CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 187: Not interested in her

Chapter 187

Huo Xiwen followed Fu Muzhen out of the villa, and the two walked side by side on the tree-lined avenue in the villa area.

No one spoke at that time, and occasionally there were insects around, very quiet.

"It's a nice day today." I didn't know how long it was. Huo Xiwen felt that the quiet atmosphere was too weird, so he started to talk again.

As a result, her voice had just fallen, and there was a heavy drizzle in the sky.

"It seems you like rainy days." Fu Muzhen looked at her with amusement.

Under the yellow street lamp, his face was covered with a hazy mist. The sharp-cut facial features looked softer at this time, and with a smile under his eyes, he looked more handsome and charming.

It's embarrassing now, God doesn't give face, and hits her in the face every minute.

For a moment, Huo Xiwen wanted to bite off his tongue.

"There is a gazebo in front of it. Go to shelter from the rain." Fu Muzhen watched the rain get bigger and bigger, and held her big palm above her head, trying to cover the rain for her.

This extremely natural movement instantly warmed Huo Xiwen's heart.

The two quickened their pace and quickly ran to the gazebo in front.

Huo Xiwen looked at the torrent of rain in front of him, but for some reason he was not in a hurry.

On the contrary, I was a little happy.

Does she just want to spend more time with him?

Realizing this mentality, she was frightened.

Quickly comforting myself, not because I want to stay with him for a while, now it's just God's goodness.

Fu Muzhen didn't pay attention to her psychological activity at this time. He stood under the corner of the gazebo and looked at the growing momentum of rain. It is estimated that it will stop at half past one.

I took out my cell phone, dialed a number, and directed inward, "Send two to the gazebo outside the villa."

In the villa, Sister Xia answered the phone. After hanging up, she was going to get an umbrella.

Seeing this, Fu Huihui asked, "Who called?"

"It's Mr. Fu. It's raining outside, let me send the umbrella over." Sister Xia truthfully said.

"Is it raining?" Fu Huihui heard the words, turned her head and looked out the window, and laughed. "It's really raining. Don't worry, sister Xia, you can wait for this half an hour before you deliver it."

"Ah? But this is what Mr. Fu ordered." Sister Xia didn't dare to disobey Fu Mu's phone.

"It's okay, you say that I let you do other things to delay, rest assured, he will not blame you. Really no, you say I will not let you send it." Fu Huihui said.

Sister Xia heard that although she didn't understand why she did this, she listened to her and turned to work on something else.

In the gazebo, the two people hiding from the rain didn't know that in a short time, no one would bring an umbrella over.

Huo Xiwen looked in front of him, Fu Muzhen's wide, upright back, listening to the sound of the rain dripping from his ears, and his mood became very good.

Time passed by a little, and after waiting about ten minutes, Fu Muzhen had not seen anyone sending an umbrella. He probably guessed in his heart that this umbrella would not be delivered in a short time.

Turning around, he looked at Huo Xiwen behind him, "How far is your house?"

Huo Xiwen was staring at his back. He didn't expect that he would suddenly turn around, and he was frightened for a while. When she reacted, the whole person blushed like an apple, but he still had to pretend to be calm. ... What did you just say? "

Fu Muzhen found that she had been staring at herself, her eyes became playful, "Does it look good?"

"Why ... what?" Huo Xiwen's instinct was that he had spotted his little eyes, secretly saying "bad" in his heart.

"Did you just keep peeking at me just now?" He asked, his mouth rising up intentionally or unintentionally.

Huo Xiwen was very doubtful whether this guy had eyes behind him.

But this kind of thing, she would not admit to killing her, her neck stretched straight, she said with disdain, "Whoever sees you is less affectionate."

"Did you watch?"

"Of course not. I want to see it with a fair look. How can I peek?"

"Huo Xiwen." His eyes suddenly darkened, and his expression was a little serious.

"Why?" Huo Xiwen looked at him with a guilty conscience.

"I'm not interested in you now." His voice was not loud, and the sound of raindrops in his ears seemed a bit fuzzy.

But even so, Huo Xiwen still heard this sentence clearly.

I don't know if it was because of expectations before, or because of other reasons. When she heard this sentence, she just felt that her heart was blocked by something, and it hurt.

The loss at the bottom of the eye was unobstructed, but she still wanted to cover it, lowered her head, she took a deep breath, a bright smile on her face, and pretended to be relaxed, "That's great, so I don't have to worry about you It was out of order with me. "

Fu Muzhen didn't speak, and looked at her deeply. He could clearly see the camouflage from her face, but what about it?

He sighed softly, and he sank, "You are waiting here, I'll get an umbrella."

