CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 147: Where is dad

Chapter 147

"Yes, I understand. Please rest assured the president." Qiu Yan took the phone carefully, assured.

"Also, don't damage this phone, don't delete everything inside it." Su Minhao bowed his head and thought.

"Okay, then the president, if there are no other orders, I will go out first." Qiu Yi only felt that the weight of the white mobile phone in his hand seemed to be much heavier, which made him have to hold it carefully.

"Go." He waved his hands numbly, and Su Yinghao's expression seemed to be deep in thought at this moment.

Seven days later.

That morning, Luo Qingyun got up early and took the group to the hospital, her mood was tense and trembling.

After settling in the ward, she led the attending doctor to the obstetrics and gynecology department on the third floor and had a pregnancy check.

When she returned to the hematologist's office on the fifth floor and waited for the results, her whole mood seemed agitated.

This is probably the most nervous time since she grew up. She felt like she was waiting for the fate's verdict, and she silently prayed in her heart. If God lost so much on her preference, she might be able to conceive successfully this time, thus saving the fragile little life.

The doctor in front of her could see her nervousness, so she comforted her: "God is with us and he will make you do what you want."

"Hopefully." If she didn't succeed this time, she really didn't know what means she could use next time to have a relationship with Su Yihao again.

The attending doctor gave her a consoling smile, and then immediately heard the knock at the door.

A nurse came in from the door with the test sheet and said to the doctor: "Dr. Aida, the test result is out. This is a test sheet. The result is negative and not pregnant."

The attending doctor Aida heard that he took the test and took a single look, then looked regretfully at Luo Qingyun in front of him: "Luo, it seems that things are not going as smoothly as we expected, I think you should tell this to your child Father, let him help, after all, this is also his son. Besides, he also has the right to know the existence of Tuantuan, right? "

Luo Qingyun's expression was almost frozen at this time. She didn't expect that everything she could do was turned out to be a futile effort. God made a big joke at this time.

"Is the check wrong? Would you like to check it again?" Although she knew the odds of the check were zero, she still struggled.

"I think you should take the time to find the child's father. If you can get pregnant again as soon as possible, the illness will be treated as early as possible." Aida said, and looked at the clock on the wall again. "Sorry, My next patient is coming. "

"Well, that won't delay you ..." Luo Qingyun said, got up from the chair, turned around and walked to the door. At this time, all her imagination in her mind appeared again in front of Su Yinghao. Scenes.

What will he do to himself? Will he promise to have a night, love with himself?

With a confused thought, she turned back to the ward where Tuantuan was!

In the ward, Tuantuan was sitting on the hospital bed and watching TV. When Luo Qingyun came in, he didn't care.

"Baby ..." Looking at her son's lovely little face that day, she felt a bit sad, walked to the bed, and held him in her arms, speechlessly condensed.

"Mum, you're blocking me from watching TV." Tuantuan struggled a few times and frowned.

"Tuan Tuan, Mommy will save you, and it will definitely not let you be troubled." Luo Qingyun continued to hug Tuan Tuan as if to himself.

Hearing the words, he blinked his eyes suddenly and asked, "Mum, where did I come from?"

"Uh ... this ... this ..." Luo Qingyun saw that he suddenly asked this question, but he slightly hesitated, thinking that the boy never asked such questions, why is he suddenly curious about his source? ? Has it been time to give him **** education? If you think about it, children in foreign countries have generally received this kind of education.

It was just a little embarrassing to let her tell these things to her son.

Luo Qingyun's expression was slightly embarrassed, then he cleared his throat and said, "You, it came out of Mommy's belly. That's ... originally, you were like a baby sister in Dad's belly Then, my dad met mommy, and then ... this ... and then ... that ... just ... "

Luo Qingyun tried to explain the birth process of a small life with what she could understand. When she explained the matter in an awkward look, Tuantuan grabbed her head and thoughtfully looked Looking at Luo Qingyun in front of him, "Strange, George on TV said he was from England, why did I come from Ma Ma's belly?"

"Why ... what? You asked this ..." Luo Qingyun's sweat was gorgeous, and she didn't expect her son to just ask their country. She knew this was the case, so why bother? Explain to him some of them ...

