CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 156: Don't want to see her

Chapter 156

"Yes." Su Yinghao replied solemnly. This is the first time he has established a father-son relationship with him. He hopes that Tuan Tuan will recognize his father.

After hearing the words, the big eyes blinked a few times, reached out and threw him in the arms, and shouted excitedly: "Dad, Dad, I finally found my dad, ohh ..."

Su Yinghao did not expect that his reaction would be so big, but he was very relieved to see him recognize his father.

Tuan Tuan cried for a while, raised his head again, wiped his tears, got out of his arms, jumped off the sofa, ran to the bedside, pulled out a small book and a pen from the drawer, and handed it to Su Shi In front of Hao, "Dad, write me the phone of the pretty lady at the front desk."

Su Shihao heard the words, her frown frowned, and looked at Qiu Yi with some doubt.

Qiu Yi immediately explained, "When I took him to the company today, in the lobby on the first floor, he saw Xiao Ding at the front desk. Later, you asked me to take him to the lounge to play. He kept thinking about asking Xiao Ding to accompany him. , I asked Xiaoding to come up and play with him for a while, presumably I liked her. "

"Do you like Xiaoding?" Su Shihao heard, and asked Chaotuan.

"Xiao Ding? Is that pretty lady called Xiao Ding? Oh, that's the case." Tuan Tuan nodded thoughtfully, writing a "small" character crookedly on the book, and then thinking about it with another face. At last, he bit his pen and asked Su Shihao for help. "Dad, how do you write the character" 丁 "?"

Seeing his son so easy to learn, Su Yinghao was happy to teach him, immediately caught his little hand, and wrote a "D" in the book.

"Little T!" Tuan Tuan finished, looked at the two words on the book, and thought seriously.

"It's Ding, this is a Chinese character, not the English letter T!" Su Yunhao corrected.

"They look the same," Tuantuan said, pushing him to the book. "What about her phone?"

"I don't know." How can he know the phone of the little girl at the front desk of a group president.

Tuantuan heard the expression, his expression was a bit lost, and he looked at Qiu Yan again, "Does your uncle know?"

"I don't know, what do you want her phone to do?" Qiu Yan asked with amusement.

"Call her, and I don't know if she likes this type of me, after all, a handsome boy like me can always give people a burden." Tuantuan said with annoyance.

He didn't kill the two adult men in front of him.

Qiu Yan looked at Su Yanhao with a smile, but found that the corners of Su Yanhao's mouth were convulsing secretly. Perhaps he never dreamed that his son was so big, so he thought about his sister.

Luo Qingyun, Luo Qingyun, in the last four years, what kind of thinking have you instilled in your children?

"Qiu Yan, you stay here tonight to accompany him!" Su Yinghao ordered and left his room with his feet raised.

He wanted to go out quietly and think about how to delete and rebuild his son's enlightenment education.


That night, Luo Qingyun was lying on the hotel's bed, tossing and going to sleep.

Her head was full of worries.

I don't know if he changed the environment, he was not around, and whether he slept soundly.

Although he called Qiu Ao several times before going to bed, and confirmed that he was out of danger, he was unavoidably worried now that he was not around.

Su Yinghao now knows the fact that Tuantuan is his son, and he should treat him well.

But will he let them meet?

It seems that we have to go to the company and talk to him tomorrow.

Thinking like this, she fell asleep drowsy, until she dreamed, she was thinking how to convince Su Yinghao, and let her stay with Tuantuan.


In the early morning of the next day, Luo Qingyun got up. After washing, he couldn't even eat breakfast and went directly to Haoting Group.

Because she came too early, she didn't get to work at all, and the building hadn't opened the door yet, so she had to wait outside.

But this one is several hours. After working hours, I did not see Su Yinghao appearing downstairs at all.

Luo Qingyun thought he was going directly from the underground garage, so he wanted to enter the building and go directly to the president's office.

But when entering the door, the security stopped her.

"Miss, you can't go in." It was the same security guard yesterday, this time it was much colder.

"Why? I came yesterday, did you forget?"

"Don't forget, but you can't go in. A notice was issued above."

"I want to see Su Haohao, is it his order that I should not be allowed to go up?" Luo Qingyun asked. She didn't believe that Su Haohao would be so ruthless, she would not even see her now.

"You can't see President Su. First of all, he didn't come to the company at all today. Secondly, even if he came to the company, you can't go in to see him." The security guard stopped her attentively.

Luo Qingyun knew that if this order was really given by Su Shihao, it would be impossible for her to enter the door today.

