CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 149: Steal a beam

Chapter 149 Stealing a Beam

"Miss Luo, what are you talking about? Don't worry, you don't have to wait for an hour, and the information you need will be checked immediately." President Wang changed her tone and assured her immediately after hearing that she wanted to change it.

Hanging up the phone, Luo Qingyun immediately changed his clothes, and after packing, he pulled out the suitcase and went out.

In the lobby, she checked out, then went out of the hotel, took a taxi, and headed towards the Hotel Manche.

The Manche Hotel, the most luxurious super five-star hotel in City Y, is said to be ready to declare a six-star hotel in the early stage of construction. However, for no reason, it was only rated as a five-star hotel. But even so, it is the best hotel in City Y. ,none of them.

As a hotel tycoon, Haoting Group has always been jealous of Manche Hotel. Su Haohao once thought of acquiring it, but Haoting adjusted its strategic goals and promoted the hotel market overseas. So in recent years, they have been doing overseas. The investment has not set its sights on this city.

Because the Manche Hotel has nothing to do with Hao Ting, Luo Qingyun didn't worry too much when she came. At least here, she doesn't have to worry about someone recognizing herself.

A room on the same floor as the Presidential Suite was booked at the Manche Hotel. She was led by the bellman and went into the elevator to go upstairs.

When she came to the room, President Wang's phone number was called again, telling her details about the model and contact information. After Luo Qingyun wrote it down with a pen, she hung up the phone.

The next time, she began to think about what excuses she had to use to persuade the model to give up her date with Su Yinghao tonight.

Her plan is to change the civet cat to a prince. As long as she can convince the model not to come to the Manche Hotel, then she will have the opportunity to replace her to complete this "transaction". She even thought about it and waited for Su Shihao to enter the room. , She waited for him in bed, turned off the room light, and then ...

This plan was simply seamless in her mind. She thought that as long as she successfully rolled the sheets with him, she would run away like last time and never appear to him again.

As long as she remembered that Tuan Tuan would be saved, and then lived a happy life like an ordinary child, she felt that she was fighting at this moment.

After formulating several reasons in her mind, she still could not find a better way.

A model that can come out and sell her body means that she needs money, or that she loves money. The general reason must be that there is no way to persuade a person who does not even have dignity to sell his flesh and body.

In addition, the name of this model is very strange, and President Wang did not use any exaggerated words or special adjectives when talking about her, which shows that this model is not popular, and her current status in the circle should be It's half red.

If Luo Qingyun pretends to be a paparazzi reporter to threaten her, maybe she will not be afraid, and she may even use the identity of Su Yinghao to speculate, and she will become even more clumsy. It seems she can only use the last move.

Since she can sell her body for money, she must be able to give up selling herself for money.

Thinking of this, she no longer froze, and immediately took out her cell phone to call the model.

The call went on, and it was a man who answered it.

"Which one?" The voice was not very friendly.

Luo Qingyun listened to this voice, and was agitated in his heart. I wonder if this is the model's agent? Thinking of this, she immediately asked: "Hello, I'm looking for Mandy. Is she here?"

"She's taking a bath. Who are you?" The other side heard Luo Qingyun's voice, and the unfriendly tone had slightly converged and became more polite.

"Then you are her ..." Luo Qingyun felt the other's tone softened, and asked tentatively.

"I'm her boyfriend. Do you have anything to do with her? Who are you?" The man seemed curious about Luo Qingyun's identity and continued to ask.

As soon as Luo Qingyun heard about the man's identity, he immediately became aware. The idea of ​​originally doubling the price to buy Mandy was immediately closed, then he cleared his throat and said to the other side: "Really? Mandy has a boyfriend Why haven't I heard her mention it? I always thought she was single. Before, she often asked me to introduce rich men to her. It seems that she probably teased me. I was supposed to make an appointment tonight. Well, introduce her to an elder brother. It seems that she will not go to the appointment, then you can help me tell her, the agreement with Mr. Su is cancelled tonight, please don't use it. Goodbye. "

After speaking, she did not wait for the other party to respond, and then hung up the phone.

Originally thinking that everything was over, she started planning for tonight, but it wasn't long before she put the phone down, but it rang again with joy.

