CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 163: She is stupid

Chapter 163: She's Stupid

He raised his foot, walked slowly to the sofa, stood in front of her, his gaze looked down at her, and there was a sorrow in his dark eyes.

Luo Qingyun raised her head at this time and looked at the man in front of her. Tears blurred eyes made her unable to see the expression on his face at this moment.

She stood up and reached out and held his hand. "Let me go with the group, please? I beg you, this place can't accommodate us two at all."

Su Yinghao heard this, and the sorrow in his heart disappeared instantly, his face suddenly became cold, "Go? Where do you want to escape this time?"

"What if I don't run? Can Su Jiarong be able to handle the group? You and I are very clear, if the group's identity is exposed, it will cause a lot of waves." Luo Qingyun wiped the tears on his face, his voice choked. .

"So why did you marry Su Qize in the first place? In order to get revenge on me? If you did n’t marry him, why is this the case today?" Su Minhao was very angry, and she was very concerned about Luo Qingyun's marriage to Su Qize Has always been grudged.

He could understand that she was angry because she married Huo Xiwen, but it was too costly to take revenge on him by marrying Su Qize.

In this world, she has so many men to choose from. Why is it Su Qize?

"I don't know Qi Ze is your brother ..." Luo Qingyun held back tears, and of course she wouldn't do it if she knew.

To her, Su family is like a distant dream, she just wants to hide.

"So, do you admit marrying him for revenge?" Su Yinghao looked at her, and the temperature in her eyes was no longer as cold as before.

Luo Qingyun nodded, then shook his head again. "I just want to find a father for Tuantuan. I don't want him to be like me. I grew up in a single-parent family. I know what it feels like."

"That being the case, why do you shrink back now? Isn't it that you can pay any price for the two children? This is just the beginning and you can't help it?"

Luo Qingyun heard the words, her expression suddenly froze.

If she hadn't heard anything wrong, did Su Yinghao's words mean to encourage her not to flinch?

"I knew you were so vulnerable, what use would I leave you with? Are you going? After giving birth, I will arrange for you to leave, but after leaving, don't even think of seeing two more in your life. Child! "Su Yinghao threatened her.

Luo Qingyun looked up, looking at his expression cold, knowing that he was not joking with himself.

Keeping her from seeing her in her life is definitely something he can do.

"I ... don't leave ... don't leave ..." She still lost. "But, this room and I will definitely not be able to live."

This time she avoided Bai Cihui's surprise attack, what about next time?

"I will arrange another place for you." Su Yinghao probably knew that they were no longer suitable for living here.

He didn't want them to experience what they are today when he didn't clear all the obstacles and let their mother and son stand beside him.

Luo Qingyun wanted to ask him if she could stay with the child forever if she hadn't left, but she didn't dare to ask. She was afraid to get his negative answer to shake her heart.

After a long silence, she snorted and said, "If ... when you decided to marry Miss Huo, I told you, I have your child in my stomach, will you still marry her?"

Hearing her words, his expression was clearly stunned, and a moment later, a sneer appeared on his face, "You had a chance to know the answer to the matter, but you chose to hide the pregnancy. Now you come to ask me, Do you think I will tell you? "

"I didn't tell you about pregnancy at the beginning because I didn't want you to think that I was using a child as a bargaining chip. I thought you really loved Miss Huo. After all, your feelings look so good." She argued. .

"Is that so? You're really great to say that, in order to fulfill me, I sacrificed my feelings. What happened then? I asked you more than once about the life of your child? How did you answer me?" Hao didn't buy it for her explanation.

"Later things were completely off track from what I originally envisioned. When I knew Qi Ze was your brother, I didn't dare to tell you that the child was yours. Later, Miss Huo came to me and told me about your marriage, Just to help her gain a foothold in the Huo Group. Since this is your choice, of course I have to respect you. "

"It seems that you really consider it for me." Su Yinghao sneered.

"I know I'm stupid, I've done a lot of wrong things and stupid things, but no matter what I do, I never thought of hurting you." Even if she knew that she was "abandoned" by her, her choice was to silently quit.

"Stupid woman!" Su Yanhao was okay with her, he knew that she was telling the truth.

She is really not smart, so she always thinks she is doing something irreparable.

If she had been obedient to stay with him, everything would have been much simpler.

"Yes, I'm stupid, but is stupid wrong? Su Yunhao, why are you so cruel to me?" Luo Qingyun said, and tears came out again.

She has suffered a lot of grievances over the years. At first she had to endure because she loved him.

Now she has to endure for her children.

But she didn't know how much grievances were waiting for her.

"Don't cry!" Su Yinghao saw her tears and the broken beads fall down, and she stopped drinking immediately.

