CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 164: Catch up with him

Chapter 164: Catching Him

The elevator was quiet, with occasional sounds of music coming from the banquet hall.

Huo Xiwen played with his cell phone for a while, and looked at the time again, almost half an hour, Su Yinghao said he would not stay too long.

She stood up and was preparing to return to the banquet hall. A series of footsteps came from the other side of the corridor, and the direction came from the guest room, getting closer and closer.

"Mr. Fu, this time the dog returned to China safely thanks to your private jet. In the future, if you have any help you need, just say a word, and you must go to the fire and do whatever you want!" Said the voice of a middle-aged man.

"General Ding is polite. I happened to have something to deal with when I returned to China this time. It wasn't a special trip to send the order son back. It was just a favor and I didn't need to take it to heart." Another low voice replied.

When Huo Xiwen heard the second voice, he felt very familiar. He turned back subconsciously, but saw that the long-lost figure was surrounded by a group of people, walked to the elevator room, and prepared to enter the elevator.

At this moment, the elevator just reached the tenth floor, and the door opened. Zhao Wei stepped forward and reached out to stop the elevator door.

Before Zhao Wei entered the elevator last time, before the door closed, Huo Xiwen saw the handsome face that he had been so familiar with.

Four years on, he looks more mature than before.

A knife-like hard face, with the unique charm of a mature man, a pair of narrow and cold eyes exudes a faint light.

The aura is so powerful that one cannot ignore his existence.

He didn't look at her, so he didn't find her at all.

The moment the elevator door closed, Huo Xiwen seemed to be back, and rushed forward immediately, but it was too late.

She was busy pressing the elevator, twisting her eyes, staring at the numbers jumping above the elevator door.

Seeing that she stopped at the B1 floor, she knew that they must have gone to the underground parking lot.

When the other elevator reached the tenth floor, she quickly entered and hit B1 directly.

The elevator did not stop in the middle, and descended to the negative level at a very fast speed.

Out of the elevator, she looked around and saw several black cars going out at the exit.

She could see clearly in one of the cars, the window of the co-pilot's seat was open, and Zhao Wei's figure came out.

It is almost certain that Fu Muzhen was in that car.

She chased the car quickly, but the heels on her feet were very weak.

By the time she ran out of the exit, the car was already on the road.

Fortunately, at this time it was the late peak, and the hotel was in the bustling city center, and the road was a bit congested.

After rushing out of the underground garage, she hurried to the side of the road and stopped a taxi, panting to the driver panting, "Trouble, keep up with the black car in front."

The driver squinted and glanced forward. "Miss, there are several black cars in front. Which one are you talking about?"

"The one with five license plates." Huo Xiwen said casually.

"That one? That's a luxury car." The driver looked at the car, whispered, followed by a glance at Huo Xiwen through the rearview mirror, and saw that she was wearing a gown with jewellery on her neck, beautifully dressed and her face also Beautiful, could not help but curious, "Miss, shouldn't there be your husband in the car? Did you catch it in the hotel?

The words of the driver made Huo Xiwen cried and laughed. Probably these people who have lived in the market have seen too many such things, so the imagination specifically instructed them to automatically make up the plot according to the situation.

When the driver saw Huo Xiwen, he didn't speak, only when he guessed right, so he said, "Miss, don't worry, although my car runs faster than his car, but the road is blocked, and my technology is good, and I will never lose it. The most annoying thing in my life is those dissatisfied people who are ashamed of us men. "

"Then I'll trouble you." Huo Xiwen saw that the driver was an enthusiastic person, and was too lazy to explain, at least this way the driver will work hard to help her catch Fu Mu's car.

After a red light passed, the driver quickly started the car, driving close to the buttocks of the car in front.

Huo Xiwen was sitting in the back seat, anxious.

At this time, her cell phone rang, took it out, and the caller ID came from Su Yinghao.

I remembered that I had just left the hotel and didn't tell him at all. I guess he's looking for her now.

Quickly connected the phone, "Brother, I've left the hotel, and I'm on my way home now. Well, rest assured, I'm fine by myself. On the taxi, well, well, I'll call you when I get home. That's it , Bye. "

Hanging up the phone, she looked up and looked forward, and saw that Mu Mu's car had turned around and drove to another road.

The driver quickly followed, and said while driving, "Miss, you say you look so beautiful, why is your husband derailed?"

"This ..." Huo Xiwen didn't know how to make it, and looked awkwardly out the window.

