CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 167: Slowly calculate later

Chapter 167

Luo Qingyun heard the words, and suddenly his face was black. "Tuantu, you are an elder brother, you cannot scare the baby like this."

"But the baby is bad, he makes troubles." Tuantuan quickly explained.

"Little fool, it's the same when you're in Mummy's belly." Luo Qingyun said with amusement.

"Really?" Tuantuan shook his cute little head. "Can I go to Mummy's belly again? I'm going to take care of the baby and make him obedient, don't mess up."


"Tuan Tuan, the baby is in Mummy's belly because he is young. Tuan Tuan you are now grown up, it's the elder brother. You can no longer go to Mummy's belly." Road.

Annie lifted Luo Qingyun from the sofa at this time. "Miss Luo, let's go to the garden and get some fresh air."

Luo Qingyun nodded. Although he was awake at this moment, his head was still a little dull.


When Luo Luoyun arrived, Luo Qingyun had just returned to the room from the garden.

Going to the bedroom door, he saw the light coming out from under the door.

Hasn't she slept yet?

Su Yinghao thought, and then he walked up to the door of her room and gently opened it.

At this time, Luo Qingyun was sitting on the bed, holding the laptop and typing. Su Shihao saw this, and walked a few steps to the bed, snatched the laptop, cut off the power, and set it aside. On the table.

"Isn't it uncomfortable? Why don't you take a good rest? Actually, you are still on the Internet at this time." He looked at Luo Qingyun with a look of anxiety, and asked in a bit angrily.

"I can't sleep, so ..." Luo Qingyun tried to explain.

"Can you go online when you can't sleep? Don't you know that the computer has radiation? What if it affects the children in the stomach? How did you become a mother?" Su Yanhao could ignore Luo Qingyun's explanation, in his opinion , Pregnant women surfing the Internet is extremely irresponsible to their children. He doesn't want his unborn children to be affected by any kind of radiation.

"I'm sorry ..." Luo Qingyun had to apologize, although she felt aggrieved inside.

"How is your body now? Is it still uncomfortable?" Su Yinghao saw her apologize, but she was not as angry as before, and his tone eased a little and asked.

"It's just that there are some chest tightness. It should be ok to rest." Luo Qingyun didn't dare to describe his discomfort too much, and just replied casually.

Su Yinghao heard her say this, and immediately took out her cell phone and dialed a number: "Doctor Jiang? Trouble you come to the apartment now, I need you to help the pregnant woman undergo a physical examination ..."

"I don't really have a big problem, don't bother ..." Luo Qingyun saw that he called the doctor and immediately wanted to stop him.

"I just don't want my child to have any accidents in your stomach. Don't think too much about it." Su Yunhao interrupted her coldly, then hung up the phone.

Luo Qingyun heard the words and did not know what to say, so he had to remain silent.

In the large room, neither of them spoke at this time, and the atmosphere was awkwardly quiet.

Su Yanhao put his hands in the pockets of his pants and looked down at Luo Qingyun sitting on the bed, his eyes were not gentle, but he was looking at his prey.

Luo Qingyun was so uncomfortable that he looked at him, he had to say, "Why ... you keep looking at me like this?"

"You didn't ask me before, if I knew you were pregnant, would you marry Huo Xiwen?" Su Yinghao said.

Luo Qingyun heard the words, his body shook slightly, and Shuiyan's eyes raised sharply, facing his eyes.

Is he finally willing to tell her the answer?

"I will marry you," he said.

This answer was something she didn't expect. He would marry her. Is this true?

"What about Miss Huo? If you marry me, you won't be able to help her ..." she asked a little in disbelief.

"I can't help, but it will be a lot of trouble. There is always a way to solve it. I am a selfish person, and I will not be great enough to help my son become an illegitimate child." His voice was calm and he could not hear any waves.

However, listening to Luo Qingyun's ears caused such a stir.

In this way, has she always been thinking wrong?

"Since this is the case, why didn't you tell me directly that you married Miss Huo to help her?"

"Didn't Qiu You tell you this? What happened? Have you believed?" Su Yihao sneered an ironic smile on his face.

"I ..." Luo Qingyun was speechless. Qiu Yue did tell her the origin of Huo Xiwen and him, but the news of their marriage at that time came so suddenly that she had no time to sort out her clues.

She still cared too much about him, so she was blindfolded and couldn't see his troubles.

When she later wanted to understand, everything was too late.

"Anxious to give birth to this child, the matter between us will be calculated slowly in the future!" Su Yinghao saw that she had nothing to say, and no longer forced her, just dropped this sentence and turned out of the door.