Luo Qingyun was so frightened that he stopped the crying immediately, opened his tearful eyes, and stared at him eagerly.

But within two seconds, tears flowed uncontrollably.

Why do n’t you cry?


"Okay, don't cry." Seeing her tears burst into tears, he finally couldn't bear it, his tone softened.

Luo Qingyun didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it. Even though she stopped crying, she kept sobbing, making her depressed and embarrassed, she only tried to draw together, "I ... I ... No ... cry……"

Seeing this, Su Yanhao stretched out her hand and pulled her into her arms, holding her face with a big palm, lowering her head, and her thin lips fell on her lips without warning.

Luo Qingyun didn't expect that he would kiss himself suddenly, frightened by his breath, and even the sobbing stopped.

Su Yinghao originally wanted her to stop crying, but the moment her lips kissed her, she was full of nostalgia and couldn't bear to let go.

Their lips and teeth were entangled, and they didn't know how long it took. Luo Qingyun felt that his brain was hypoxic and he became blank before he let her go.

"Go wash your face, change your clothes, and pack your luggage and Tuan Tuan. In the afternoon, I will let Qiu Yi take you to your new place of residence." Su Yanhao commanded, turned and walked out the door.

Luo Qingyun looked at the back of his departure, hesitated, it took a long time to return to God.

They ... is this a settlement?

Should ... forget it?


Su Qinghao's new residence is actually very familiar with Luo Qingyun.

That place is not far, right next door.

It was precisely when Luo Qingyun assigned Su Shihao as a housekeeper that she assigned her "welfare room".

Because the floors are high, privacy is extremely strong.

In addition, it is also equipped with a sky garden, which allows Tuan Tuan to play in the wild, which is more suitable than the villa for him to live.

As soon as Tuantuan entered the house, they ran around the house happily, Annie and Anna followed, for fear that he would fall.

This apartment is directly connected to two floors. The place is not small. It is an apartment, but it is actually a villa in the sky.

It's just that the place is slightly smaller than the villa by the lake.

There are not so many rooms, and the kitchen and living room are not so large, but all the space is enough for them.

Qiu Yan sent them here. After settling down, he said to Luo Qingyun in particular, "The president is going to the mayor's wedding banquet tonight. He will not come over for dinner. You don't have to wait for him."

Luo Qingyun heard that, after a short stint, she did not respond, but soon she responded, and deliberately replied, "I didn't intend to wait for him."

"Really? The president should be sad when he hears this," Qiu Yan joked.

"Then you can coax him, aren't you his assistant? It's your duty to make him happy." Luo Qingyun said.

Qiu Yan heard the words and waved his hands again and again, "wrong, wrong, assistant's job is to assist him in official affairs, which makes him happy, or you are more suitable, this house is the welfare of the housekeeper, you enjoy the housekeeper , Can't help but be a housekeeper. "

"..." The two masters and servants are really more than a chicken thief.

Luo Qingyun glanced at him angrily and pushed him out of the door.


Grand Court Hotel.

7.30 in the evening.

There was a bright light in the banquet hall on the tenth floor.

The warm and romantic meeting place was filled with various flowers.

At the entrance, there is a large poster with a smile on the newcomer.

Su Yinghao and Huo Xiwen came out of the elevator hand in hand and caught everyone's attention instantly.

Everyone was curious how the two divorced people appeared at the dinner this way.

Of course, the biggest reaction to seeing this scene was Huo Jiabao.

He had originally thought that Huo Xiwen would not come tonight, and thought that he would be happy to the mayor as the Huo family at the helm.

But as soon as Huo Xiwen appeared, especially with Su Yihao, he knew that his identity as the second child of Huo's family today was considered solid.

Sure enough, soon, a group of people who originally surrounded him turned to Su Yinghao and Huo Xiwen.

Everyone's eyes are very good, understand what it means to appear together.

Although the marriage between the two Su Huo is no longer, the cooperation between Haoting and Huo's Group in the shopping mall is indestructible.

Huo Xiwen stood beside Su Yinghao and accompanied him to entertain the crowd. Afterwards, the two went to congratulate the mayor and a couple of newcomers. Huo Xiwen didn't like this kind of entertainment occasion, but Su Yinghao was entangled. Had to retreat quietly to the side, out of the banquet hall, waiting for him to leave on the side of the corridor.

The other side of the corridor is the guest room area.

Compared with the liveliness of the banquet hall, this side seems much quieter.

She looked forward and found that there was a sofa in the elevator room in the front guest room, so she walked over and sat down, playing with her mobile phone, and waiting for Su Yinghao.

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