CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 191: I just like you

Chapter 191: I Like You

"What do you mean by this? Is there any good way for you?" Li Xiang heard it, and immediately came back to the spirit and asked.

"The money has already been in someone's pocket, you must have come back, but this bad gas is not out of the question. Do you know Fu Muzhen's background?" Zhang Junxian asked.

"It's not very clear, I know he is the president of the Pearl Group." Li Xiangdao.

"Even if their background is unclear, you dare to bet on the table with others, and you deserve to lose."

"Don't say it if the wind is cold. Tell me quickly if there is any good way." Li Xiang had already regretted his impulse at that time, and he didn't want to hear anything falling into the ground.

Zhang Junxian thought about it and said, "As far as I know, Fu Muzhen was a mafia in the United States."

"What?" Li Xiang was surprised and startled.

"So, you should be fortunate that the person you are looking for did not ambush him successfully, otherwise, you, including your family, are now afraid of danger."

"Then as you say, I ca n’t help him?"

"Of course not. He's been outside for so long, especially underworld, how can there be no enemies?" Zhang Junxian said.

Li Xiang gradually understood what he meant, "You mean, I can unite his enemies? But wasn't he mixed up in America before? Where can I go to find his enemies?"

"Do you know this kind of thing if you check it?" Zhang Junxian found that Li Xiang's IQ was really worrying.

He sent the method to him, but he couldn't wait for him to help.

"Okay, I'll let people check it, I don't believe it, I can't find his weakness." Li Xiang has made up his mind to avenge Fu Muzhen, he said fiercely.

Zhang Junxian heard him say that, the corner of his mouth inadvertently ticked, showing a sneer.


The next day, early in the morning, Huo Xiwen woke up from the bed. After washing, he saw that the clothes he was wearing yesterday had been washed and ironed, and were neatly stacked in the locker room.

She changed clothes and went downstairs.

When Xia Xia saw her coming down, she greeted her immediately, "Miss Huo, good morning."

"Early." Huo Xiwen smiled slightly at him.

"Miss Huo, go to the restaurant for breakfast, sir is in the restaurant now." Sister Xia said, pointing to the direction of the restaurant.

Huo Xiwen heard the words, looked at the restaurant, raised his foot and walked over.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw Fu Muzhen sitting at the table eating breakfast slowly. He had an iPad in front of him and was browsing the news.

At the sound of her approaching footsteps, Fu Muzhen looked up and glanced at her, "Are you up?"

"Um." She nodded, sat opposite him, and asked again, "What about Huihui?"

"She probably slept until noon." Fu Muzhen retracted his gaze and continued to read the news.

At this time, Sister Xia brought her breakfast, Huo Xiwen found that Fu Muzhen's attention was all on the iPad, and she didn't mean to chat with herself, and she suddenly felt dull.

After taking two bites at will, I was ready to get up.

"Full?" Somehow, Fu Muzhen looked up and looked at her.

Huo Xiwen's expression was stunned, and then he nodded sternly, "Full."

"Just eating that little bit is not appetizing?" Fu Muzhen looked at her and asked.

Huo Xiwen was shocked. He hadn't looked at himself all the way. How did he know that he had eaten only a little bit?

"No, breakfast is delicious, just ..." She wanted to say that she had no appetite.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he heard him continue to say, "Then eat more and finish it."

"So much ..." Huo Xiwen looked at the variety of breakfasts in front of him. All Chinese and Western styles were available. Although there were not many portions, but there were too many styles, and they would be very supportive.

"It's okay, eat slowly, I'll wait for you," Fu Muzhen said with a smile.

"..." Who wants you to wait.

"It's really too much. I can't eat it. You can go in half." In the end, she thought of a compromise.

Fu Muzhen looked at her, and the smile under his eyes grew stronger. "Half? It's not good."

"Good point, you eat Chinese, I eat Western." Huo Xiwen said.

"It's like that," Fu Muzhen said with a look of surprise.

"Otherwise? What do you think you want to divide?" Huo Xiwen looked at him innocently.

"I thought you were going to bite everything in half for me." Fu Muzhen said half-jokingly.

"..." Huo Xiwen was speechless, and this guy really thought about it.

"Don't worry, I won't let you eat my saliva." She rolled her eyes at him, splitting the breakfast into two, and pushed the Chinese style all in front of him, then drank her head to eat the sandwich in front of him.

When she finished her breakfast, she felt full.

Looking at Fu Muzhen again, the half that was distributed to him has not moved at all.

"Why didn't you eat?" She looked at him curiously and asked.

