CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 165: We know each other?

Chapter 165 Do We Know?

Huo Xiwen was frightened and reached out to push the man in front of her.

In anxiety, she had to raise her knees, and the fatal point against the man was a blow. The man was hurt by her, and he squatted on the ground with painful expression, and the wine awoke.

"Smelly woman, you dare to kick me ..." He looked up, looked at Huo Xiwen's frightened face, and scolded his teeth.

Huo Xiwen turned around and fled while he couldn't help his back.

Seeing this, the man immediately opened the box door and greeted him, "Don't drink it, come out soon."

A few young men in the box immediately dropped the glass and ran out.

The man pointed at Huo Xiwen's back and said, "Catch me that stinky woman and dare to kick me."

The **** heard the words and immediately caught up.

Huo Xiwen heard the footsteps behind him, and was so frightened that he took off his heels and ran desperately forward.

I kept thinking about Yingbin telling her the room number.

999, where is it?

Why haven't you arrived yet?

As she ran, she looked at the number plate on the door.

When she walked to the door of the box of 998, her hand was caught by the person behind him.

"Look where you run."

Huo Xiwen couldn't get rid of it, just turned around and faced them, "What do you want to do?"

"Well, the chick looks pretty. You just wanted to run away after you hurt my brother?" A yellow-haired man shook his legs, and a pair of thieves and eyebrows looked at Huo Xiwen.

"It was he who rude me first, I was just defending." Huo Xiwenqiang calmed down and rushed to Huangmao Road.

"What nonsense with her? Just drag it into the box first and then say." Interjected with a gold chain on the side.

As soon as his voice fell, several people flocked to take Huo Xiwen away.

When Huo Xiwen saw this, he grabbed the door frame desperately, "You go away, don't touch me, can I pay the medical expenses office?"

"Medical expenses? Chick, you hurt my brother ’s life, roots, and son. Can you afford it?" Jin Lian looked at Huo Xiwen up and down, and saw that she was wearing a brand name, and she had a diamond necklace on her neck. Under the light, it radiates a dazzling light.

"Say, how much is it? You just have to make an offer." Rich money can make the ghosts grind. Huo Xiwen believes that as long as she is willing to pay for it, she will be able to pass this mess.

Huang Mao heard that, first reached out and touched the necklace around her neck, and then "snapped" a voice, "Smelly woman, don't think you wear a fake necklace and a fake brand name, just want to be rich here, Brothers like you, I do n’t know how many to play in one night. Do n’t put any stinky shelves here, I tell you, if you are a good friend today, just go to the box with our brothers and accompany us to drink Drinking, maybe we are not happy when we are happy. "

"You ..." Huo Xiwen saw that the use of money to send this move did not work at all. In anxiety, he lowered his head and bit the dirty hand holding her arm. The other side slammed his hands and let go.

She pinpointed the opportunity, and with all her strength, rushed towards the 999 box at a fast speed.

Before those people reacted, her body had hit the box door heavily, and the heavy solid wood door had been knocked open by him. The body had fallen heavily to the ground and the person had entered the box.

Huo Xiwen's sudden intrusion suddenly calmed down the originally lively box, and dozens of eyes brushed her attention.

It was Zhao Wei who first recognized her, and walked to her in shock, frowning, "Miss Huo, you are ..."

Huo Xiwen hadn't had time to answer Zhao Wei's question. The group of people behind him had chased into the box. The head of Huang Mao covered his bitten hand and cursed, "Smelly woman, see where you are going."

When Huo Xiwen saw this, he got up from the ground and hid behind Zhao Wei. "This group of people are hooligans, they want to be rude to me."

Zhao Wei heard his words, his eyebrows twisted deeper, turned, and looked at Fu Muzhen, who was sitting on the sofa, as if asking him.

Huo Xiwen followed Zhao Wei's gaze direction and looked over to the sofa, and saw that Fu Muzhen was talking and laughing with the people around him while holding the wine glass, and he didn't seem to notice her.

Suddenly a little lost in his heart, did he not recognize himself?

Or pretended not to see her?

Zhao Wei then looked back at the little punks in front of him. "If you don't want to die, get out of here right away."

"What are you talking about, kid? You're crazy ..." Jin Lianzi heard the words and jumped immediately, preparing to hold on to Zhao Wei's tie, and a row of young men in suits and leather shoes standing on the side of the sofa suddenly raised his hands , The muzzle of the black hole was directed at the doorway.

Xiaozhun is a little zombie. When I saw such a battle, I was scared now and hurriedly asked for mercy to quit the box.

The box door closed automatically, and Huo Xiwen discovered at this time that all but the woman in the room were men.

