CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 188: No insider

Chapter 188

"Get in the car." His tone was imperative, and she could not tolerate her resistance. The hand holding her wrist was also quite strong, which made her unable to escape at all.

Pulling her to the co-pilot, letting go, pulling the door, she was forced to "stuck" into the car by him.

She was completely wet, and the rain drunk her entire co-pilot all at once.

Fu Muzhen turned and walked to the driver's seat, closed his umbrella, threw it back, and got himself into the driver's seat.

Starting the car and driving forward, Huo Xiwen looked at him coldly, with a sad expression on his face, "What are you doing? I don't need you to send me at all?"

"Really?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, stop your car and let me go." Huo Xiwen didn't even fasten his seat belt, he said straight to the ground.

However, Fu Muzhen didn't bother her, she just drove her car intently.

"I told you to stop, did you hear me? Who do you think you are? Who wants you to send me." Huo Xiwen was completely ignored by him when he saw himself, and he felt even more angry.

This abominable man!

Her words made Fu Muzhen step on the brakes suddenly, and the car stopped suddenly.

Huo Xiwen's body rushed forward and hit the front trim panel.

Fortunately, the speed was not fast, but it did not hurt her.

Turning her head, Fu Muzhen's gaze fell on her face, her eyes were a little cold, "Don't make trouble!"

"I'm not troubled, I don't need you to send it, I can go home by myself." Huo Xiwen said.

"It seems that you really like rain." He did not expect that this little woman was so stingy.

"Yes, it's better for me to go home in the rain than to let you take me home. What would they think if my family saw me get out of a strange man's car and get wet?" Huo Xiwen made a very good excuse to reject his kindness.

"You didn't let me give you this for this reason?" Fu Muzhen looked at her, as if confirming the truth of her excuse.

"Otherwise? Do you think there are other reasons? I am a boyfriend now, and I don't want my family to have unnecessary misunderstandings." She wouldn't admit that she had listened to what he said. Then he felt angry and rejected him.

"That's the case, that's easy." Fu Muzhen said, restarting the car, hitting the steering wheel, and going straight back.

Huo Xiwen was shocked, "What are you doing? Where are you going now?"

"Don't you say that you will be misunderstood by your family?"

"Yeah." So shouldn't he let her off and let her go home?

"Then just don't go home." He said this lightly, and it didn't seem to be important to the matter that the girl did not return home at night.

"Why ...?" Don't go home?

Where does she go?

Is it his home?

"You and Huihui haven't seen each other for a long time? It's just that you two can tell the story well." He gave her an impeccable statement.

"But ... my mother will be worried if I don't go home at night." What she said was true. Since her father died and she and Su Dihao divorced, their mother and daughter lived together in Huo's house.

Uncle, they come to the mansion for dinner from time to time, but also to explore the situation here, few people really care about their mother and daughter.

"I'll ask Huihui to call her and explain the situation." This problem seemed to Fu Muzheng to be solved.

"But ..." Huo Xiwen wanted another excuse.

Instead of giving her a chance to speak, Fu Muzheng said, "I will send you home early tomorrow morning."

Well, Huo Xiwen has nothing to say.

In fact, if she went home like this now, she would inevitably be doubted by her mother.

After all, she went out with Zhang Junxian at first, and as a result she went back like a chicken, and her mother would definitely worry about what happened to her.

If the explanation was not clear, she was cranky again.

However, thinking of Zhang Junxian, Huo Xiwen was suddenly shocked, he left the winery just like that, and had not told him yet.

At this time, maybe he was going crazy for himself.

Quickly took out the phone from the backpack, opened it, and turned it off.

She said why the phone didn't ring overnight and it turned out to be dead.

She also didn't remember Zhang Junxian's phone number. It seemed that she could only wait for the cell phone to be charged and then call him back after turning on the phone.

Fu Muzhen drove the car back to the villa, and when they entered the house, Fu Huihui was surprised when he saw Huo Xiwen getting wet, "Why did you do that? Where did you go? Why not in the gazebo Waiting? "

"I wanted to run home by myself." Huo Xiwen said a little embarrassed.

"Run home? Do you know how far it is? It's raining this heavy night. Do you think the weather is good and you can take a walk back?" Fu Huihui also admired her courage.

"Well, Huihui, you take Xiwen upstairs, let her take a hot bath, and prepare her a new suit you did not wear." A little dazed, and commanded.

