the company up and down now, those people are very obedient to me, but you and I all know that it is for their brother's sake, they dare not This time, this project is so large, with billions in investment, how can I rest assured that Huo Jiabao's people will investigate? I will not believe the report they submitted. "Huo Xiwen said.

"That being the case, it would be good if you didn't pass this project directly. You are the president who is personally confirmed by the chairman and the largest shareholder on the board of directors. Who dares to say nothing?"

Huo Xiwen heard the words and shook his head. "What if Huo Jiabao really found a good project this time? What's more, I rejected this time, next time? Next time? I can't reject all projects. Well, I have been sitting in the position of president for several months. So far, I have not made any decent results. The people below are not convinced of me. This time, I can't be so intimidated. "

"If you have a decision, I'll book the ticket for you right away." The assistant knew that she couldn't persuade her. Now Huo Xiwen urgently needs to do something to prove his ability.

"Go, by the way, arrange the work in your hand, and you will accompany me to California."

"Okay," the assistant agreed, leaving the office.


United States, California, Asia, Rich Man District.

After staying in the hotel for a few days, Luo Qingyun has moved into the villa left by Su Qize.

At this point the child in her stomach was six months old.

After three months, the child's due date is due.

Luo Jingzheng has given her a full maternity checkup, and the beds have been reserved in advance, just in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the private hospital where he works.

In the afternoon, Luo Qingyun went to the supermarket to buy some baby products with the newly hired maid at home.

The two walked around and bought a lot of things. Luo Qingyun's belly was big, her body was bulky, and she was pregnant, and it was easier to go to the bathroom.

So he stopped at the door of a hotel near the supermarket and went to a cafe on the first floor for afternoon tea.

After the servant went in, he ordered food, and Luo Qingyun went to the bathroom first.

When she came out of the bathroom, she was preparing to go to the cafe to sit down and drink something, but glanced out the floor-to-ceiling window. A familiar figure was accompanied by the assistant, dragging the suitcase, just got out of the car, and was going to go to the hotel. .

Why is she here?

Luo Qingyun's first reaction was shock, and then he immediately became nervous.

Could it be that his position has been exposed?

Huo Xiwen is here, does that mean that Su Yinghao also came to California?

Thinking of this, she was no longer in a mood to rest, called a maid, and the two left the cafe and rushed home.


Y city.

Just after the meeting Su Suhao returned to the office, he saw a folder on the table.

Opening the folder, taking the information out of it and glancing at it, he took out his cell phone and dialed Qiu's phone.

When Qiu Yi rushed to the office, he saw Su Shihao sitting in a chair with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"President, do you have a clue for Qingyun?" Qiu Yan knew that only news about Luo Qingyun could make his president respond so much.

"Arrange a private jet to California, and you set off for the airport now." Su Yinghao said with a grimace.

"California? Qingyun is in California?" Qiu Min heard and immediately understood, but soon, he frowned again and looked at Su Yihao, "The president is not going to go in person?"

"Personally?" Su Yihao's face sneered, and he was afraid it was not that simple to bring her back directly.

This **** woman actually dared to run away with Su Qize's inferiority behind her back, thinking about how to punish her after she got her back!

"Then I leave for the airport." Qiu Yue knew that Su Shihao was awkward in his heart. He now loves and hates Luo Qingyun.

The silent disappearance of Luo Qingyun is the same as her silent marriage to Su Qize. If Su Yinghao didn't like her because of her, she would be afraid that they would become a stranger.

Until now, it has been more than half a month since Luo Qingyun disappeared. Su Haohao has not given up searching, which is enough to prove that she has weight in his mind.

"Bring her back, if she refuses, do you know what to do?" Su Yunhao said in a deep voice.

Qiu Yan looked down for a moment and said, "I know, doesn't Qingyun have a younger brother there?"

Su Minhao nodded with satisfaction, he was too aware of Luo Qingyun's weakness.

In this life, she is a person who will only be tired by her family.



