CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 190: Overreacted

Chapter 190: Overreaction

Huo Xiwen lay in bed after drinking **** soup, but somehow he couldn't sleep after turning it over and over.

Outside the window, the rain was getting lighter, and occasionally a few drops of wind hit the window without making any noise.

Chatting with Fu Huihui today, she knew a lot about Fu Muzhen.

Know why he didn't return to China for four years.

She did not expect that after he was rescued by him that year, he not only hit the gun, but also caused so much trouble.

That trouble has not been resolved to this day, so much that he is now likely to be in danger of life at any time.

Recalling that in the winery tonight, he let his family lose, and directly found someone who wanted his life, and she had to admire this guy's ability.

He always has a way to provoke people and put himself in danger.

Thinking of the gambling game tonight, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't called Zhang Junxian yet.

Immediately jumped out of bed, found the mobile phone in the backpack, and found a spare charger in the socket on the bedside.

After the power was turned on, the phone turned on and countless text messages flew in.

Among them were Zhang Junxian and his mother.

It seems that Zhang Junxian called her home.

Without thinking too much, she called back home first.

The phone rang twice, and was immediately connected. The housekeeper who answered the phone was at home.

"Sister Bing, is my mum sleeping?"

Sister Bing: "It's Miss, where have you been? Your mobile phone can't get through, either. Mr. Zhang called and said he took you to the winery. You leave first, and your wife is worried about you and hasn't slept yet."

Huo Xiwen: "You asked Mommy to answer the phone."

Not long after, Mrs. Huo's anxious voice came from the phone. "Hey Wen, what's going on? Didn't you go out with Junxian? How did Junxian call and say I can't find you, where are you now? What about? "

"Mum, don't worry, I just met an old friend. I haven't seen him for many years, so I went to his house to chat and talk about the old, because it rained, and kept me." Huo Xiwen said.

"Old friend? Man or woman? Xiwen, Mommy tells you, no matter how hard you can leave Junxian and leave alone, do you know how anxious he is to find you? Where are you now? I asked the driver to pick you up. "Mrs. Huo was still a little worried that she was a girl outside, especially if she didn't know what her friend was.

"It's a woman, Mummy, do you remember my kidnapping when I went to the United States? It was me who she asked for help, so rest assured, I'm fine here. It's late now, I'll be tomorrow Go home early in the morning. Would you like to sleep early tonight? As for Zhang Junxian, I'll call him later. "Huo Xiwen was afraid of his mother's imagination and had to hide the existence of Fu Muzhen and answered.

As soon as Mrs. Huo heard about the person who saved Huo Xiwen's life before, she immediately relieved her, "Since you met a friend, then you can get together with people, but don't talk too late, you need to rest early, you know?"

"Got it, Mommy, don't worry." Huo Xiwen agreed.

"Junxian's side, explain it to someone. When I saw him calling me, he was very anxious, but don't make people think that you don't understand etiquette, it's worrying for nothing." Mrs. Huo also exhorted.

"Well, I know how to say it, you go to bed, good night, Mommy." Huo Xiwen finished the sentence and hung up the phone.

With the mother in mind, she was relieved in her heart, at least, she could sleep well tonight.

Open the call log and find Zhang Junxian's phone. I saw a dozen missed calls.

It seems this guy is worried about her when she sees her missing.

She dialed the phone back, and after answering it, she heard Zhang Junxian's voice coming from her phone before she said, "Where are you?"

"I've left the winery, I'm sorry tonight, and left without telling you." Huo Xiwen was still a little guilty, after all, she didn't tell anyone to worry about it.

"I know, I ask where you are now." Zhang Junxian asked, his voice came through the cell phone, his tone was not quite true, but Huo Xiwen could feel that he seemed a little angry.

"This ... I don't want to tell you, you forgot the agreement between us? Say okay regardless of the other party's affairs." She did not intend to tell him where he was.

"I brought you out of your house today, and I have an obligation to send you back."

"No need." She didn't know what he was doing. Obviously, she didn't need him now to send her home.

"Are you with Fu Muzhen?" Zhang Junxian seemed to think at this moment and asked directly.

His words made Huo Xiwen beat heartily, "Who am I with? It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Zhang, please don't forget the agreement between us, I will not interfere in your life, please don't worry about me. . "

"Okay." After all, there was no way to take her, and Zhang Junxian finally lost.

"I'm giving you trouble tonight, sorry."