After speaking, he turned and braved the heavy rain and rushed out of the gazebo.

Huo Xiwen looked at his back rushing into the heavy rain, and gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared at the end of the light, suddenly he felt a bit ridiculous.

Huo Xiwen, what happened to you?

Didn't you hate this man before, and avoided him?

Now people have said that they are not interested in you, why can't you be happy?

What are you sad about?

Lifted his feet, walked to the eaves, reached out to pick up the raindrops falling from the sky, and the raindrops were in her palms, remembering that he would rather take out such a heavy rain and rush out to get an umbrella, rather than stay with her more Even for a moment, her heart became increasingly uncomfortable.

Forget it, Huo Xiwen, why think about him?

What's so great about him?

Wasn't that an inexplicable past with you?

Didn't it save your life?

Since he is not interested in you, why bother to remember him again?

Persuading herself in this way, she turned her head again and glanced at the direction in which he disappeared. Eventually, she lifted her feet and rushed out of the gazebo toward the home.

When Fu Muzhen was soaked back to the villa, Fu Huihui was frightened.

"Brother, why are you back in the rain?"

Fu Muzhen glanced at her, knowing that it was a good thing she did, and she was not in a mood to scold her, so she let the servant take the umbrella and prepare to send it.

Seeing that he was soaking wet, Fu Huihui was afraid that he would catch a cold if he got rain, and immediately stepped forward, "Forget it, brother, let me go."

Fu Muzhen glanced at her and said nothing, and handed her the umbrella, "Do you know where?"

"I don't know." Fu Huihui shook her head.

"Go straight out, the first gazebo by the road."

"Okay, I see." Fu Huihui took the umbrella, ran out of the door quickly, and disappeared into his sight.

By the time Fu Huihui ran to the gazebo, Huo Xiwen was long gone.

Fearing that she was mistaken, she looked a few hundred meters ahead and found the second gazebo, but still did not see Huo Xiwen.

It seems that Huo Xiwen has left by himself.

The umbrella did not go out, so she had to turn around and go home.

By the time she got home, Fu Muyi had changed her clothes and came downstairs.

Seeing that she still had two umbrellas when she went out, one had been opened, the other was dripping, and the other was wrapped well and had not been opened at all, he knew it already.

"Brother, I found two gazebos and didn't see her. She should have left by herself." Fu Huihui was afraid that she would be misled by her elder brother, so she didn't send her umbrella at all and explained quickly.

"Let's go," Fu Muzhen said quietly, without saying anything.

"Ah? That's it?" Fu Huihui originally thought that his elder brother would at least have a temper, and blame himself for it, but he didn't expect him to do so, which is really not like his style.

"Brother, do you know which one of Xiwen's family lives? This villa area is so big and it is raining so much now. In case her family lives in area C, it is a few kilometers away from our house. I'm afraid I'll get sick. "Fu Huihui said at this moment uneasily.

Her words made Fu Muxian look cold, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed Zhao Wei's phone. "It's me. Send me the address of Huo Xiwen's family."

Within a few seconds, the mobile phone received a text message, "Building C 28."

Fu Huihui was really told.

Fu Muzhen said nothing at this time, took the unopened umbrella in her hand, and went out at a fast speed.

Walked to the garage and picked up the car. He drove all the way in the direction of Area C.

At this point, Huo Xiwen had run out of a lot of land, and the speed in front of her was very fast, but she walked to the back because the rain was too heavy, and she gradually lost her strength and slowed down.

The backpack on her back is on the top of her head, which can cover the rainwater that directly hits her eyes, but still has half of her face exposed, and was smashed by the rain water.

She started to regret a little bit, and shouldn't get on Mu Fu's car tonight, let alone go to his home.

Moreover, some regrets that they should not go to the winery with Zhang Junxian.

If you don't go to the winery, you won't encounter Fu Muzhen, and if you don't meet him, everything after this will be gone.

And she wouldn't have to find the way home in the rain this big night.

The more I really want to get more wronged, the more wronged I get angry.

Tears ran down the cheeks as they mixed the rain.

When she was crying out of breath, there was a sound of car horns behind her.

Looking back, I saw Fu Muzhen's black Porsche stopping behind her.

When he got out of the car, his loud voice was under the light of the car's headlights, as if he had put on a layer of golden coat, the black umbrella in his hand stretched out, and he walked towards her solidly and vigorously.

The moment he came to her, the rain over his head was covered by the big umbrella in his hand, and she looked up, and she saw his embarrassing look in his deep eyes.

Reaching out, his big palm grabbed her little hand and was about to pull her into the car.

Huo Xiwen's subconsciously struggled, "What do you do?"

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