"Must be entangled by fox spirits outside? Don't say, some women now, that's it, shame for money. As long as you see a rich man, you can't rush away like a fly sees an egg. "Said the driver, taking care of himself.

Huo Xiwen only listened to his face with black lines and continued to make up the storyline.

"I told you, I pulled a guest before, guess what? A 40-something woman, and a 20-year-old man, I thought they were sisters at first, and then listened to them, hey me Go, but did not disgusted me. It was a rich woman who raised a small white face. "


"Don't say that although the rich woman is over forty years old, it is still well maintained. So, this year, it ’s not just men who raise women, but women who raise men too. If your husband is It ’s too dregs, so you can give up. What little fresh meat is there outside? It ’s so much more beautiful that you can find another one ... ”

The driver talked all the way, Huo Xiwen was not talking, and not talking.

Looking at the back of the driver with a headache, he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before Mu Mu's car stopped in front of a nightclub.

Seeing this, the driver stopped the car. "Well, your husband will play. It is said that the girls in this nightclub are like Tianxian ..."

"That, the money is for you." Huo Xiwen took out a hundred-dollar bill from the bag and handed it to the driver. Before getting out of the car, she did not forget to turn back to the driver and said, "Master, you misunderstood, the person in the car was not my husband, I They are not here to catch or rape. "

"Why ... what? Misunderstanding? This ..." The driver took the money and heard Huo Xiwen's words with a grimace.

He had just guessed all wrong together.

"Yes, that car is a friend of mine. He has something falling with me. I just chased it up to return it to him." Huo Xiwen finished and turned to walk into the nightclub.

"Hey, I haven't found any money for you yet." The driver looked at the hundred-dollar bill in his hand and shouted at Huo Xiwen's back.

Huo Xiwen waved his hand back to him, signaled that he no longer needed to find it.

The driver took the money and drove away cheerfully.

Huo Xiwen originally did not intend to explain to the driver why she chased Mu Mu ’s car, but considering that the driver ’s mouth was too big and Fu Mu ’s license plate was too eye-catching, in case the driver turned around and said, The wife of a luxury car with five or eight license plates will cause a lot of misunderstanding. So before she got off the car, she explained it to the driver intentionally.

I hope he won't talk nonsense to others.

A welcome was standing in front of the nightclub.

Generally speaking, nightclubs are all male and female. Even if there are women, they are also some women with special occupations. The high-end ones are tender models, eighteen-line little stars and the like.

They came here for one purpose only, and that was to make money.

When Huo Xiwen walked into the door, because of her gorgeous dress, the welcome guest misunderstood directly. She was a tender model called by the guest, so she stepped forward and asked, "Miss, which box are you from?"

"I ..." Huo Xiwen didn't know which box Fu Muzhen went to, so he couldn't answer.

"Who are you looking for?" Yingbin asked again.

"I'm looking for ... No, Zhao Wei, Mr. Zhao." Huo Xiwen thought about it, and Fu Muzhen returned to China in a low-key. When he came to such a place, he would definitely not let people know his identity. It would be better to report him. Great name.

Sure enough, Yingbin was looking for Zhao Wei when he heard it, and immediately said, "Mr. Zhao? He just came in, and I'll take you there."

With that said, take her directly to the box.

Huo Xiwen heard the words and waved his hands, "That ... no need, you tell me the box number, I'll go there by myself, I'm not bothering you, I have to go to the bathroom to make up."

"So, Mr. Zhao is in three nine boxes, please inside." Yingbin said, pointing towards the corridor on the side of the hall.

Huo Xiwen heard the words and walked up.

In fact, she didn't let Yingbin send herself to the box, not to make up for makeup, she was just nervous.

Although seeing Fu Muzhen made her very excited and wanted to talk to him, she really was a little dare to wait for her to see him.

After all, the apology was hidden in her heart for too long and too long, and all the words she had thought of before could not remember a single word at this time.

Slowing down and moving forward, the closer she got to the box, the more her heart beat.

As he passed the door of a private box, a man full of alcohol suddenly came out and almost hit her.

With drunkenness, the man said to Huo Xiwen fiercely, "What the fuck? Didn't you have eyes? I almost hit Lao Tzu."

When Huo Xiwen saw the man's abominable appearance, he didn't want to tell him more, only stepped forward and wanted to leave.

But when the man saw Huo Xiwen's beautiful face, he changed his face instantly. "Where is such a beautiful little sister? Come in and go to the box to have a drink with your elder brother. The elder brother has good wine, and it promises to make you high. "

Speaking, he grabbed Huo Xiwen's neck and pulled her directly into the box.

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