"No, I'm asking for trouble." Zhang Junxian finished the sentence and hung up the phone.

Huo Xiwen looked at the phone that was hung up, feeling stunned.

She knew that it was not right for her to leave like this, but was Zhang Junxian's reaction too big?

The last sentence was obviously negative. What was he angry about?


At the end of the phone, Zhang Junxian hung up the phone, returned to the box, and sat down, throwing the phone on the coffee table in front of him, looking upset.

"Who offended us, Dashang Zhang? Look, this face is going to be crooked." Aside, Sun Luo put his face in front of him and teased.

"Go away, don't mess with me." Zhang Junxian waved, took a glass of red wine in front of him, and drank his stomach in one breath.

"I'm going, how can you drink this wine? This is a treasure collection of more than two million bottles. Can you stop being so violent?" Sun Luo looked at Zhang Junxian with a look of anger, and then looked shocked, then He waved again at a few beautiful women next to him. "You guys, aren't you hurrying to cheer Zhang Shao, do you want to play today?"

When the young models heard the words, they hurried up and sat around Zhang Junxian, fed him snacks, and made him happy.

On the other side, Li Xiang, who had lost his home and was born ashamed, sat down in the corner and slumped. Today, he is home.

Not only did the company's stock held in his hand all lose, but even the small companies under his management and some fixed assets under his name were also lost to Fu Muzhen. The most annoying thing was, The killer ambushed on the road trying to ambush Fu Mu, but he didn't know how to escape.

Now that he is home, he really doesn't know how to explain to his parents and wife.

"I said you've drunk enough tonight, don't drink any more." Sun Luo saw the three or four red wine bottles in front of him, worried that something would go wrong if he drank it, and stepped forward to stop.

"Get away, why? Are you afraid I'll charge you for your drink?" Li Xiang shoved him fiercely.

"Li Xiang, it's boring for you to talk like this. Grandpa has a little money to pay for this? I asked you to come here tonight to drink, but you've drunk too much. I'm not afraid that you will drink too much." Luo is not a bad-tempered, he kindly persuaded him, and he was a little bit upset when he was so stung by him.

"What happened? You need to worry about my accident? Speaking of which, tonight, I don't blame you. What kind of situation are you in this group? Do you have a deep friendship with Fu Muzhen? Why did you invite him?" He It ’s okay to ask them to come here tonight. As soon as he mentioned it, Li Xiang couldn't help but blame him for the responsibility of losing money.

Sun Luo suddenly got angry when he heard this, "Li Xiang, are you a man? Can you speak a little bit? I have invited so many people tonight. Which one does not have status and status in this city Y? In the lounge, there were a lot of people on the table. Everyone knew that the situation was not good, and they retreated if they lost a bit. Who killed and refused to give up? When they played to the back, Mr. Fu said, but stop there. It's because you didn't give up and wanted to make a comeback. Now that you've lost and you want to put responsibility on me, I tell you, it won't work. "

"My TM now doubts whether you are in a roundup with that surname. Why is his hand style so smooth?" Li Xiang doubted.

Sun Luo heard that he was upset at the moment, rushed in front of him, and stretched out his hand to hold Li Xiang's collar, "What are you talking about? There is a kind of thing you say again, slandering me, believe me to kill you?"

"How? I was in my hands, and my breath was spoiled?" Li Xiang is now a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. He has lost defeat and doesn't care who offends him. He urgently needs to find a scapegoat to take his place. He has the responsibility of losing money, so even if he can't recover the money, he feels better in his heart.

When you get home, you can be said to have been cheated.

It is difficult for him to accept the loss for that reason.

Sun Luo raised his fist and wanted to punch him.

Zhang Junxian sat up suddenly, stretched out his hand, grabbed his wrist, "Okay, all are good brothers, you drink too much joke and talk?"

"Forget it, I don't have such a good brother as him." Sun Luo no longer wanted to talk to Li Xiang, let go of his hand, he went to the sofa and sat down, took up a glass, filled a big mouth into the stomach.

"Li Xiang, do you really plan on letting this matter go? Money let him win?" Zhang Junxian looked at Li Xiang with a look of humiliation at this moment, and asked him, lifeless.

"What else can I do? I found someone to stop his car, but his car is still parked here, and the person has already left. This guy is too cunning." Li Xiang has completely lost and admired Fighting courage.

He knew that he couldn't fight this person.

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