CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 150: Pregnant again

Chapter 150

He walked to the door and raised his hand gently. His fingertips slowly fell on the door handle. Then he gripped the handle with his fingers and twisted it gently. The door was opened from the outside by him. Looking at the light coming in from outside the living room, he faintly saw that there was a person lying inside the quilt on the bed.

When he entered the room, he habitually raised his hand to press the switch on the wall. At the moment, Luo Qingyun hiding in the quilt didn't know if he realized he was trying to turn on the light, so across the quilt, she said nervously: "Don't Turn on the lights, please ... "

Because Luo Qingyun's head was covered in a quilt, and his voice was filtered by the quilt, Su Yinghao didn't really listen to the sound that he should have been familiar with, he only heard the content clearly.

Did she not want him to turn on the light because she was shy?

"What's your name?" Su Yanhao's hand stopped in mid-air without turning on the light. He stood at the door, his hands naturally stuck in the pockets of his pants, and his voice asked lazily.

"Man ... Mandy ..." Luo Qingyun was so nervous that his heart was about to pop out of his throat.

It's been four years, and she hasn't spoken a word to him for four years. Tonight, she has to have a relationship with him as another woman.

"You seem to be nervous. In this case, you should take a good rest." He heard the uneasy part of her words, and he was never used to forcing women, naturally he did not want to force, so he decided to leave.

"No ... don't go ..." Luo Qingyun saw that he seemed to leave, and she immediately pleaded: "I ... I'm a little nervous, no ... But I can overcome it, I will make you very comfortable. Please stay ... "

This is the first time she has said such a cheeky word. If it was not for the mission, she would not dare to think that she would say it from her mouth.

"Really?" Su Haohao has also seen countless women these years, but he was the first time he saw a woman who was nervous but longing for him like "Mandy" tonight. For a while, his Interest was aroused by this woman who was always covered under the quilt and did not dare to talk about her head getting out of the fresh air.

"As long as I don't turn on the light, I will try to make you as happy as possible." Her voice shook slightly because of her tension, and her face became like a ripe apple because of these words she said.


Seven days later, in the gynecologist's office in a private hospital in the beautiful city of Granada, Spain.

"Really? Are you sure? I'm ... pregnant? Didn't you make a mistake?" Luo Qingyun held the test sheet in his hand and looked at the specialist intern in front of him in surprise.

"Yes, you have been pregnant for a week. At present, your health is normal. Be careful. Your baby will be born next spring." The intern said to her with a smile.

Luo Qingyun nodded strongly, then took the test sheet and walked towards the blood department upstairs.

When she handed the test list to Aida's attending doctor, Aida also smiled comfortably: "Congratulations, you are a great mother, and Tuantu has been saved."

"Aida, I'm very happy, you don't know how much I look forward to this child's coming." Luo Qingyun laughed and burst into tears. Ever since Tuantuan was found to have leukemia, she has been seeking treatment for him. For a long time, she even despaired that she could exchange his life for his life. Now, she finally found the "medicine" for the treatment group, so how could she be unhappy?

"God bless you and your children," Aida said, drawing a cross on her chest.

"I'll go and see the group." Luo Qingyun could not wait to share the news that the group was saved, she said, and went out of the doctor's office and walked towards the ward.

At this time in the ward, a small figure was sitting on the bed with his quilt wrapped tightly around his body, and looked at the nurse lady in front of his eyes in horror.

"I don't give an injection, don't give an injection ..." He thought in his little mouth, with an expression of unwillingness to submit.

"Little obedient, don't struggle, I will give you a light needle to make sure it won't hurt ..." Miss Nurse's big tail flickered in small groups.

"A deceiving woman can't marry like me, you better not lie to me." The small group said, carefully extending its little arm out of the quilt, while not forgetting to warn the nurse. .

Luo Qingyun heard this at the door, and he almost did not faint. It turned out that his son arranged her like this behind her.

"Uh ... the child must be obedient." The nurse did not expect that such a shrewd word would pop out of the little fart child. After sweating gorgeously, she held up the needle in her hand and said: "Good Today, we will not spank our arms, but we will spank. Take off your pants and hug your aunt. "

"Butt ..." After listening to Miss Nurse's words, she blushed suddenly and buried her head shyly in the quilt. "People will be shy, or not ..."