However, the security officer just said that Su Yinghao has not even come to the company today. Is that because he was in a hospital group?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Qingyun immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Qiu's phone.

"Hello, Qiu Yun, are you in the company?" The call was answered and she asked immediately.

"No. Are you asking me something?"

"No ... I'm not looking for you. I want to find Su Yinghao ... but I'm afraid he won't answer my call, so I dare not call his number directly. Are you with him?"

"Well, we are in the villa, and the president asked a professional medical team to **** the group. In the future, the group can live in the home without having to stay in the hospital. There are nurses and nurses and doctors to monitor 24 hours.

"So Tuantuan is also in the villa now?" Luo Qingyun heard and his eyes lit up immediately.


"Thank you." Luo Qingyun finished, hung up the phone, ran up to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and went straight to Su Yinghao's villa.

On the way to the villa, Luo Qingyun looked at everything on the street and felt like he was passing away.

The villa is in the city center, and it is very close to Haoting Group. She is too familiar with this road.

In four years, this street hasn't changed much, everything looks the same as when she left four years ago.

But at this time, her mentality was completely different from four years ago.

Eight minutes later, the driver parked the car at the iron gate of the villa.

Get out of the car and look at the familiar door, her heart suddenly beating.

This house was once loaded with all her sweetness and happiness, as well as all fond memories of her and Su Yinghao.

At this moment she finally came back here, only wondering if this door could still be opened for her.

Raising her hand, she almost habitually tapped the door opening password, and only heard a click, the iron door opened.

Four years have passed and the password has not changed, which surprised him.

The moment she opened the door, she suddenly realized that she had made a wrong move.

Maybe, she shouldn't have opened the door by herself. This house has nothing to do with her. So she came in privately without the owner's permission.

However, she doesn't care so much now, she wants to see Tuantuan immediately.

Make sure he is happy, not crying and noisy looking for his mother.

Lift your feet, walk into the yard, through the grass in front of the courtyard, and follow the stone road directly to the house.

When she walked to the door of the house, she saw that she was sitting on the sofa, just like a grandfather, and two beautiful nurses around him were waiting left and right, and when she did n’t mention how much she enjoyed, she knew that she was worried Already.

There are so many beauties here, this little unconscience is afraid to run away to Jiuxiaoyun long ago.

"Tuantuan." Standing at the door, she opened her mouth and called softly.

Lying on the sofa and enjoying the sound of the familiar call, the group immediately sat up, twisted their heads, and looked towards the door.

When he found Luo Qingyun's body standing at the door, a bright smile appeared on his small face, and he jumped off the sofa and headed for the door, "Mum, you are coming ..."

"Tuantuan, don't run, be careful ..." The two nurses next to him saw this, and immediately ran after him, panic-stricken, as if afraid he would fall.

Tuantuan ran to Luo Qingyun, and Luo Qingyun immediately bent down and hugged him in his arms. He took a closer look from side to side and confirmed that he was safe and sound at this moment, and then kissed and kissed his little face. " Baby, I don't see you all night, Mummy misses you so much. "

"Mummy, I miss you too, and I'll tell you the good news. I found my father." Tuantuan said, holding Luo Qingyun's hand, and went to the house.

Luo Qingyun knew that their father and son should have known each other yesterday, and seeing the excited look of Tuan Tuan, she knew that their father and son were getting along well.

Tuantuan pulled Luo Qingyun into the living room and asked her to sit down on the sofa. She was about to crawl on her lap and hug her, but saw Su Shihao step down from the upper floor in an elegant step.

Seeing the appearance of Su Haohao, Tuantuan immediately waved at him happily, "Dad, Mommy is here."

Su Yinghao saw Luo Qingyun, who was sitting on the sofa with an awkward expression on his face.

His face was gloomy, he went down the stairs, walked straight to the sofa, turned his head, and said to Qiu Yi who followed him downstairs, "Who allowed her to come in? Drive her out!"

"President, this ..." Qiu Yan didn't expect that Su Shihao would not want to see Luo Qingyun so much. He always thought that Su Shihao's reaction yesterday was because he was awkward in his heart and wanted to be deliberately indifferent to her. She said goodbye that year.

"Are you really going to drive Miss Luo away in the presence of Little Master?" Qiu Min reminded softly.

After all, at this time, even if there is a big conflict between them, they should be put down first, right?

After reminding him, Su Yunhao also realized this. He didn't want to make his son unhappy, so he ordered the two nurses, "You two take him to the room upstairs to play."

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