CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 155: First father

Chapter 155: Beginning Father

"Qiu Yan, take her away." The voice was exhausted, and Su Yunhao's tone was extremely disappointed.

"Miss Luo, please ..." Qiu Yue said to Luo Qingyun.

Luo Qingyun opened her mouth and wanted to say something. Qiu Yan reached out and pulled her hand a little more, her voice aggravated: "Miss Luo, come with me."

Luo Qingyun understands that staying here now will only make Su Yinghao even more angry. Since Tuantuan has already been treated in the hospital, and Su Yinghao is here to guard, she need not worry too much.

Turning his head to Qiu Yi, he found that he seemed to have something to say to himself. After thinking for a while, she still followed Qiu Yi and left the rescue room.

Out of the hospital building, the two got into the car parked at the door.

The door was closed and Qiu Yan started the car. "Miss Luo, where do you live now?"

"Qiu Yi, you can just call me Qingyun directly. I live in the children's hospital, in the ward." Luo Qingyun listened to him as such a title, a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Well, Qingyun, then I'll take you to the children's hospital for luggage." Qiu Yan said.

"Luggage?" Luo Qingyun was a little stunned.

"Don't you want to be with Tuantuan?"

"Of course I want to, but ..." Luo Qingyun thought of Su Shihao's face, and knew that it was also in vain.

However, Qiu Yue asked now, but she had a bit of hope, "You mean, can you let me stay with Tuantuan?"

"The president is now angry, so he doesn't want to listen to what you say, but I know that he has not forgotten you for a moment during the four years you left." Qiu Yan said in his heart.

As soon as Luo Qingyun heard it, a bitter smile appeared on his face, "Really? If so, what are those women around him?"

"Women?" Qiu Yan heard the words and hesitated for a moment, but soon he understood what those women in her mouth were referring to. "Those people are just the CEO used to paralyze himself and force himself to forget your alternative It's just a substitute. Now it seems that substitutes are after all substitutes. You are back now, and those people will naturally disappear. "


Is that right?

Luo Qingyun didn't know whether he should believe Qiu Yi's words.

But she also knew in her heart that Qiu Yan was the least likely to lie to her.

"What happened to the child in your stomach? Now that you decided to leave, why are you back now? Still trying to conceive the second child of the president?" Qiu Yi asked at this time and kept haunting him A question in my mind.

Luo Qingyun heard that his hand gently touched his flat belly. "This child is very important. He can save the team."

After hearing this answer, Qiu Yan suddenly realized, "I've heard of cord blood transplantation before. That's it."

"Maybe I shouldn't have come back. Don't talk about it now, just because the child in my stomach will eventually leave me." Luo Qingyun said sadly.

"Why don't you think better? Maybe, you and the president, the relationship between you can start again?" Qiu Yan did not understand why she was so pessimistic.

"Restart?" Luo Qingyun shook his head, is it possible?

The rift between them was already so deep that his appearance hated her.

"The depth of love is the responsibility. I think you should understand this truth."

"Does he ... really love me?" Luo Qingyun couldn't believe it.

After all, love the word, Su Yinghao never told her.

In the past, he had said at most that he liked her.

She also determined that at the beginning, he really liked her.

But love, is it really there?

"Don't you think about how to repair the relationship with the president and give your two children a sound family? Don't you want the second child to be born and fight with you like a father like a gang?" Qiu Yan raised a very realistic question.

His words were like a wake-up call, so that Luo Qingyun, who was lost, found his own goal!

Yeah, why did she forget that she didn't take the most crucial first step just to give Tuan Tuan a sound family?

But, is it too late to correct it now?

Will Su Minhao still give her this chance?


Anren Hospital, in the ward.

After being rescued by the doctor, TuanTuan was out of danger.

After sleeping for a while, I woke up and saw the pretty nurse sister in front of me, and started to "tune and play" again.

Su Yinghao has been staying in the garden of the inpatient department.

Probably it is more timid to be close to hometown. After knowing that Tuan Tuan is his own son, he is a little bit confused about how to deal with this child.

Unprepared, he became a father.

Luo Qingyun really prepared her a huge surprise.

Just how to be a father, he hasn't figured it out yet.

He hopes that he can leave a good impression on the child and make the child like himself.

After returning from Luo Qingyun, Qiu Yan found Su Yinghao in the garden. Seeing his dignified expression, he didn't know what happened, so he asked, "President, how is the young master?"

