CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 179: Changed the line

Chapter 179 Changed Gua

"Uncle and aunt, how do you sit outside? Maxim?" When she saw the two old men sitting outside, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Maxim's on the phone just asked her for help. Why didn't they stay by her side for a while?

Her mother got up at this time and took Luo Qingyun's hand. "Qingyun, I know you care about our family's heart, this time I really thank you. However, Zhenxiang came here early this morning, Knelt down and apologized to us, begging us to forgive them. In the end, they are husband and wife, and now our heart is already like this, he is still willing to live with her, and we feel that we might as well give him another chance.

"Auntie, what are you talking about?" Luo Qingyun seemed to think that he had hallucinations in his ears, and the whole person stayed.

They even wanted to give Peng Zhenxiang another chance?

Turning her head and looking at the closed door, she finally knew why Meixin asked her for help.

"Qingyun, you have good intentions for us, we know well, but we hope you don't get involved in this matter. Maxim is our daughter, and we will naturally take care of it." He father also stood up at this time. .

Luo Qingyun didn't know what Peng Zhenxiang said to them. The old couple forgave him so easily, but she knew in her heart that Maxim could never accept Peng Zhenxiang again, otherwise, how could she call her for help .

"I'll go and see Meixin first." Luo Qingyun didn't want to tell them any more. It was her parents who made Meixin anxious to marry Peng's family.

Now it is clear that they want to repeat the same mistakes, and it is useless to say more.

Seeing this, Her mother immediately took a step forward and held her back. "Qing Yun, Meixin is inconvenient now, she ..."

"Is Peng Zhenxiang inside?" Luo Qingyun asked nervously.

"This ..." He mother froze for a moment, but did not deny it, but her eyes dodged a little.

When Luo Qingyun thought that Peng Zhenxiang was in front of Meixin at this time, she was even more anxious. She didn't care about the obstruction of the old couple, and quickly walked to the door, reached out and supported the door handle, and wanted to open the door.

However, at this time, the door of the ward was locked from the inside and could not be opened at all.

"Meixin, how are you doing? Mexin, I'm Qingyun, I'm here ..." She patted the door of the ward vigorously and shouted inward.

Half a minute later, the door of the room was opened from the inside, and Peng Zhenxiang's face appeared in front of Luo Qingyun.

"Miss Luo, you're here." Peng Zhenxiang didn't seem to be surprised to see Luo Qingyun, but he looked at her with complicated and abnormal eyes.

Luo Qingyun didn't bother him, went straight up into the door, and ran to the bed. At this time, Meixin was lying on the bed, her eyes flushed, and she was clearly crying.

When she saw Luo Qingyun, she immediately struggled to get up. Luo Qingyun reached out and grabbed her arm, and put her on the bed. "Don't move, don't tear the wound."

"Qing Yun, you help me, let them go, all go, I don't want to see any of them." Mei Xin's hand grasped Luo Qingyun's hand tightly, and there was no trace of blood on his thin face.

He's parents also entered the room at this time. Hearing Maxim said that, he was anxious at the moment, "Maxim, what are you talking about? Do you want to drive us away?"

"You go, I don't have your parents like you!" He Meixin was probably completely dead to her parents. She never dreamed of it. She originally supported her parents who left Peng's family. When she saw Peng Zhenxiang, she changed immediately. Got the idea.

She knew that if she followed them, she would be dead.

"Meixin, you ... you ... parents are for your good and you don't understand? You look like this now, can you find a better man?" Her mother said sadly.

He Meixin's emotions were also very excited. Her pair of apricot eyes widened and hissing exhausted, "I will never have anything to do with Peng Zhenxiang even if he is going to grow old alone.

When Peng Zhenxiang heard this, his face became very unpleasant at the moment. He looked somber and looked at He Meixin, "Meixin, how can you say that, I don't dislike you for having no children in the future, isn't it? Prove my heart for you? Do you think about how happy we were when we first met, did you forget those things? "

"Peng Zhenxiang, don't be disgusting here. What kind of person are you? Don't you know? Why didn't I have a child? It's not because of my mother's gift. I tell you, lie down for surgery The moment I went to the office, I wanted to understand that marrying you is the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life. I've been stupid once, and there will never be a second. "

"You ... He Meixin, you say such things, don't regret it." Peng Zhenxiang finally lost his patience, he pointed at He Meixin on the bed, and said sharply.

He Meixin didn't look over the window at this time, he didn't want to look at him even if it was just a glance.

