CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 178: Shrew

Chapter 178

Peng Zhenxiang didn't know how he got home.

When he entered the house, he found that his mother and elder brother and aunt were all asleep, and it seemed that he was waiting for the good news to come back.

"How? How much did they promise? Is it 10 million?" When Mrs. Peng saw her son enter the door, she asked the result in the first sentence.

Long Cuifen also came up with excitement and wanted to ask him about the situation, but soon she found out that Peng Zhenxiang's face was not good-looking, not only did he have no joy, but also a depressed face, and couldn't help doubting it.

"Mom, don't ask, they won't lose money to us." Peng Zhenxiang answered the old lady Peng weakly.

"What? Don't lose money? How is this possible? Did they tell you to go or discuss things about losing money?" Mrs. Peng looked at her son with an unbelievable expression.

Long Cuifen couldn't help but say, "Whether they didn't lose money to you or did you want to swallow the money alone, so don't tell us?"

"Long Cuifen! What did you say?" Peng Zhenxiang was very upset because he was being used by someone. Now he heard that Long Cuifen was so stigmatizing, and even more annoyed, he was now irritable toward Long Cuifen Shouted.

Long Cuifen has always been hot, and after marrying into the Peng family, no one dared to speak loudly to her.

Now this little uncle who has always respected herself suddenly broke out of temper. How could she bear it? At the moment, she was even more certain that he must have taken the money and didn't want them to know, for fear of being divided.

"Peng Zhenxiang, you dared to yell at me. It seems to be really developed, and the voice of speaking is also loud. I tell you, don't think you are rich now, just deliberately go it alone, you will go to the TV tomorrow. Man, how can you push your mother down your wife and make it difficult for her to give birth? How can your mother and child let the doctor give the child a small child at the hospital? Tell them all, I see if you are afraid of being poked by the spine. Without conscience. "Long Cuifen breathed a sigh of relief and cried loudly.

Mrs. Peng was most afraid that others would mention that she had toppled He Meixin. Now that Long Cuifen was so embarrassed, Peng Zhenxiang knew the reason for He Meixin's real premature birth. Now she was staring and looking at her mother "Mom, is she telling the truth? Maxim's heart was pushed down by you?"

"I didn't ... wasn't ..." Mrs. Peng was afraid that her son would blame herself, and she waved her hand and wanted to deny it.

Long Cuifen interrupted her at this time, "Mom, don't try to lie, Jia Ming told me what happened to you at home at noon today, and your heart was pushed down by you. Second child, you Do n’t you know who mom is? How does she bully Meixin every day and you have no eyes to see it? I tell you, this matter is because your Peng family lacks virtue, so it ’s you, a big fat grandson. Do it yourself. "

"Shut up, shut up for me, don't say ..." Old Peng was so angry that her blood pressure soared and she was dizzy.

"You want me to shut up, I don't want to? Old dead woman, I tell you, don't think I don't know, you focus on your second son, and think he has studied in a prestigious university, and has a good life. The subsidy went to the second child, and now your mother and son still want to leave us alone and swallow the compensation. I tell you, there is no way. If the second child does not take out the money today, no one will think about a good life! " Fen's temper was violent, and his voice was louder than loud.

Old Mrs. Peng was so stunned that she couldn't breathe, and her head was so dizzy that she could not see the figure.

"Zhenxiang, tell your mom honestly, did the hospital lose money? Zhenhui is your elder brother, so you share it with him." Otherwise, the family will only be peaceful if it is noisy.

Peng Zhenxiang himself also collapsed at this time. He had known that his aunt had a strong temperament, but he did not expect that it would reach such a point.

It's totally unreasonable, and without any scruples, you can shake everything out.

He took a deep breath and endured the urge to burst out of his inner temper, and said to Mrs. Peng, "Mom, I really didn't get the money. They not only refused to give the money, but they also charged me with extortion. We won't mess with the doctors tonight, I'm afraid your son will be taken away by the police tomorrow. "

"What? What did you say?" Mrs. Peng didn't expect things to turn around like this. She was shocked at the moment, her brain was blank and she was totally at a loss.

Long Cuifen heard the words and sneered, "Take the doctor out tonight? I don't think the police will take you away tomorrow, but you have received money, so you can only get the doctor out."

"Xunzi, what do you want me to do before you believe that I really didn't get the money?" Peng Zhenxiang is ruthless. The only thing he can't resist in this family is the hot cock.

"Unless you give me the money, I won't believe what you say." Long Cuifen had already confirmed that Peng Zhenxiang had got the money.

"You ... don't force me!" Peng Zhenxiang felt mad, and met such a tangled woman, and their Peng family had been **** molds for eight lives.