The nurse nurse was smashed by the arrogant appearance of the little fart. She resisted the surging anger in her heart, almost gritted her teeth and said, "Children, my aunt has been delaying a lot of time with you, and there are many patients in Waiting for your aunt to get the injection and medicine, you can cooperate well and just get the injection. "

"Does the needle leave a hole in the ass? Will it be disfigured? My **** is very important. A perfect buttocks can have a perfect life. Miss nurse, is there a hole in your butt? "TuanTuan asked with a serious blink of his eyes.

The nurse nurse heard the words and looked at him with a black line on his face. At this moment, Luo Qingyun at the door couldn't stand it. She walked into the room immediately and hugged Tuantuan to lay him on his lap, then put his He cut off his trousers and said to the nurse, "Please do it."

Tuantuan stroked his hands while struggling and shouting, "Miss nurse, it doesn't hurt you, a liar woman won't marry ..."

There was a dark smile on the corner of Miss Nurse's mouth. On the raised needle, the tip of the needle flashed a dazzling cold light. The cold light seemed to be saying, "Stop it, boy."

As soon as the needle went down, I heard a loud cry coming out of the ward. The whole hospital almost shuddered because of the loud cry.

After the needle was shot, Miss Nurse left, leaving the sobbing group lying inside the quilt and Luo Qingyun sitting there to soothe him.

"Baby, don't cry, don't you hurt now? You need an injection to get better, don't you? Don't cry, don't be angry with Mommy, Mommy loves you so much ..."

"Mummy is a witch who bullies children. It's scary, I don't want Mummy ..." Tuantuan wore a quilt around her body, crying as she cried.

Luo Qingyun couldn't help looking at him with a beating, but he couldn't help but wanted to talk. "Mummy loved the group most, how could it be a witch, then you said, how can you forgive Mom?" Mimi? How about Mommy going to buy you your favorite Superman toy? "

"I want Daddy, I want a Daddy, and I want to be very handsome, very handsome, very powerful dad ..." Tuantuan wiped her tears, then opened her eyes and looked at Luo Qingyun Road in front of her.

"Uh ... why are you suddenly ..." Luo Qingyun didn't expect that one day he would be quarreled with his son to ask for dad. She had never heard of Tuan Tuan telling her to ask for dad. She just wanted a boyfriend.

"I want dad to protect me. Mummy is a witch who likes to bully children. I want dad ..." Tuantuan said, crying again.

"You ..." Luo Qingyun looked at the son in front of him very speechlessly, and was deeply hurt by his heart. He dared to raise himself for so many years but raised a white-eyed wolf.

"Just want dad, can't give the child a dad's mum is not a good mum ..." Tuantuan rolled his feet on the bed and rolled on the bed.

"You are good, don't cry, you tell Mommy first, why do you suddenly want Dad?"

"It wasn't all of a sudden, you always wanted it, but you just didn't find me a dad ..." Tuantuan said with a serious grimace, like a debt collector.

"Uh ... you didn't want it so strongly before." Luo Qingyun poked his lips in disapproval. At first she thought that Tuan Tuan would tell him a tragic story that he was ridiculed and bullied by other children because he was a child without a father. Then he was so excited that he cried and wanted a father.

"No matter, no matter, I just want dad, everyone says I'm a handsome guy, so my dad must be a handsome guy, I want to see a big handsome guy, I want a dad ..." Tuantuan reasoned out his very tough genetic logic The appearance of a father.

Luo Qingyun sweated silently, didn't her son like big beautiful women? Do you like handsome guys for Mao again? How did this orientation get so fast?

Did she live with her since she was a child, so her character has become more and more mother-in-law?

"Baby, don't make a noise first, wouldn't Mommy tell you a happy thing?" He didn't dare to entangle him with this topic about "daddy", Luo Qingyun immediately turned his head.

"What's the matter?" Tuantuan sucked his nose, stopped crying and asked curiously.

"Mummy has a baby in her belly. After Mommy gives birth to him, your illness will be cured. Do you think this is good news? Are you happy?" Luo Qingyun said, full of His face looked at Tuantuan in prayer, hoping he could give her a big smile.

However, who knows Tuan Tuan heard the words, stared at Luo Qingyun's belly with his eyes widened, then stretched out his chubby fingers and poked her unswelled belly, saying, "I really have Is the baby in there? Tell him to come out and play with me, tell him to come out. "

"Uh ..." Luo Qingyun continued sweating: "This ... the baby hasn't grown up yet and can't come out to play with you yet."

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