Dr. Jiang rushed to the apartment twenty minutes later, and after a detailed physical examination of Luo Qingyun, he told Su Yihao: "This symptom that my wife will faint today is usually lying on the back or lying on the sofa. Dizziness occurs on TV. This condition is a supine syndrome, one of the common symptoms of pregnant women. You can prevent dizziness by avoiding supine or semi-recumbent sitting. "

"That was the case. Will she be in this situation in the future?" Su Yinghao asked, worried.

"Relax, I will let Anna pay more attention in the future, this kind of problem can be avoided." Dr. Jiang calmed him.

Su Shihao heard the words, finally relieved.

"Is Little Master sleeping? Now that I'm here, I'll see him by the way," Dr. Jiang said again.

Su Minhao glanced at the room and nodded, "Go, he should be asleep."

Dr. Jiang turned around and went to the regiment's room to take a look. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the regiment, he left.

Luo Qingyun heard the sound of closing the door, thinking that Su Yinghao had gone with him, got up and left the room, and wanted to lock the door, but he did not expect that when he arrived in the living room, he saw that he was sitting on the sofa with a thoughtful expression Seems to be thinking about something.

Luo Qingyun was startled, opened his mouth and pointed at him, "You ... why ... didn't you go back?"

"Go back?" He didn't listen well to the word, and frowned slightly.

Only then Luo Qingyun realized that his words were indeed wrong.

Isn't this apartment also his house? If he comes here, he can be considered home.

"That ... I mean, don't you come back to the villa?" She asked a different way.

"You want to drive me away?" He raised his eyebrows lightly, but his tone didn't seem to be angry.

"No ... I didn't mean that." She quickly shook her head.

"Relax, I will go!" He said, and stood up.

In fact, Luo Qingyun didn't want him to go, she just seemed to be overwhelmed by facing him, so her heart was very contradictory.

"You ... can go to sleep with Tuantuan. He is thinking about you today." After all, she still hoped that he would stay, so she made an excuse.

Su Yinghao intended to leave. Hearing this, he stopped and said, "Are you staying with me?"

"No ... it's not me, it's Tuan Tuan ..." Luo Qingyun's heart was a little embarrassed when he saw through her mind, so he had to kill him and not admit it.

"Really?" Su Yinghao looked at her, looking like a searchlight, as if she wanted to see her three souls and seven souls clearly, "Tell him, I'll be with him the day after tomorrow."

Throwing down this, he went to the door, pushed the door open, and disappeared into her sight without looking back.

The door closed with a click, and the room became quiet instantly.


Two days later happened to be the weekend.

Early in the morning, Su Yinghao came to the apartment as promised.

Seeing him, Tuan Tuan was so happy that he plunged into his arms, hugging and kissing him, and didn't want to give up.

Luo Qingyun has only seen this kind of scene when she met beautiful women.

She thought that only beautiful girls would have this kind of treatment here. I did not expect that Su Shihao would receive this special treatment today. When she saw the slobber of the group on his face, she looked disgusting and could not bear to show it. She Just feel funny.

"Dad, Mommy said you would stay with me at home today, right?" Tuantuan shook his little head and looked at Su Shihao.

"Is not at home. Dad is going to take you out. Did n’t you want to watch a movie before? How about Dad taking you today?" Su Yinghao was very good-tempered when he faced the group, with a look of petting, He usually judged two people.

"Really? Go to" Soul Superman "? Okay ..." Tuantuan heard and immediately danced happily.

After a while, he remembered something again, and said, "Dad, can you help me find the heroine Miss Hui Na who signed" Super Soul Superman "to sign a photo? I really want it"

"What is this ..." Su Shihao heard and hesitated. He is so big, but he has never chased the stars. If someone knows that he is looking for a female star to sign a photo, it will inevitably be written by those gossip reporters.

"The TV said that Dad is the greatest omnipotent person in the world, and can help children achieve all kinds of wishes ..." Tuantuan desperately slapped him, wearing a high hat.

"Well, I'll get back to get you ready." Su Yinghao had no choice but to promise.

"Yeah, yeah, if you can, it's best to have the phone number by the way, too." Tuantuan looked like a little idiot.

"You're greedy ..." Su Yinghao smiled and patted his buttocks, and was ready to leave.

When Tuantuan saw Luo Qingyun didn't change his clothes, he shouted immediately, "Won't mommy go?"

His words seemed to remind Su Shihao, Luo Qingyun found that Su Shihao's eyes were looking at her at this time, like an invitation, but not eager.

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