CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 168: Unfortunate marriage

Chapter 168: An Unfortunate Marriage

"Mummy will not go. Mummy has an old friend to meet today. You have fun with your father." Luo Qingyun said.

"Who?" Su Yanhao suddenly asked at this time.

"Ah?" Luo Qingyun froze for a moment, then immediately responded, "Oh, it's Maxim, I haven't contacted her for several years. I'm back now and want to see her."

"Address, I'll let the driver take you." Su Yinghao said.

"No need to bother, I ... just go by myself."

"It's not for you, it's for the baby in your stomach." Su Yinghao said intentionally.

"..." Luo Qingyun's face was embarrassed in silence, it seemed that she thought too much, "on Fengyuan Road."

"I'll let the driver wait for you downstairs." Su Yinghao dropped this sentence and went out.

Luo Qingyun watched them leave, and looked at the time, half past eight.

Go back to the room to change clothes and go downstairs.

The driver really waited for her downstairs, got in the car, told the driver the address, and headed for Fengyuan Road.


July cafe.

A small fresh-style cafe, Luo Qingyun and He Meixin have been here for coffee four years ago.

Four years later, the cafe has been refurbished and its tables and chairs have been replaced.

At this time, it was ten minutes before nine o'clock as agreed.

Luo Qingyun walked in, found a place to sit down, and sent a text message to He Meixin, "Meixin, I'm here, waiting for you in the cafe."

After waiting for about five minutes, I saw a big-bellied woman in a sweater and slacks coming in from outside. The woman was carrying a large shopping bag in her hand, which was full and looked heavy.

After the woman entered the door, she looked around left and right, and finally found Luo Qingyun sitting by the window and came over to her.

At first glance, Luo Qingyun didn't recognize her at all. When she was sure that the other party was indeed going to her side, she looked at her face carefully.

I haven't seen it in four years, and the original lively and lovely girl has disappeared. In its place is a woman with thin yellow skin and swollen legs.

The first time Luo Qingyun recognized He Meixin, he couldn't believe his eyes.

What has she experienced in these four years? Why did the lovely girl who turned out to be water-like turned into what she looks like now?

"Meixin ..." Get up, she walked in front of her, reached out to take the heavy shopping bag in her hand.

He Meixin looked at Luo Qingyun, who was standing in front of herself, just as she was four years ago, with tears flashing in her eyes.

"Qingyun." She reached out, and the two whom she hadn't seen for a long time hugged tightly together.

After hugging, Luo Qingyun helped He Meixin sit down and took her hand. "How did you become like this? Have you not been through these years?"

He Meixin's expression reached out a little unnaturally, and he touched his face, concealed, "It's fine. I'm pregnant, so I don't look good."

"Nonsense, how could there be a pregnant woman who is thinner than you were pregnant before? You tell me honestly, are you not doing well?" Luo Qingyun had a child by herself, so she knew that if it was just because she was pregnant, she would definitely It will look thin and thin like this.

Nowadays, pregnant women are the key protection targets, and they are all offered like their ancestors. How could it make her grow like this?

"I ..." He Meixin knew that Luo Qingyun could not be concealed, opened her mouth, and what she was about to say, the phone in her bag suddenly rang.

With a look of panic, she took the cell phone out of her bag. Luo Qingyun saw that her cell phone was actually an antique cell phone out of the market, not even the touch screen.

He Meixin pressed the answer button and carefully placed the phone in his ear. Before he spoke, he heard a roaring voice from a man, "He Meixin, what the **** are you doing? Go out and buy all the food How long? Not ready to roll back, who is waiting for so many tasks at home? "

Although He Meixin did not turn on the external voice, but because the mobile phone was an elderly machine, the sound was loud, so Luo Qingyun heard it clearly.

"I'll be back in a moment." He Meixin covered her mouth with her hand and said to the phone.

"Ten minutes, if you can't get back, see how I can pack you up," the man said, and hung up the phone.

He Meixin put the phone back into the bag and stood up from the chair. "Qing Yun, I'm going back first, and we'll meet again next time."

With that said, leave.

When Luo Qingyun saw this, she reached out and grabbed her hand, "Meixin, don't leave first, I have something to ask you."

He Mei was anxious to leave, but looking at Luo Qingyun's uneasy look, she had to sit down again.

"Meixin, was the person on the phone just your husband?" Luo Qingyun asked.

He Meixin nodded slightly, her eyes escaping, as if she did not want to talk about the man.