"What? What do you want to do to me? Frighten me? I tell you, I wasn't scared of Long Cuifen since I was a kid." Long Cuifen saw Peng Zhenxiang's ugly face only when he was bluffing.

It ’s still Mrs. Peng who knows her son and knows that Peng Zhenxiang may be really anxious at this time, afraid that he will do something, and immediately said to her eldest son Peng Zhenhui, "Zhenhui, what are you still stupidly doing? Don't hurry Take your daughter-in-law away, do you really want her to drive your brother crazy? "

At this time, Peng Zhenhui also realized the seriousness of the matter. Looking at Peng Zhenhui's eyes flushed and looking anxious to kill, he immediately stepped forward and pulled down his wife's hand. "Cuifen, forget it, let's stop Now, when the second child is quiet, it's not too early, go back to rest first. "

"Break your dead head, useless counseling, when is this time, you still listen to your old immortal mother, she is focused on the second child, you can't see it?" Peng Cuifang gritted his teeth and looked at him. Her husband, who was struggling, couldn't figure out why she married such a wretched child.

Peng Zhenxiang heard Long Cuifen yell at her mother and brother, and was so angry that she lost her mind, rushed into the kitchen, took out a kitchen knife, and held it in her hand.

When everyone saw this, they were frightened, and even the long-crowded Long Cuifen's anger suddenly dropped by more than half.

"Second, what are you doing? All are family, how can you take the knife?" Mrs. Peng stepped forward, trying to take the knife from Peng Zhenxiang.

Peng Zhenxiang avoided her mother's hands and stared at Long Cuifen, "Go away, get out of my house now, or I will let you die here!"

Long Cuifen was so frightened that his legs were weak, but with the help of Peng Zhenhui, he went out of the door and went downstairs.

A farce ended in this way. The Peng family, who had been waiting joyfully for the money, are now experiencing funerals and are not angry.


Early the next morning, Luo Qingyun got up and went to the kitchen to stew a pot of ginseng chicken soup. He was going to take him to the hospital to replenish He Meixin's body later.

Looking at Luo Qingyun's appearance before and after busy, he also ran in and out in the kitchen to help.

After Luo Qingyun cooked the soup and prepared breakfast, the mother and son ate and saw her return to the room to change clothes.

He hurried to the door of the room, shouting inward across the door, "Mum, are you going out?"

"Well, Aunt Maxim is hospitalized, and Mommy is going to the hospital to send her soup." Luo Qingyun replied.

"Then I'll go with me, too. I'm going to see Aunt Meixin." Tuantuan heard and said immediately.

Luo Qingyun had already changed his clothes at this time, opened the door, hugged Tuantu into the living room, and put it on the sofa. "Tuantu, you are good, Aunt Maxim is very sick this time, and is in a bad mood, Mummy Go and accompany her and come back. Will you play with Sister Annie at home? "

"Don't, it's not the weekend today, and Dad won't come. Mommy, you just run away secretly. TuanTuan don't play with Sister Annie at home ..." TuanTuan was angry and grumpy.

Luo Qingyun heard that with a black line on her face, where did she run away alone?

"Tuan Tuan, if you don't obey, Mummy will be angry." If it's not soft, then you can only follow him hard, and she won't believe it.

As soon as Tuantuan heard Luo Qingyun was going to get angry, he cried awkwardly at the moment, and ran to the room while crying, "Woohoo, Mommy doesn't love me anymore, hoohoo ... I'm sorry ..."

Luo Qingyun didn't want to get used to him, and didn't chase him. He just said to Annie, "Annie, I'm going to trouble you this morning. I will come back to eat with you before noon."

"Miss Luo don't worry, I will coax Tuan Tuan. By the way, Tuan Tuan saw an advertisement for **** Superman on TV last night, and said in his mouth that he wanted to do something superhuman. When you come back, help him Come back one by one, he will be very happy. "Annie reminded kindly.

"Okay, I see. Thank you Annie." Luo Qingyun said, put the thermos in a bag, and went out.

As a result, she didn't go out long before she arrived at the hospital. The phone rang. He Meixin's cell phone called. After connecting, Meixin's screaming cry came out, "Qingyun, come soon, I Don't want to see Peng Zhenxiang, you help me drive him away. "

"Meixin, what's the matter? What about your uncles and aunts? They weren't with you in the ward?" Luo Qingyun was frightened and asked at the other end of the phone.

But before she could hear the answer, the call was hung up.

She was so anxious that she had to instruct the driver to speed up towards the hospital.

When she rushed to the hospital, she almost ran to the inpatient department, came to the ward where He Meixin lived, and saw that the door of the ward was closed at this time. Her parents were sitting on the sofa outside the door, their expressions were very complex.

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