The phone number was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

"Hello." After saying hello to the other side of the phone, she immediately heard the other person's voice: "I'm Mandy, who are you? The phone you just called made me not go to the Manche Hotel tonight?"

Luo Qingyun heard that, with a "sudder" in his heart, was it possible that his own scheme was found out?

But at this moment, she couldn't help but refuse to admit it. The matter has reached this point. If it is unsuccessful, she can only think of other ways. In consideration of this, she has to be stubborn: "Yes, I am the secretary of President Su, Because the man who just answered the phone is your boyfriend, in order not to let your boyfriend misunderstand anything, I will let you not go to an appointment tonight. In fact, because our president has another appointment tonight, but promised to You can still ask for Huo's for your compensation. The president does not want you to let Huo know that you are not together tonight. Do you understand? "

"It turned out to be like that, well, I know what to do. I will tell you, Mr. Su, I will keep it secret for him." Mandy could continue to receive the reward, and his original agitated tone eased, and finally Agree to keep it secret, and then hang up.

To achieve this step, Luo Qingyun can be said to be everything, waiting for the evening.

At 5 pm, Su Yinghao stepped out of the office building, and the driver had parked his car at the door waiting for him.

Seeing Su Yihao coming out, the driver immediately got out of the car, walked to the back door of the car, opened the door for him, and respectfully asked him to get in the car.

After getting in the car, he instructed the driver to go straight to Manche Hotel.

In the hotel, Luo Qingyun was lying in the bedroom. She had turned off all the lights in the bedroom, and the neon lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows lighted into the room, making the bedroom's light dim at this moment.

She silently counted time in her heart, anxious and apprehensive.

The minute passed, and when the appointed eight o'clock came, she did not hear the door open.

Isn't he coming? Are the rumors all false?

She began to become restless in her heart. If it was all false, wouldn't all her efforts be done in vain?

How to do? Does she have to wait?

In fact, there was a trace of deep inside her wishing him not to come. If he didn't come, it would prove that those gossip magazines were catching the wind, he was not the rumored **** at all, he was the same Su Suhao.

Before, he had to marry Huo Xiwen against his own intention as a last resort, but now, these women whom others have given him, he can refuse.

But if he didn't come, how could she save the group?

Wait another half an hour. If he doesn't show up again, she won't wait tonight, and think of another way tomorrow. Luo Qingyun thought silently, and then started counting time.

She has never felt time passing as slowly as it does now. In the past four years, she felt that the passage of time caught her off guard. Now, she can almost hear the sound of passing every second, like The old donkey pulled the mill disk and crushed her heart a little.

After a long time, she still didn't wait for him to appear.

It seems that he won't come today, she thought so, she took a long breath, lifted the quilt, and got up to get out of bed.

However, when she put on a skirt and went to the door of the room to leave, she suddenly heard the sound of swiping the card at the door.

Frightened by the sound, she immediately reached out and turned off the room light that had just been turned on. Then she opened the quilt and slammed into the quilt.

When Su Yinghao came to the presidential suite, he saw that there was no one in the lobby, and on the table was a bottle of vintage wine and two wine glasses. The wine glass was clean and clear, not as if it had been used, while the bedroom door was closed.

Assistant Sun said Huo Xiwen prepared a good bottle of wine for him. Is it really a bottle of wine?

Su Yinghao thought of this, and a ridiculous smile suddenly aroused in the corner of his mouth. He seemed to laugh at the wrong intention of Assistant Sun.

The red wine has been opened and awake. He picked up the wine glass and poured himself a small half glass for tasting. Because he arrived 40 or more minutes later than the appointed time, the wine was too awake, and the most mellow wine had passed. Timing of tasting.

After taking a small sip, he put down the glass with regret, and did not plan to continue drinking this wine which is no longer the best taste.

In the room, Luo Qingyun was so nervous that she couldn't even breathe loudly. She clenched her fists in front of her chest tightly and listened to the sound in the living room with her ears raised up, but her head was covered in the quilt and she dared not take it out.

After Su Yinghao lowered his glass, he looked around the hall for a week, and finally looked down at the closed bedroom door.

His rational thinking told him that there was nothing left for him to stay here, and he could leave. But there was another voice in his mind reminding him to look into the room.

Eventually, his rational thinking was destroyed by another voice in his mind, and he lifted his feet and walked towards the bedroom door step by step.

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