"You have a big belly now, and he still wants you to come out to buy food and carry such heavy things?" Luo Qingyun looked at the heavy shopping bag, and she couldn't understand what kind of man would be so relieved that he had such a big belly Wife came out for shopping.

"My husband is going to work, my mother-in-law has high blood pressure, and my father-in-law died early. No one except me, these things." He Mei said.

"Even if that's the case, it won't allow you to buy so many things at once. What if something happens on your way? Also, can he not do anything at work? I heard it last night When he was on the phone, he asked you to dry your clothes. Couldn't he do these things for you at home? "Luo Qingyun grew more and more angry, and she didn't understand why the old and weird girl was chosen. To such a terrible man.

"I ..." He Meixin wanted to explain something, but thought of going home immediately, he said, "Qing Yun, let's say something next time, I really have to go now."

After all, she labored to lift the shopping bag and was about to leave.

Luo Qingyun couldn't see it, put the money for the bill on the table, got up to catch up with her, reached out and took the bag in her hand, "I'll take you back."

"Qing Yun, you ... don't need it, I can do it myself." He Meixin didn't want to bother her.

"Okay, don't tell me, I have a driver, just outside. Doesn't he limit you to rush back in ten minutes? Don't say ten minutes like this, you can't go back for half an hour." As he said, he lifted his feet and walked out the door.

The driver was in the parking lot in front of the cafe. When they saw them coming out, he drove the car over, stopped, got off, took the shopping bag in Luo Qingyun's hand, and put it in the trunk.

They got in the car and sat in the back. The driver asked, "Miss Luo, where are we going now?"

Luo Qingyun turned to look at He Meixin, "Meixin, where does your family live?"

"In the Meihua Community of Meiyuan Road." He Mei said in his heart.

When the driver heard the address, he started the car and drove to the destination.

In the car, Luo Qingyun took He Meixin's hand. "Meixin, tell me, how did you meet your husband?"

"I knew each other at work. We used to be colleagues."

"Colleague? I remember that you used to work at Huo's Group. He is also an employee of Huo's?" Luo Qingyun asked.

He Mei nodded, "He is in the sales department. Because the company does not allow office romance, I quit my job in order to marry him."

"What?" Luo Qingyun did not expect that He Meixin would be dazzled by love, "for such a man?"

"He wasn't like that before. He used to be nice to me, cook for me, and help me with housework ..."

"But now? Why didn't he do those things?"

"Now he works too hard to support his family. Besides, my mother-in-law does not let him do housework. If I let him do my work, my mother-in-law would be unhappy."

When Luo Qingyun heard this, his heart was very unpleasant. "Meixin, what have you experienced? Why do I feel like you have become a person?"

"Qingyun, people will change. To learn how to confess your fate, you must know that not everyone is as good as you and can marry into a wealthy man." He Meixin said with emotion.

After hearing He Meixin's good life, Luo Qingyun smiled bitterly in his heart.

If she is such a good life, then there is probably no tragedy in this world.

"What about your parents? Do they know that your life at the in-law's house is so difficult now?" Luo Qingyun believes that no parent can watch his daughter suffer at the in-law's house.

"What about it? They didn't urge me to get married at the beginning. Even if I live in hell, what can they say? I can't let me divorce." He Meixin said in a very tone. Is despair.

Of course, Luo Qingyun also understood the reason why a temple would be demolished instead of ruining a marriage.

In a different tone, she reached out and touched Mei Meixin's swollen belly. "How old is the baby? Is it about to be born soon?"

"It's been more than seven months, and there is still more than one month before the due date." When talking about the baby in his stomach, He Meixin's cheeky face finally filled with a faint smile.

This is the joy of becoming a mother and welcoming a new life.

"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. If it's a girl, he can be our daughter-in-law for us in the future." Luo Qingyun said with a smile.

He Meixin heard the words, smiled slightly, and her face looked timid again. "Tuantu is the grandson of the Su family, how can our family deserve it."

"Meixin, it's boring for you to speak like this. What deserves it? How noble am I? How amazing is Tuantuan? We are all the same. In the future, if the baby in your stomach is successful, you can change yourself Chengcheng. "

"That's true, human potential is unlimited." He Meixin heard the words, suddenly full of hope.

"That is, this is He Meixin I know, and I have hope and confidence in the future."

The two said this, and the driver had driven the car to the Meihua community.

Unlike Luo Qingyun's imagination, this is an old community. It looks like it is waiting for demolition. Many people have already moved away in advance.

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