CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 154: meet

Chapter 154: Meeting

In the president's office, when Luo Qingyun walked in, he saw Su Yinghao working at his desk.

"What's the matter?" Su Yinghao heard the voice of opening the door and thought the secretary had come in, so he asked without looking up.

"It's me." Luo Qingyun stood behind the closed door, afraid to move forward, she said softly.

Su Yinghao heard this once-familiar voice, and suddenly raised his head as if stimulated by something.

At this moment, Luo Qingyun in front of him was wearing a small black collared off-the-shoulder small dress and a large white brim hat on his head.

After a long stare, Su Haohao turned back from the shock when he saw her. When his eyes slowly changed from surprise to indifference, his gaze was also closed, and he signed the pen in front of him. Throwing it at the desk, he held his chest with both hands, lazily leaning on the back of the chair behind him, silently glaring at the woman who didn't know where he came from.

"I ..." Luo Qingyun opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. She began to regret that she hadn't practiced the opening remarks after seeing him before he came, and now he stared straight at her without talking, making her nervous and not knowing what to say.

Su Yinghao looked at her uneasy look, waiting for her voice.

Luo Qingyun saw that Su Yanhao didn't say anything, just looked at herself, as if waiting for a joke, so she bit her lip, crossed her heart, and said, "Where did you get my son?" Anymore? "

"Your son?" Su Yinghao once imagined the scene in which she appeared in front of him many times. He thought she should at least ask him how he had lived these years, or tell him that her Happening.

But she didn't say anything. The first sentence she spoke was to ask the whereabouts of his children, as if there was nothing else between them to say.

A sneer of irony sneered quickly around the corner of his mouth, and his left-handed ring finger tapped on his right arm, as if watching a huge joke.

"Yes, I know it was you who let him go, you tell me, where did he get you from?" Luo Qingyun just wanted to know where the child went, and she didn't even dare to look at Su Yinghao's eyes She was afraid that he would already know Tuan Tuan's life.

"Do you think I will tell you?" Su Yinghao now wanted to catch the woman in front of her and punish him severely, but reasonably told him not to worry, he also wanted to see her performance.

"What do you want?" Luo Qingyun felt that she would not easily return to Tuan Tuan this time, and she looked at Su Yinghao with an uneasy look.

Although four years have passed and each of them has changed a lot, when she sees her again, she can obviously feel that her heart will still throb.

"What do you say?" Su Yinghao looked at her, his eyes darkened gradually.

Luo Qingyun frowned, she said?

What should she say, she had no idea what his purpose was.

"Please return me to Tuantuan. I beg you, he is ill and can't stay outside all the time ..." Luo Qingyun's tone was a bit anxious, and his eyes were red slightly.

"Luo Qingyun, I'll ask you again at last, who is that little kid's father!" At this time, Su Haohao got up from the chair and walked straight in front of her. ask.

Sure enough, he still doubted Tuan Tuan's life.

Also, such two faces that are similar are put together, and anyone can see how similar they are.

Taking a deep breath, she was afraid to answer.

"Reluctant to tell the truth?" Su Yinghao saw her struggle inside and confirmed her guess even more.

He was a little annoyed that this **** woman had arrived at this moment, and he refused to tell himself the truth.

"Qiu Yan!" Su Yanhao looked up and shouted loudly at the door.

At this time Qiu Yan was lying on the door and eavesdropping. In fact, he also wanted to know what the outcome could be between them.

He heard Su Shihao's voice, he was so scared that he couldn't stand still. When he stood up straight, he gathered his expression, and walked in from outside, he heard Su Shihao's command, "Take her out."

Luo Qingyun heard the words, panicked, reached out, and grabbed his arm directly, "Please return me the group, please, please."

Su Yanhao looked at her coldly, "Let go."

"Let it go, will you give me the ball?" Luo Qingyun shook his head and begged.

At this time, Su Yihao raised her other hand, grabbed her slender wrist, and pressed slightly, Luo Qingyun frowned in pain, her hand involuntarily released.

"Qiu Yi, are you deaf? You haven't taken her out yet." His patience was completely exhausted at this time.

In fact, he wanted to know the identity of the child, he didn't need to ask her at all, the paternity test was already in progress, and there would be results soon.

Ask her, but just want to give her another chance to explain at last and let her admit that the child is his.

Unfortunately, she missed it again.

Qiu Yan now stood up to Luo Qingyun and politely said to her, "Miss Luo, please come back."