"I have already eaten."

"..." So, did he promise to divide her by half in order to coax her to eat more breakfast?

Fu Muzhen stood up at this time, put his hands in his pockets, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Huo Xiwen heard the words and also stood up, the two of them left the restaurant one after the other.

On the way back to Huo's, Huo Xiwen remembered the call I overheard at the winery last night and couldn't help worrying, reminding him, "That ... at the winery last night, you won that person so much Money, I'm afraid he won't give up, you still have to be careful. "

"Are you worried about me?" Fu Muzhen supported the steering wheel in one hand, and put the other hand against the window, staring straight ahead, his expression grim.

Huo Xiwen did not deny that she was really worried about him, for he was being calculated.

"Fu Muyu, I ... I want to tell you something." She didn't want to hide her emotions. Now that she's determined to like it, she should say it. Regardless of whether the other party agrees or rejects, it is regarded as a reply.

She didn't like the feeling of being unclear, and secretly loved such things, it was never her style.

Fu Muzhen did not speak, but reached out, but turned on the car stereo. There was a classical symphony, the sound was very loud, and the sound effect was very good. It was as if sitting in the auditorium and listening to live performances. general.

Huo Xiwen frowned, repeating his words aloud, "Fu Muyu, I have something to tell you."

Fu Muzhen didn't squint, only looked forward, and didn't seem to hear him clearly, only showing a doubtful expression.

When Huo Xiwen saw this, he had to reach out and turn down the volume of the sound to the minimum. He said earnestly: "Fu Muyu, I have something to tell you."

"Is your house turning left in front of you?" Fu Muzhen automatically blocked her words and asked herself.

Huo Xiwen saw that he didn't want to listen to her, did he guess what she was going to tell him?

But no matter what, she had to express her feelings clearly. So, regardless of whether he wanted to listen or not, she said, "Fu Muyu, I like you, let's socialize."

As soon as she spoke, a sudden braking sound was heard and the car stopped in the middle of the road.

Fu Muzhen's eyes looked at the road ahead, his expression freezes for a few seconds, and he laughed loudly, "What? You lost with Huihui last night. As a punishment, you have to confess to me?"

"I'm serious." Huo Xiwen solemnly declared.

At this time, Fu Muzhen turned his head slowly, looking at her with a hint of doubt. After a long time, his eyes gradually became cold. "I remember I told you last night that I had no interest in you. "

"Yes, you said, but it doesn't matter, I'm just interested in you." She did not believe what he said. Huihui said last night, he cares about her.

"I don't like troublesome women," he said again.

"I'm not troublesome," she answered.

"You ..." What else did he want to say, but Huo Xiwen interrupted him? "You don't have to say anything, because what you say is useless, even if you don't like me now, I want to like you, I will think Ways to get you interested in me again. "

Fu Muzhen heard that, with a slight smile on his face, "Huo Xiwen, when did you become that kind of woman who likes to fight hard?"

"I've always been, but you haven't noticed it before." Huo Xiwen no matter what he said stimulated her, he didn't get angry anyway, just follow his words.

Fu Muzhen was probably unable to take her, took a secret breath, restarted the car, and drove towards the direction of area C.

At the door of Huo's house, the car stopped. Before Huo Xiwen was ready to get off, another serious look turned to Fu Muzhen, "I know you like me, don't you want to deny it, Huihui has taken you for four years. All the things have been told to me. I know that you are afraid that someone will chase you, and then you will be involved, so you refuse me, right? It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid, I like you, and I want to be with you. "

Fu Muzhen didn't expect that she would say these words, and she froze for a while.

Until Huo Xiwen got out of the car and went inside the iron gate, he didn't return to his senses.

Looking at her beautiful back that was moving away, there was a bitter smile on her face.

Stupid woman, do you know how dangerous it is to be with me?


Tuan Tuan also got up early today because the last time Su Shihao came over and told him that there might be a beautiful sister to see him today.

He was so happy that he got up several times in the middle of last night, but Luo Qingyun tossed it badly.

Early in the morning, the mother and the son were sitting in the dining room for breakfast, both in spirit and apparent lack of sleep.

"Mum? When is the beautiful sister coming? It's eight o'clock now." Tuantuan chewed Xiaolongbao in his mouth.

"So early, people get up and go to work, at least until noon or evening." Luo Qingyun was weak.

The longer she became pregnant, the more she became lethargic.

It is still the first three months, and the pregnancy response is very big.

"Ah? It will take so long? Mommy, let's wait for my dad to play." Tuantuan suggested.

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