When Peng Zhenxiang saw this, he was uninterested in staying, so he shook his hands angrily and walked out of the room.

After Father He left, he immediately walked to the bed and looked at He Meixin and said, "Meixin, don't be stupid, have you forgotten? The house our family paid for is still in his name. You He had a trouble with him at this time, what if he didn't return the house to us at that time, what should we do? But the old couple's coffin was bought for you. "

At this time, He Meixin would look over at her parents with tears in her eyes. "Dad, rest assured, if the house Peng Zhenxiang is really unkind and wants to swallow, I will go out and work hard to make money after I get better Money back to you and mom. "

"Silly girl, so much money, how long will it take you to make it back." He mother sat and wiped her tears.

"I was stupid. I did n’t know people well before I had the bad results of today. This money should be my tuition for learning to be a human." He Meixin wailed.

Luo Qingyun knew about the house, so she said, "You don't have to be too pessimistic. The house is your money, and you can get it back."

"Qing Yun, do you have any way?" He Meixin now directly uses Luo Qingyun as a life-saving straw.

"Maxim, don't worry, I will help you find the best lawyer to fight this lawsuit, and now nothing is more important than your happiness." Luo Qingyun comforted her.

He Meixin was very moved when she heard her say this.

Probably only Luo Qingyun is in this world, who is dedicated to her.

Although the parents are also good for her, they are too tired for too many things and too many scruples, they don't understand at all, what is best for her.

"Qingyun, does that lawsuit cost a lot of money? Our family ..." He mother now began to worry about lawyers' fees.

Luo Qingyun knew the scene of the He family. At first, in order to buy a wedding room for He Meixin, the old family was emptied, and the old couple retired. The retirement pension was just right for them. There was not much money to save. Come down.

This time He Meixin was hospitalized. All the expenses were paid by Luo Qingyun. She knew that they really had no money.

It is also because of poverty that I care about the house, and therefore I want to be wronged. For the house, I have to endure it first.

"Uncle and aunt, rest assured, if you really have a lawsuit, this money will also come from me and won't let you pay." Luo Qingyun calmed them.

"How sorry ... we haven't even given Meixin the hospitalization money back to you now, how can we let you pay for the lawyer ..." He father was a face-saving person, and troubled Luo Qingyun so much. It's been a long time since then, and now I feel more embarrassed.

Luo Qingyun waved his hand. "Uncle, don't feel embarrassed. Maxim's feelings are like my sisters and sisters, and it's not a problem to spend more money for her."

After listening to this, the old couple was also moved and secretly turned around and wiped their tears.

Luo Qingyun looked again at He Meixin in the hospital bed. At this time, her mood had calmed down a lot. "Meixin, let's go to the hospital. Although the conditions here are good, the security conditions are general, like this ward, what? Anyone can come in. Transfer to a private hospital so that Peng Zhenxiang can't bother you. "

"Okay, turn right away. I don't want to see the man again." He Meixin said immediately after hearing this.

Luo Qingyun nodded, patted the back of her hand, calmed her, and turned to the outside parlor to make a phone call.

Of course, the telephone number was Su Suhao. In City Y, he was the only person she could ask for.

And the only one who would help her was him.

After two days of getting along, their relationship has eased a lot.

The call was answered by Su Haohao. Luo Qingyun said to him briefly on the phone what happened today. He heard Su Haohao saying on the other side of the phone, "I will instruct Qiu Hao to contact Anren Hospital, clean up and wait for the ambulance to take you there. "

"Okay, thank you, Hao Hao." Luo Qingyun really appreciated him.

"Thank you for your help. I heard you made my son cry today?"

"!!!" Luo Qingyun heard this expression, with an embarrassed expression, stinky boy, now he has learned to carry her back to the court, "No, am I not going to the hospital this morning? He wants to follow, I did not let, He cried. "

"Is that so?" Su Yinghao didn't seem to believe.

"Yeah, that's it, otherwise what else? How did that stupid guy tell you? I won't tell you, I slapped him, right? I didn't do it, although I really wanted to spank him a few times Yes. "Luo Qingyun said truthfully.

"Dare you!" Su Yinghao was immediately excited when Luo Qingyun was about to hit his son.

"Don't be nervous, haven't I not slapped him?" Luo Qingyun was sweating silently in his heart, not just scratching his **** a few times, he used to froze often. Is it so nervous?

"Luo Qingyun, if you want to move my son in the future, you must ask me first, understand?"

"I see. I'll call you for a report before I hit him."


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