Of course, Luo Qingyun was unwilling to leave like this. She was in a hurry with her physical condition. She knelt directly in a hurry. Innocent, he is really sick now, and he is very sick. I must take him back to the hospital. "

"Oh ... hate you? Luo Qingyun, you may take yourself too seriously." Su Yanhao sneered, and her dark eyes looked down at the woman in front of her: "I will not give you back the child, you Just die. "

"Miss Luo, get up first, and have something to say." Qiu Yan was too anxious to be on the side. He was really worried that Luo Qingyun would continue to do this and would annoy Su Shihao and do something else Come.

"Child ... it's yours!" Luo Qingyun's eyes flashed with tears, and she finally spoke.

Su Shihao heard the words, her expression was obviously stagnant, and even Qiu Yi also showed a shocked look.

That child is really his! !!

"Do you think I will believe what you say?" Although he was very excited when he learned that he had a son, his sanity did not allow him to have any radical reactions. For four years, he almost every day To think of the woman in front of her, but she seems to be living very well, how can she be so chic, just walk away, talk come.

"You can do a paternity test." Luo Qingyun knew he would no longer easily believe in himself, so he quickly said.

"I will do the paternity test," Su Yinghao said coldly. "Since you say the child is mine, I can't let him go with you."

"Why? I told you, he is your son, why are you ..."

"Luo Qingyun, you have a lot of problems. Do you think I will give you another chance to take my son away?" Su Yihao's face sneered with a sneer, chilling.

"So, you won't let me see the child anyway, right?" Luo Qingyun looked at him and suddenly found that he seemed to have made a very stupid decision.

"Yes!" Should he take his son away and disappear for four years, shouldn't he pay a little price?

"If I tell you, there's still a baby in my belly?" Luo Qingyun was cut out, and she showed her last hole card.

Su Yanhao heard the words, his expression froze for a moment. At the end, he sneered, "You really have the means."

At this moment, Qiu's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked up the cell phone and glanced to the side, and connected the phone. "What's wrong? What? You call an ambulance immediately ..."

Hanging up the phone, he looked up at Su Yinghao in panic.

Luo Qingyun heard the word "ambulance", and suddenly the alarm bell was in his head. He stood up and turned to look at Qiu Yi. "Is something wrong? Where is he now? Tell me, I am I beg you."

"This ..." Qiu Yi was very distressed and had to ask Su Shihao for instructions.

Luo Qingyun was afraid that Su Haohao would reject himself again, so he said busyly: "I only know the condition of Tuantuan. I must go to the hospital to avoid delaying the doctor's treatment."

Su Yihao also came back at this time. Luo Qingyun has been emphasizing the illness of Tuan Tuan, thinking that they are a child found in a children's hospital. The physical condition of the child who wants to come is afraid that it is really bad.

"Go to the hospital." He didn't even have time to get his coat. He stepped on his long legs and walked out the door.

Luo Qingyun saw that he did not refuse himself anymore, and quickly followed his steps, and left the office with Qiu Yi.


Anren Private Hospital.

By the time Su Xiaohao's three arrived, the child had been sent to the emergency room.

The doctor came out to ask the family members' medical history, and Luo Qingyun immediately stepped forward and described the condition of Tuan Tuan in detail.

When Su Yinghao heard that his son was suffering from leukemia, the whole person was almost unable to support him.

When Luo Qingyun explained the medical history to the doctor, he lifted his feet forward, grabbed her wrist, held it hard, and whispered, "Luo Qingyun, what did you do to my son? Why would he have That **** sick? "

Luo Qingyun was already anxious and chaotic at this time, tears were falling down like tear-off beads, and his voice was choking. "I don't know, I don't know."

He asked her, then who would she ask?

"I don't know?" He repeated these three words, his eyes were scary and cold. "You took my son away and disappeared for four years. Now he is sick like this, you tell me, you don't know why? "

"Yes, I left with the child back then. It was really wrong, but before I left, I told you that this child is yours, do you believe it? If you don't, will you let me give birth to this child?" Luo Qingyun looked at him head to head, saying unwillingly.

Su Yinghao heard this sentence, as perfect as the sculpture's expression on his face was stiff, and there was a flash of pain in his deep eyes. For a long time, he smiled angrily, and laughed extra ironically.

Luo Qingyun, it turns out that in your eyes, I'm just such a cold-blooded and ruthless man who has no respect for life.

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