CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 166: Scared baby

Chapter 166: Scared The Baby

Inside the apartment.

Knowing that Su Yunhao would not come for dinner, Luo Qingyun and Tuantuan had dinner early.

Annie and Anna watched the stars in the top-floor garden while Luo Qingyun sat on the sofa to rest.

In the first trimester, her reaction was not obvious, but she was more drowsy than usual.

Turn on the TV and watch the news, which is broadcasting the rebuilding of the old city.

Luo Qingyun saw that the converted district was the small apartment rented by his friend He Meixin.

She was kept by her for a few days.

Since she went abroad, in order to avoid being found by Su Shihao, she has never contacted He Meixin.

Now that she is back, no one else can see her, but this girlfriend must see her.

Pick up the phone, flip through her phone number four years ago, and try to dial in.

After the phone rang for a while, the call was answered. There was a man's voice inside, "Who?"

Upon hearing this strange voice, Luo Qingyun was still a man, thinking that He Meixin had changed the number, so he said, "Is this a He Meixin's phone?"

"Yes, who are you?" The other answered.

"I'm Maxim's friend. Want to find her so that she can answer the phone?"

"You wait a moment."

After a while, He Meixin's voice came from the phone, "Hey ... who is looking for me?"

"Meixin, it's me." Luo Qingyun heard her voice, not to mention the excitement.

"Are you?" He Meixin didn't seem to hear her voice for a long time, but after half a second, she tried to ask, "Qingyun?"

"It's me, Maxim. I'm back."

"Qing Yun, really you? Where have you been these years? Why haven't you got any information at all?" He Meixin choked in the voice of the phone.

"Sorry, I went abroad without telling you ... Is your life okay these years? Who is the man who just answered the phone? Is your boyfriend?" Luo Qingyun asked.

"That ... it's my husband." He Meixin's voice suddenly became quiet when he said this.

"You are married? When is it going to happen?" In four years, many things have changed.

The father of the Su family died two years ago, Su Dihao and Huo Xiwen divorced, even Meixin married.

The years are really a knife, sculpting everything in this world without traces.

"I got married last year." He Meixin finished talking and pulled the subject back to her. "Qing Yun, how about you? How have you been in these four years? Is the child a boy or a girl?"

"Boy, very naughty. It's three and a half years old now."

"Three and a half years old, time flies." He Meixin sighed.

"Meixin, do you have time tomorrow? Let's meet out for a long time, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much." Luo Qingyun invited to make an appointment.

He Meixin hadn't agreed yet, and the man's voice faintly came from the phone, "Meixin, how long will you call on a phone call? Can't you just dry the washed clothes, do you want me to do these things?"

"Qingyun, I don't have time tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, will it be nine o'clock in the morning? Meet at the cafe on Fengyuan Road." He Meixin ignored the man, but just spoke to the phone very fast. Luo Qingyun Road.

"Okay, then at nine in the morning the day after tomorrow. See you then." Luo Qingyun said without saying goodbye that the call had been hung up by the other party.

Luo Qingyun's mind echoed the man's voice, and he felt an uncomfortable feeling.

What kind of man is Maxim's husband?

Although he didn't see each other, from the tone of yelling at Meixin, it doesn't look like a man who knows how to care for women.

It seems that Maxim's marriage life is not particularly satisfactory.

Putting her mobile phone on the coffee table, she exhaled softly and said secretly.

"Ma Ma, have you finished the phone call?" Tuantuan ran out of the garden, stood by the sofa, stared at Luo Qingyun with wide eyes and asked.

"Yeah, it's over." Luo Qingyun squinted on the sofa and said.

Tuan Tuan heard, picked up the phone, and quickly pressed a string of numbers to dial out.

It didn't take long before he heard him say to the other side of the phone: "Dad, Mommy is out of business and met. She has made an appointment with someone you don't know the day after tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Luo Qingyun immediately opened his eyes and sat up from the sofa. He asked loudly, "You little fellow, what are you talking about?"

"Ahh ... Mommy, don't come over ..." Tuantuan was worried that Luo Qingyun would slap himself and ran to the other side of the coffee table with a mobile phone.

"Take me your cell phone," Luo Qingyun commanded indignantly.

"Don't, you'll hit me ..." Tuantu obviously already knows Luo Qingyun's habitual movements, he firmly holds the mobile phone in his hand, and looks like he will never die.

At the end of the phone call, Su Yinghao heard that Lu Qingyun would hit himself, and he was not calm anymore. He shouted to the phone, "Luo Qingyun, who asked you to hit my son?"

Luo Qingyun could hear Su Yinghao's warning on the phone from a distance. She explained with a bit of tears: "I can't beat him, don't listen to him nonsense."

