CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 186: Keep her

Chapter 186: Keep Her

What does this mean?

Did he do anything outrageous outside?

Or did they kill again?

With this idea in mind, she immediately shook her head and told herself, No, Fu Muxun, although looking at the fierce god, is definitely not the kind of person who acts wildly and carelessly.

Didn't Huihui say it before?

That time to save her was his first murder.

It can be seen that he is usually not a big devil who kills and does not blink.

She had misunderstood him once, but could not misunderstand him anymore.

"Forget it, I don't bother asking if you don't say it." She shrugged her shoulders intently, turned her head and looked out the window again, alleviating the slight loss in her heart.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, she still wanted to know more about Fu Muzhen.

I don't know why, although she knows that this person is dangerous, she just can't help but want to explore everything about him.

I don't know when this magical feeling started.

"You like Zhang Junxian very much?" Fu Muzhen asked suddenly without a thought.

Huo Xiwen couldn't keep up with his jumping thinking for a while, weren't they obviously talking about him?

Why did you jump on Zhang Junxian again?

Should she shake her head or nod?

If you shake your head, how do you explain their relationship with their current male and female friends?

But if she nodded, she was lying, and she didn't like it.

"Why do you ask this?" I didn't know what to answer, she simply asked him back.

"It doesn't seem to like it, that's a pity. He looks pretty good," Fu Muzhen said with regret.

Huo Xiwen does not know why he said this to himself, is he implying that he should not miss Zhang Junxian?

It sounded as if she was concerned about her words, but for some reason, she always felt a little uncomfortable listening from his mouth.

"I like who I like, it doesn't seem to have much to do with you, Mr. Fu!" She said deliberately with a little anger.

"It doesn't matter," he repeated.

"So, please don't worry about my personal affairs, OK?"

"No." He shook his head.

"..." She was speechless. "Why?"

"Because the biggest joy of my life is to be nosy!" He said lazily.


It turned out that Huo Xiwen felt panicked in his heart, and didn't want to talk to him anymore. He turned his head and looked at the lights outside the window.

The car slowly moved forward, passing the most prosperous area, and the road became smooth.

None of them spoke, one looked out the window, and one lowered his head and played with the mobile phone in his hand.

It didn't take long for the villa area to arrive.

"How many?" Fu Muzhen turned to look at her.

Huo Xiwen also realized at this time that she was about to get off the car, but did not know why, she just did not want to tell him how many houses she lived in.

She looked back, looking at him with a little provocation, "don't you know?"

"Why would I know?" Fu Muzhen's expression was a little funny.

"You bought the house here, didn't you just know that my house lived here?" She always felt that this guy's house shouldn't have happened so well and bought it in the same area as her own.

"You think so?" Fu Muzhen looked at her with a smile on his eyes.

"Isn't it?" If it wasn't, she would have grown up, too self-righteous.

"If you don't tell me how many buildings are there, the driver will drive the car to my house." He did not respond to her question, but reminded her "well".

"Okay, then go to your house." She didn't even think about it, but blurted out directly following his words, and couldn't help whispering, "It's not like I've never been anyway."

Fu Muzhen didn't hear the words behind her, but the sentence in front of her surprised her, "Go to my house? Are you sure?"

He clearly remembered how scared she was to go to his house.

She had to threaten her every time she ran over unwillingly.

"Why? You have a woman hidden in your house. Wouldn't it be convenient for me to go in for a cup of coffee?" Huo Xiwen thought purely. She just wanted to see it. For four years, the place that had left her precious first time was Not changed.

Women's first memories of themselves are always fresh and unforgettable.

Although she kept hypnotizing herself, it was only an accident.

"There are indeed women." He didn't even deny it.

Huo Xiwen heard that, for some reason, he was inexplicably confused.

Does he have a woman?

It turned out that he would turn her a blind eye.

"Then I'm going to check it out. Didn't you tell my brother-in-law about my boyfriend? Let me see what your girlfriend looks like." She said with a relaxed expression.

Fu Muzhen didn't speak, didn't say yes, and didn't object.

The car drove directly to the door of his house.

Parking, the car stopped in the garage outside the iron gate, Huo Xiwen did not wait for the driver to get out of the car to help her open the door, pushed the door and got out of the car.

There is a door behind the garage that leads directly to the courtyard.

After Fu Muyi got out of the car, he went through the door and went directly into the courtyard. Huo Xiwen followed him, passed the small garden in the courtyard, and entered the villa.

At this time it was around ten in the evening and the villa was brightly lit.