Then called Sister Xia again to cook **** soup and sent it upstairs.

Fu Huihui also noticed that Huo Xiwen was a little cold, so he got up and pulled her upstairs.

Followed Hui Huihui into the second bedroom and went to the bathroom. Fu Huihui helped her find clothes outside. She put a hot water tank on her own, took off her wet clothes, and got into the bathtub.

The warm water instantly wrapped her around, and the pores that had been tightly closed suddenly opened, and her body relaxed.

"Well," someone knocked on the bathroom door outside.

"Xiwen, can I come in?" Huihui's voice.

"Come in." Huo Xiwen grabbed the rose petals in the flower basket beside the bathtub and sprinkled them inside.

The water surface was suddenly covered with petals, covering everything in the water.

Fu Huihui pushed in and came in, holding a clean set of pajamas in her hand. "I bought this set of pajamas. I haven't worn them yet, I'll wear them for you."

"Thank you," Huo Xiwen said.

"I'll wait for Sister Xia to take the wet clothes to the laundry and iron them for you. You can wear them tomorrow." Fu Huihui said, "I have new clothes, but you must be in that style. Can't stand it. "

Huo Xiwen: "It doesn't matter, I can wear my own clothes tomorrow."

After hearing the words, Fu Huihui smiled, and then she turned her eyes and put her face in front of her with gossip. "Xiwen, tell me honestly, is there anything between you and my brother?"

Huo Xiwen was panicked by her questioning and shook her head, "No ... no ..."

"Really?" Obviously, Fu Huihui didn't believe her words.

"Really not. Why do you ask that?" Didn't she show anything wrong?

"Because I think you two are weird. Actually, I felt weird four years ago. My brother has never fired before. He said that it is his bottom line not to kill people, including those under his hands. You can't step on this line. However, in order to save you that time, he broke his precepts, which is really incredible. Do you know what this means? "

"What do you mean?" Huo Xiwen asked.

"Indicating that you are very important in his heart, it is so important that it exceeds his bottom line." Fu Huihui said with emotion, "I have never seen him so nervous alone. You do n’t know since that incident, I I have to go to church every week to chat with the priest, and sometimes it ’s a whole day, and it scares me and Zhao Wei that he is going to become a monk. ”

When Huo Xiwen heard Fu Huihui say this, he was shocked and seemed to understand something. "So he didn't return to China for four years. Is it because of this incident?"

"You can say that, but it's not entirely because of this. Do you remember the people who kidnapped you last time? They were the infamous Jack Party. Didn't my brother kill two people to save you? Later you fainted Down, I do n’t know how dangerous it is, we almost could n’t escape ... ”Fu Huihui remembered the accident four years ago, and was still worried.

"That day, fortunately, my brother prepared in advance, and someone took the call to avoid it. However, my brother was still injured because of this and was shot in the back ... Fortunately, no harm was done ... "

"What? Your brother was shot?" Huo Xiwen heard that the whole person was bad.

"Yeah, so didn't you want to apologize to him later? He didn't see you because he was in the hospital and didn't want you to know about his shot." He sighed, "You don't know, my brother has completely offended the Jack Party for you. They didn't bother my brother much, so my brother has been sitting in the United States for the past four years. He simply There is no time to come here. "

"It turned out like this ... I didn't expect it to be all this because of me ..." Huo Xiwen only realized it at this time, and he owed Fu Muzhen how big he was.

"What about now? You're back home now, have the problems in the United States been resolved?"

After hearing this, Fu Huihui shook her head. "The boss of the Jack Party was arrested by the police, but their power is still there. And, it is said that they offered a reward of ten million dollars to buy my brother's life."

"Ah? Isn't your brother very dangerous now?" Huo Xiwen heard that the whole person became nervous.

Seeing her tight little face, Fu Huihui laughed, "It seems you are also worried about him, but you can rest assured that China is much safer than the United States, not to mention, my brother is not vegetarian, think It wouldn't be so easy to kill him. "

"Compared to worrying about my brother's life now, I'm more curious. What happened to you two? Have you been with my brother before?" At this time, Fu Huihui began to gossip about their relationship again.

Huo Xiwen heard the words, his face flushed unconsciously, and hurriedly concealed, "No, I'm not familiar with your brother ..."

"Unfamiliar? The ghost just believes. If he is unfamiliar, he will bring you home?" Fu Huihui looked at her with a scornful look. "I'm smart, don't try to hide from me."

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