CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 148: Investigating whereabouts

Chapter 148 Investigation

Opening the door, the waiter delivered the meal.

"Good morning, miss, this is your breakfast." The waiter pushed the dining car into the room, then lifted the plate from the dining car, put it on the table next to it, and picked up another meal from today's morning newspaper. Next to the plate, said: "I wish you a good meal."

Luo Qingyun looked at the front page of that morning newspaper and was a large photo of Su Yinghao. The content was the report that Hao Ting Group and Huo's Group acquired Meixin Tourism, and his eyes suddenly turned, and he turned towards the waiter who turned around. "You wait ..."

Then quickly walked to the bedside, took out a hundred dollars from the bag hanging on the hanger and handed it to the waiter as a tip: "Here you are."

The waiter did not expect that the client he served this time would be so cheerful and generous. He took the one hundred yuan with a smile, and then said, "Don't disturb your meal."

"Wait a minute, can you answer some questions for me?" Luo Qingyun saw that the waiter was going to leave again, so he asked immediately.

"I don't know what the lady wants to know?" The waiter said in cooperation with the one hundred dollars.

"I just came back from abroad and I am not familiar with many things in City Y, so I would like to ask you some questions. Don't be surprised." Luo Qingyun said, pointing his finger at the large photo on the morning paper: "This person, you do you know it?"

"You said President Su, of course, we know that our hotel is owned by Haoting."

"Why ... what? This hotel was also opened by Su Shihao?" Luo Qingyun was quite surprised by the news. In her impression, it seems that the hotels in Haoting are all five-star or higher. When did they also Opened a four-star hotel?

"It is said that it was a strategic cooperation with Huo's. I am not very clear. We also learned that the hotel has been acquired by Haoting a few days ago. Although the name has not changed, the boss has changed."

"So it is, then ... Do you know if your CEO is single now?" Luo Qingyun asked these words, and he couldn't wait to draw a few words, and found that his problem was so redundant, in fact, he was single. Does it matter if you are not single? She just needed him to help her give birth to a child, and had no other thoughts.

When the waiter heard Luo Qingyun asked him this question, he narrowed his eyes and looked at her. The little eyes seemed to ask Luo Qingyun, what happened? Are you interesting to our president?

Luo Qingyun realized that her question had nothing to do with what she wanted to know next, so she cleared her throat, pretending to be calm and said, "What the **** ... I ... I'm just curious, purely curious."

"In the past, there was a wife, that is, the Huo Group's Qianjin. For the past two years, I didn't know why they had divorced. As for now ... I also know with my toes. How can President Su's background in the net worth be possible? Marry again easily, what kind of woman does he want? Why marry and hang yourself on a tree? You just go to the street and go through the latest gossip weekly, which issue is not his cover character. Every day there are different Various people send women to his bed, and it is said that he usually collects them according to the order. Alas, it is enviable. I wish I could have been so rich to him. "The waiter said, Longing for a look.

This news was like a thunder to Luo Qingyun. When was Su Suhao, who was indifferent and unsmiling in her impression, turned into a playboy?

When did he divorce Huo Xiwen?

Has the Huo family's affairs been completely resolved now?

What has happened in these four years that has changed him so much, or has she missed something from the beginning?

"Yes, you just said, what happened to many people who gave women to him?" Luo Qingyun heard a hint of mystery from the waiter's words, and she immediately asked.

"Ah ... haha ​​... what? ... where do I know so clearly, but I often see such news in the gossip magazine. If you are interested, you can buy it yourself." The waiter said, then Nodding his mouth, he glanced at Luo Qingyun's newspaper and said, "Now, look at the cooperation between Hao Ting and Huo's. Maybe Huo will give a woman to President Su. Well, miss, no Excuse me for your rest. I have to go to work. I wish you a good meal. "

After the waiter spoke, he went to the door.

Luo Qingyun looked at the back of his departure, and a bold plan suddenly appeared in his mind.

After breakfast, she pulled out a private detective's business card from her bag and dialed the number above.

"President Wang, how are you?" After the call was connected, she said to the man on the other side of the phone.

"Miss Luo, how are you? I didn't expect you to come to me again so soon, how about it? What do you need me to check for you this time?" When President Wang heard Luo Qingyun's voice, he knew it was The God of Wealth has given him money, so he speaks attentively.