Su Qihao heard Qiu Yi's voice, looked up at him, "Send off?"

Qiu Yan nodded. "She was living in a hospital. I asked her to take her luggage and took her to the hotel."

Su Haohao's face was calm and he didn't speak again.

"President, young master ... he's okay?" Qiu Yan was more concerned about the cute little guy at this time.

"Come with me to the ward." Su Yinghao said, stood up and walked forward.

Qiu Yun looked at the back of him walking in front, and he was suspicious in his heart. How did he feel that his president was waiting for him downstairs?

The two entered the elevator, went upstairs, exited the elevator, and headed for the corridor where Tuantu's ward was located.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a clear child's voice in front of me: "Back and back, everyone retreats outside this warning line, please do not exceed this line, the visit fee is 10,000 yuan per person ..."

Tuantuan squatted at the door of the ward at this time, holding a pen to draw a circle on the ground. The place where he was trapped was an inverted stroller.

"Tuan Tuan, what are you doing here?" Qiu Yue stepped in front of him and asked with a smile and stooped down.

"This gentleman, please step back. This is the scene of a traffic accident. Please do not hinder the police from handling the scene." Tuantu shoved Luo Qingyun seriously and followed him to quickly find the station. Su Yinghao behind Qiu Yi, his eyes began to shine in an instant, rushed in front of him, holding his leg and shouting: "Uncle handsome, are you here?"

Su Haohao did not expect to see him so enthusiastically. He has not fully adapted to his identity for the time being, so he does not know how to deal with this little guy's enthusiasm.

Qiu Yue saw Su Shihao's nervousness as a father, and immediately stepped forward, crouched in front of the regiment, reached out and touched his furry little head, and said with a smile, "Tuantu, he is not a handsome uncle, he is you Father. "

"Dad?" Tuantuan heard, and Su Dahao's beautiful eyes were turning slowly. After a while, he suddenly covered his stomach and became a bit painful.

"Tuantu, what's the matter with you?" Su Yinghao noticed that he was wrong, worried that he was not feeling well, and asked nervously.

"I want to pee ..." Tuantuan said, his body bent slightly, his legs tightly pinched together.

"Then go to the bathroom." Su Yinghao was a little speechless, wondering what the little fart was holding back.

"But ... but I want to talk to my dad ... It's so hard to see my dad ..." Tuantuan said biting his teeth hard.

Qiu Yan heard the words, sweating his forehead, and said, "Relax, your father will be waiting for you here. Go to the toilet."

"But ... but ... but I want to say a few more words ..." Tuan Tuan still hesitated. In his opinion, chatting with Dad now is more important than going to the toilet.

"What can I do if the child is broken? Go to the toilet and let me look at your father." Qiu Yan was very speechless at this time, he said, patted his little butt, and motioned for him to go bathroom.

After hearing all the words, they still refused to move.

"What's wrong? Why don't you go?" Qiu Yan looked at his little green face with amusement. This little guy was really as embarrassed as her mother!

"I ... go ... don't ... move ...? ...... Dad, you take me to the toilet ..." Tuantuan said with a painful expression, it seemed that he had reached the limit.

"..." Su Yinghao never thought that when he was the father on the first day, he would have to do the heavy work of urinating the child.

"Hurry up, the Lun family is going to pee ..." Tuantuan saw Su Yinghao hadn't moved yet, so he urged.


Su Yihao was helpless, and picked him up from the ground and put him in the bathroom.

Just ready to turn around and leave. However, he was caught in his pants by a small hand.

"Anything else?" Su Yinghao looked at him with a doubtful expression.

"The toilet is too high, I can't urinate ..." Tuan Tuan was about to cry, he said.

Su Yanhao heard the words and had to pick him up again and pee for him.

Tuan Tuan finally started to urinate, but when he was halfway through, he suddenly stopped, turning his head and telling Su Shihao seriously: "Dad is not allowed to peek ..."

So Su Yinghao also "...".

After going to the toilet, Tuan Tuan was finally comfortable. He jumped from Su Haohao's body, then bent over to him and said, "You're welcome!" After that, he ran out of the toilet.

"You're welcome?" Su Yinghao frowned at the back of the little guy leaving. He didn't understand why he said rude to himself. Shouldn't he say thank you to himself, and then give him a rude sentence again?

It seems that this little guy's language has not been learned well.

Back in the room, Tuantuan stood on the sofa, looked up and down Su Shihao, and then stood in front of him and asked, "Are you really my father?"

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