Zhao Wei turned her head to look at her at this time, and found that she had no shoes on her feet, she was still wearing a dress, and her expression was embarrassed. She took off her jacket and put it on her shoulder. "Miss Huo, I Send you out? "

Huo Xiwen managed to see Fu Muxun. How could she leave so easily, she turned around and raised her skirt, disregarding Zhao Wei's surprised look, and went directly to the sofa on the side.

When she came to Fu Muzhen, she looked at him with a small face, "Fu Muyi, I have something to tell you."

Fu Muzhen heard the words, raised his eyes lightly, and looked coldly at Huo Xiwen, "Miss, do we know?"

Huo Xiwen did not expect to see him for four years. The first sentence he said to her would be, "Miss, do we know?"

Beyond doubt, she couldn't believe it, "Fu Muyu, you ... don't you know me?"

"Fu Zong, it seems this is the romantic debt you owed before. Otherwise, we will withdraw first, and then we will talk about the appointment time in detail? Today you have just arrived in City Y, and you are tired of coming." One side looked like Maitreya Buddha's fat, middle-aged man smiled.

Fu Muzhen heard that and turned to look at a few middle-aged men around him, "Be here today, I will let Zhao Wei make another appointment with you."

"That's right, that's right." Several people stood up and nodded with smiles.

Zhao Wei was so busy sending them out of the box, and let the row of black suits standing in the box outside the door. He finally exited, took the door, leaving them a separate space.

All the idlers were gone, the box was quiet for a moment, Huo Xiwen dropped his head and rubbed his feet with each other, a little cramped.

"Don't you have something to tell me? Just say it." Fu Muzhen leaned back on the sofa at this time, his hands opened naturally, and he looked at her with good eyes.

"You ... I ... do you still remember me?" Huo Xiwen had thought a lot of apologies to say, but at the critical moment, his brain was short-circuited and he could not say a word.

"Either it?" Fu Muzhen raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically.

"When ... of course it matters. If you don't remember me, then I don't know what to say."

Did he really forget himself?

So, what's the point of her apology?

"Then don't say anything." Fu Muzhen said, stood up and raised his feet to leave.

When Huo Xiwen saw this, he reached out and grabbed his arm. "Wait a minute."

Fu Muzhen was in a stature, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes fell on the hand she was holding in his arm.

Huo Xiwen also realized that he was a little excited, so he let go of his hand, his expression was awkward, "I'm sorry ..."

Fu Muzhen didn't say a word, his long cold eyes stared at her, as if waiting for what she would say next.

"Well, whether you really don't remember me or not, I have to say thank you. In California, if you didn't save me, I don't know if it was death or alive." Take a deep breath , Huo Xiwen said.

Fu Muzhen heard her words, but her face did not change much, still faint.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Huh?" Huo Xiwen froze.

"Did you finish?" Fu Muzhen looked down, and sorted out the sleeves that had just been wrinkled by her hands.

"No ... and ... and ..." Huo Xiwen gathered courage and slowly said, "I misunderstood you then, and called you a murderer, I was wrong, I know you killed those two people to save me , I shouldn't say you that way, sorry. "

"It's over?" Fu Muzhen saw her finish the last sentence, and she looked relieved, knowing that she had finished all she wanted to say.

Sure enough, Huo Xiwen nodded slightly, "Well, I'm done."

"Since it's a thing of the past, don't take it to heart, forget it." Fu Muzhen said this expression blankly, stopped looking at her face, took the steps under her feet, and went out.

Huo Xiwen didn't expect this to be over. She had imagined many times they met each other. She apologized to him, then he forgave her, and finally he still treated her as before.

But now, it seems that he has not taken that matter at all.

Maybe it's always been that she thought too much. People didn't even care what she thought of him.

She thought about it, her emotions became a bit lost, she slowly walked out of the door and walked out of the door. She saw Zhao Wei standing at the door and seemed to be waiting for her, but Fu Muzhen had disappeared.

"Miss Huo, I'll take you home." Zhao Wei said when she saw her coming out.

"What about him?" Huo Xiwen glanced at the empty door and asked.

"He? Are you asking the boss? He is gone." Zhao Wei replied.

Huo Xiwen sighed softly, forget it, let's go.

Because Huo Chixi was barefoot on her feet, Zhao Wei went to help her pick up the shoes that had fallen off the corridor and waited for her to put on the shoes. The two men left the club one after the other.

At this time, Fu Muzhen got on the car in the parking lot of the nightclub. The driver started the car. He looked at the door, and saw Huo Xiwen pulling a small head, followed by Zhao Wei walking with a list of expressions.

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