A senior private hospital.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Luo Jingxi, as a night doctor, had just handed over his work and was going home from work.

When he was out of the hospital, he was stopped by an Asian man in a suit and leather shoes.

"Is this Mr. Luo?" The other looked at him and asked.

Luo Jingyi looked at the other side up and down and asked quietly, "Who are you?"

The other person took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to him, "My surname is Qiu, and is Mr. Su's assistant. I ordered Mr. Su to make a special trip to California to pick up your sister."

Luo Jingyi took the business card and glanced, "Qiu Yi? You are late, my sister has left California the day before yesterday."

"Leave? Why leave? Where did she go?" Qiu Yan looked at him with a surprise and asked.

In fact, after he got off the plane, he immediately went to the villa under Su Qize's name, but there was no one in the villa.

It was also because he couldn't find Luo Qingyun that he thought of going to the hospital to find Luo Jingyun directly, hoping to get Luo Qingyun's clue from him.

"Why did she leave, Mr. Qiu didn't know?" Luo Jingxi crumpled his business cards into a ball and threw them into the trash. "My sister has decided to draw a line with Su's family. Please stop looking for her. Even If you find it, she won't go back with you. "

"Mr. Luo, I think there is one thing you don't know. Your sister is carrying Su's child in her stomach. Su's family will not let the children leave in any case ..."

"Oh? Really? Then you can find it. If you can find her, take her back." Luo Jingyi raised an eyebrow, and he seemed to conclude that they could not find Luo Qingyun.

"You ..." Qiu Yan was even better-tempered, and was irritated by Luo Jingyun's provocative attitude.

You know, he hasn't rested since he got on the plane, and he is very tired at this time.

But before finding Luo Qingyun, he was afraid and had no time to rest.

Su Yinghao was still waiting for the good news on the phone.

"If Mr. Qiu has nothing else, I'll go first." Luo Jingying said, stretched his waist, walked out, walked two steps, suddenly stopped and looked at Qiu Yan who was standing in place "By the way, I'm living in my brother-in-law's villa now. Would you like to go there with me? Maybe my sister will be there. However, I think you should go there before you come here. If I were you, just go back, why bother looking for someone who doesn't want to see you? "

"No matter where she hides, Mr. Su will surely find her." Qiu Yan looked coldly at Luo Jinglian's mad face, said.

"Then you tell your Mr. Su, give up the idea, as long as I have Luo Jingying, I will not let him find my sister."

"Mr. Luo thought it was for Qingyun's sake?"

"I don't know what happened to her in City Y, but since she wants to hide from you, we can see that she's not doing well at Su's house. I have no other relatives in Luo Jingye. Only this sister, I will definitely Do her best to protect her. "

"Mr. Luo doesn't want to think about your parents? If Qingyun walks like this, your parents' life in City Y will not be so good." Qiu Yan said with a little threat.

I thought that Luo Jingyun was like Luo Qingyun. He was a person with a strong relationship. Unexpectedly, Luo Jingyun heard this and laughed, "Let them die, then such people live in this world. It's also a waste. "

"Mr. Luo, you are a doctor. A doctor even said such a thing." Qiu Yan looked at Luo Jinglian with a shocked expression. The two younger brothers and brothers are really two completely different personalities.

Luo Qingyun was kind like an angel, but Luo Jingyun was completely like a little devil.

"What? Are you surprised? You thought I would be concerned about those two irresponsible people like my sister? Go back and tell your Mr. Su that he can't threaten me."

"Do you know the consequences of going against Su's family? You're not afraid you can't even do a doctor?"

"Oh ... if you have a way to make me a doctor, just hurry up. I'm busy with this job. I'm too tired." Luo Jingyi dropped this sentence, stopped talking nonsense with him, and strode forward. go with.

"..." Qiu Yi looked at his leaving back, and suddenly realized that this guy who was in great trouble was a hundred times more difficult than his sister, and it was 10,000 times!

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