"Mum, you started to say, I was inside Dad's belly and then ran into your belly, so what about my dad? Why have I never met him?" Tuantuan looked at Luo Qingyun with a black face Line, could not help asking again.

Luo Qingyun finally tasted the smashing of her feet by lifting a stone. At this moment, she had to choose a urine pee for this difficult problem, so she said to her, "Baby, Mummy goes to the bathroom first. , I'll tell you later. "

"Hey, I really ca n’t help you. Do n’t drink so many drinks at all, and go to the toilet every time." Tuantu looked at Luo Qingyun's urgency and shook his head and sighed.

Luo Qingyun had no choice but to go to the bathroom with a crow overhead ...

In City Y, Su Yinghao looked at a report on the desk in front of him, looking pale.

"What did you say? So many things were found? She didn't even find her address?" He looked at Qiu Yan in front of him, hoping to vent all his anger on him.

"President, Qingyun she ... No, Miss Luo is the holder of two national passports. After going to Spain, she cannot trace her whereabouts according to her Chinese name. The private detectives really did their best, we I only found her whereabouts after returning to China in those days ... "Qiu Yan said, looking embarrassed.

"Go out!" Su Yanhao ordered coldly in the face of the report that he was not satisfied with.

"President, that needs to continue ..."

"Go out, don't bring this up before me, mention this person." Su Yinghao said with a frost on his face, and he smashed his hands into a fist and slammed it on the desk in front of him.

Qiu Yue saw his emotional frenzy, knew that he was trying to suppress his temper, and had to retreat silently, afraid to say a word.

The office was quiet for a moment, and all that was left was Su Shihao's undulating breathing and the temperature dropped to freezing point.


Three days later, Luo Qingyun set off again, not the same as the last time she was arrogant and unsuccessful and became a benevolent. This time she was full of worry.

Not only did she worry that this time it was not as easy for Su Shihao to trap him this time, she also worried that this time would be as futile as last time.

In fact, she also had many questions in her heart about the infertility this time. The worst one was, what did Su Yinghao get after she left that would cause infertility? Thinking of this, she felt that she was too insignificant, so she just shook her head and lived this time to succeed.

Tuantuan sent Luo Qingyun away at the door of the ward. He blinked his **** eyes and looked at Luo Qingyun curiously and asked, "Mom, what are you going to do this time?"

"Mummy goes to find medicines for you, and if you find them, you can cure your illness. You obediently listen to the words of Dr. Aida and the nurse." Luo Qingyun touched the small head of the group's children and told him lovingly Road.

"Well, the new nurse lady is pretty good, and she doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Mommy, don't worry, I will listen to her." Tuantuan said with bright eyes, and the small, chubby hand waved vigorously. He said goodbye to her: "Mum goes early and returns early. If you meet a nice gentleman like me, take it home and show me early."

"Uh ..." Luo Qingyun looked at Tuantuan's appearance, secretly twitching at the corners of his mouth, thinking, is this the goods she and Su Yinghao's son? Why do you think about these things in your head all day? Not like them at all.

In a four-star hotel in Y City, Luo Qingyun was lying on the bed tossing and thinking about how this plan of stealing seeds would be carried out.

She knew that Su Yunhao was a cautious person. With the lesson from the previous car, she was afraid that he would not be fooled by her so easily.

Financial news was being broadcast on the TV in the room. She was not interested in these things and was bored holding the remote control to change channels. But at this moment, a news item caught her attention.

"It is reported that the news that Haoting Group and Huo's Group jointly acquired Meixin International Travel Company has been unilaterally confirmed by Shengshi Group, but I don't know why Haoting Group will choose to sell this time. In the next few days, the share prices of Haoting and Huo will reach a new height ... "

The background picture of this report is a picture of Su Shihao's spirit when attending major financial conferences. On the TV, he looks so energetic and energetic. He seems to live well without her. .


"Ding Dong, Ding Dong ..." Just as Luo Qingyun was still thinking about what happened seven years ago, the doorbell of the room was ringing.

Thinking that the breakfast should be delivered by herself, she immediately jumped off the bed, put on slippers and ran to the door.

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