"Do you know that Hao Ting cooperates with Huo's acquisition? I need to know that the conditions that Huo's offer to Hao Ting can be seen on the table. Something, such as ... "Luo Qingyun said here, paused a little, seemed to be thinking, and then went on to say," such as a woman ... "

"Ha ha, it seems that Miss Luo is very interested in Mr. Su, no problem, give me a day to guarantee you to find out." President Wang agreed with a smile.

"I don't have that much time. I need to get an answer before two o'clock this afternoon. I can pay double the price." Luo Qingyun interrupted him.

"Okay, in this case, I'll check it now, and wait for my good news." President Wang was attracted by the double price and responded immediately.

Hanging up the phone, Luo Qingyun exhaled a long breath and looked out of the window. At this moment, the sun was just right. In the morning of City Y, the air seemed to be sweet.

Haoting Building, President's Office.

Su Yinghao leaned on the comfortable executive chair, and his eyes fell lazily on the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, holding a signature pen in his hand to play.

"General Manager Su, I believe you also know that this acquisition is good for you and our Huo family. As long as you sign, our cooperation will be established in the future." The middle-aged man will hold the document in his hand. Clipped in front of Su Yinghao, his voice said with a little expectation.

Su Minhao glanced briefly at the contract in front of him, and Pi Xiaorou said without smile: "Did your president have released the news that our court has cooperated with you? Why, now I remember that we have not signed yet. A contract? "

"This ..." The middle-aged man heard the words, with a little embarrassment on his face, a little embarrassed, "She did not want to announce it in advance at that time, but you know that since you divorced Miss Huo, the senior management inside the company There are always so many people who like to sing contradictions, and they like to give Miss Huo a problem. This time, they probably caught your temper, and then deliberately revealed the news in advance. "

"Is that so?" Su Yinghao said, and raised his brow lightly, and then said, "Xi Wen is still not sure about Huo's old stuff?"

"Those people have deep roots in Huo's, and many of them are Miss Huo's elders, so easy to be obedient. President Su, our president, sincerely invites you to join this acquisition with 120,000 points. Of course, except for the contract Those conditions mentioned above, and our president knows that you like red wine, and specially prepared a bottle of old-fashioned wine in the presidential suite of the Manche Hotel. I hope you can enjoy your face tonight to taste. "The middle-aged man said , Took out a golden room card from the jacket pocket and put it on the table and said, "Tonight at eight thirty, you will definitely be here."

Su Minhao picked up the room card in front of her, and a slight smile flickered at the corner of her mouth. "Little girl, what's hard to learn, learn these messy methods."

After that, he took the signing pen and waved his hand, and the big name was flying on the contract.

The middle-aged man exited the office contentedly with the signed contract, and Qiu Yan, who was standing silent at the same time, said, "Do you plan to go to the Manche Hotel tonight?"

"Why don't you go? Don't you wonder what Xiwen's girl prepared me for a 'gift' there?" Su Shihao asked with a sneer.

"Then I'll help you cancel the itinerary at night," Qiu Yan said, and took out the notepad and began to modify the itinerary.

At noon, Luo Qingyun received a phone call from the private detective President Wang. She knew that the investigation must be fruitful, so she immediately opened the answer button.

"How? Is the investigation clear?" She asked eagerly.

"Yes, as you expected, in addition to the content on the bright side, there were secretly transactions. What I found here was that the Huo Group had prepared a model for Su Yinghao at the Manche Hotel at 8 pm President ’s suite. ”President Wang said in a breath all the things Luo Qingyun wanted to know. In order to investigate these materials, he used almost all his personal connections.

"Very well, you will receive your reward. However, I also want to know the specific information of that model, and her phone number." Luo Qingyun was already planning tonight's action at this time.

"What? ... Miss Luo, you also know that although we are private detectives, there are many things that are not so easy to do. Look at this ..." President Wang said with some hesitation.

"I will give you another amount of money as a reward. I believe that finding a model's information should not be a big problem for your dignified private detectives. An hour, if you ca n’t do it, I can also find Others help check. "Luo Qingyun didn't want to talk to him, and now for her, time is money. She didn't have much time to delay.

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