Fu Muzhen came in, and the servant sister Xia came forward. "Mr. Fu, you are back."

"Go and call the lady down." Fu Muzhen took off his coat and threw it into Sister Xia's hand, commanding.

"Okay." Sister Xia took the coat and responded, going upstairs.

Huo Xiwen followed him to the sofa, sat down, and looked around.

Everything here has not changed in any way, and it is exactly the same as it was four years ago.

For a moment, she was a little hesitant, feeling herself and him as if back to four years ago.

At that time, he had made her shy enough.

"What to drink?" Fu Muzhen put his hands on the back of the sofa and asked in a relaxed posture.

"Coffee." Huo Xiwen turned back and blurted out.

"Drink coffee at night? Don't want to sleep?" Fu Muzhen frowned slightly, raising his hand and calling a servant, "Go and pour a glass of milk."

Huo Xiwen did not expect that he would change his mind without authorization. Although he did not quite understand his approach, he thought that he would do so because he was afraid she could not sleep at night.

How to say it is also kind.

She took it.

Not long after, the maid brought a cup of hot milk, Huo Xiwen picked up and had not sipped. In the direction of the stairs on the second floor, a girl in pajamas and eyebrows stretched out and walked downstairs.

"Brother, why are you telling me to come downstairs? Who's here?" Fu Huihui was holding the computer in the bedroom on the second floor and watched the show. It was fun but she was called downstairs by Sister Xia.

When Huo Xiwen saw Huihui, he frowned.

She hadn't had much contact with Huihui before, only twice, but the two experienced life and death, which impressed her especially.

So she recognized her at a glance, excitedly put down the cup in her hand, and ran to her, "Huihui, is it really you? Do you remember me? I am Xiwen, Huo Xiwen."

Huihui looked at Huo Xiwen in front of her, and recognized him for a long time. Then she suddenly thought of such a person, "Huo Xiwen, I remember, I saved you, and you still mad my brother for a while. Haha, why did you come to my house? ? My brother brought you back? "

After speaking, she took Huo Xiwen to the sofa, and they sat down next to each other in a warm atmosphere.

"I went to a winery today and met your brother." Huo Xiwen explained why she was here.

"He brought you home directly when he met him?" Fu Huihui heard and looked at Fu Muzhen with the expression on the face of the New World. "Brother, I have lived here for so long, but I have never seen you before. Woman came back. "

"Really? How is that possible?" Huo Xiwen was a little unbelievable, after all, he had asked her to come here before.

"Really." Fu Huihui said, and put her mouth into Huo Xiwen's ears. "I told you, I have always suspected that my brother's orientation was wrong, not only did he not bring the woman back home, besides me , There is no other woman at all. "

When Huo Xiwen heard this, he almost laughed and said, "No, your brother ... no problem."

"How do you know? Have you tried it?" Fu Huihui looked at her with a smirk at this moment, shaking her eyebrows.

"..." Huo Xiwen found that he had accidentally said a leak, and his face was awkward.

"She's going to follow." Fu Muzhen sold Huo Xiwen directly at this time.

As soon as he said this, Fu Huihui's eyes looked at Huo Xiwen even more crooked, "Xi Wen, I heard that domestic girls are very conservative, this middle of the night, you follow my brother home, should not Do you want to conspiracy? "

"..." Huo Xiwen was completely speechless. Two brothers and sisters are really more difficult than one.

When she got up, she had to leave immediately and stay, and she really didn't face anyone.

"Then, it's getting late, I won't bother you to rest, and go home first." With that said, she turned to leave.

Seeing this, Fu Huihui stretched out her hand and held her, "What are you going to do? It's not too early, so you stay here. How dangerous is it for a girl to go home this big night."

"Uh ... no ... no need, my home is not too far away, just a few steps away." Huo Xiwen was embarrassed by her eyes.

"Well, Huihui, don't make a noise." Fu Muzhen stood up at this time and walked in front of her. "Let's go, I'll send you."

"No ..." She just wanted to say, don't need it, the visual line paired his eyes, and involuntarily swallowed the next few words, "then trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble. My elder brother likes to wander outside in the evening most." Fu Huihui made a strong supplement at this time.

Fu Muzhen's expression turned dark, "Go upstairs to sleep."

"Just go. Xiwen, I come to play every day when I have time, and my egg at home is painful every day." Fu Huihui Chao Mu Mu made a face and blinked at Huo Xiwen.

Huo Xiwen squeezed a smile from his mouth and nodded. "Good to say, good to say."

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