"Dad, come on, Mommy really wants to punch me, her expression is now as terrible as an old woman who suddenly weighs 300 pounds and ca n’t get out of marriage. Come and save me ... Tuantuan found that Luo Qingyun seemed a little afraid of his father, so he continued to pour oil on the fire.

"Luo Qingyun, don't mess around, don't touch my son's hair." Su Yinghao listened to Tuantuan's words, and then yelled at the phone again.

Luo Qingyun was about to be mad at her. She stood up and was about to catch the little guy who was playing tricks, but she didn't want to be suddenly dark before her, and she fell on the sofa again.

Tuan Tuan was originally afraid that Luo Qingyun was about to pounce on him, but found that she collapsed on the sofa as soon as her eyes closed, "Mummy, what's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly fall asleep?" Anymore? "

At the end of the call, Su Yinghao heard the voice of Tuantuan, and immediately looked at him, and said to the phone, "Tuantu, what happened to your mother?"

"I don't know, she suddenly fell asleep ... Dad, Mommy is dead?" Tuantuan said, and she burst into tears.

"What are you talking about? Tell Sister Annie to come and see your mother." Su Yinghao heard that his face became iron-blue immediately. He immediately hung up the phone and called Dr. Jiang's phone to let him go to the villa immediately. Seeing Luo Qingyun, he quickly rushed over.

The cries of rumors quickly attracted Annie and Anna. They hurried over and checked her condition. They were about to call an ambulance, but Dr. Jiang called.

"Annie, is Miss Luo fainted now?" Dr. Jiang just got on the ambulance at this time, he eagerly asked about the status of Annie Luo Qingyun.

"Yes, Dr. Jiang, what can I do now?" Annie asked over the phone.

"Did she eat anything special today, or did she just do any exercise?" Dr. Jiang continued to ask questions on the phone.

"She didn't eat anything special. All of her pregnant meals were nutritional meals made according to the menu you provided. There would be no problem. She did not exercise just now. Dr. Jiang, I suspect she may belong to supine syndrome. "Because she was resting on the sofa before she fainted." Annie said, turning her head to look at the pale and frightened Tuantuan and asked: "Tuantu, you tell Auntie that Mummy fainted before Aren't you lying on the sofa? "

"Uh-huh, Ma Ma lay on the sofa, then got up and tried to catch me, but as soon as she got up, she fell asleep." Tuan Tuan nodded again and said seriously.

"Well, Annie, now you try to lay her body on her side, and then pat her to see if she can wake her up." Doctor Jiang instructed immediately after receiving this message.

Annie heard the words and did so immediately, but Luo Qingyun showed no sign of waking.

"Doctor Jiang, the patient hasn't awoken yet." After taking a series of photos of Luo Qingyun's cheek, Annie found that she did not respond, and continued to report to the other side of the phone.

"Sprinkle some cold water on her face and try." Doctor Jiang continued.

Annie heard that and immediately asked Anna, who was standing behind, to get cold water.

Soon, Anna came over with a basin of cold water. Annie took a handful of cold water and sprayed it on Luo Qingyun's face. Instantly, she saw Luo Qingyun frown, and her eyelids trembled slightly. Shivered.

"Miss Luo, are you awake? How are you feeling now?" Anna saw Luo Qingyun seem to be awake, and immediately spoke to her.

Luo Qingyun opened his eyes in a difficult way, but looked at the side of the group and said: "Smelly boy ... bring me the mobile phone ..."

Tuantuan was frightened. When he saw Luo Qingyun woke up, he asked for his mobile phone, and he didn't dare to be disobedient. He immediately passed the mobile phone to Luo Qingyun's hands, and then cried loudly in her arms: Sorry ... don't die ... don't lose mommy ... "

Luo Qingyun was still very angry, but when he heard such a miserable cry, his heart suddenly softened, and he reached out and patted his back to comfort him: "Relax, Mommy is fine, Mommy will not die. ... "

"Really?" Tuantuan heard Luo Qingyun's consolation, sucked his nose, then turned to look at Annie, and confirmed to her: "Sister Annie, is my mom saying that is true? Is she all right? ? "

"Relax, Tummy, your mum is okay. She just fell asleep because the baby in the stomach is making troubles, rest assured." Annie smiled and touched Tuantuan's little head, comforting her.

"Whew ... then I'm assured ..." Tuantu sighed a long breath after getting an affirmative answer from Annie, and his little head stuck to Luo Qingyun's flat stomach, and said to the belly, "Little baby, you Be obedient. If you make trouble again, I will throw you away when you come out. "

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