CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 192: Overhear

Chapter 192 Overheard

"Dad wants to work." Luo Qingyun said.

"Then go to the place where Dad works. We went there last time. There are a lot of beautiful ladies there." Tuantuan looked at him with fantasies and was surrounded by a group of beautiful women. It was so beautiful.

"No, Dad is very busy at work and has no time to accompany you at all." Luo Qingyun said without thinking.

In fact, the main reason is not this. As she really took the company to the company and was seen, it will definitely cause a big uproar. When the relationship between the group and Su Yinghao is exposed, things will be troubled. She dare not take such a risk.

Tuantuan heard the words, his mouth narrowed, and his expression became very sad. "Woohoo ... Tuan Tuan misses Dad, Tuan Tuan wants to see Dad ... Mommy, you are bad, you don't let Tuan Tuan go to find Dad ..."

With that said, he jumped from his chair again, ran to the sofa in the living room, picked up the phone, and dialed Su Yinghao's number.

He answered the phone and said, "Dad, Tuan Tuan misses you, Tuan Tuan wants to see you, but Mommy is not allowed ... ohh ..."

Luo Qingyun didn't expect the boy to make a phone call in a blink of an eye. He immediately walked over and snatched the phone in his hand. "Well ... ignore him, he just has a temper, don't care, I will calm him down. of."

The phone groaned for a moment and said, "Since he wants to come, let Anne or Anna send him over."

"Ah? This is not good, if it is seen ..." Luo Qingyun dare not imagine the consequences.

"I asked Qiu Yi to drive to pick him up, take the underground garage, and take the direct elevator. No one will see it." Su Shihao said.

"However, this little guy is too noisy. I'm afraid he will affect your work if he goes." Luo Qingyun can fully imagine that when his son arrives at the company, he must be a large group of beauties around him. It is difficult for anyone to know his existence.

Su Yihao: "Work is not as important as him."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, what else could Luo Qingyun say?

Since Su Yinghao allowed him to find him in the past, he believed that he could solve her doubts.

Put down the phone, turn to look at the side with big eyes blinking, looking expectantly, "Go and change clothes and ask Sister Anna to accompany you out."

"Oh yeah, change clothes, change clothes ..." Tuantuan happily danced and went to his room.

Luo Qingyun looked at his son's happy appearance, and seemed to understand something in his heart.

Previously in Spain, although he said he lived in the hospital all year round, but anyway, there were other children who played with many little nurses.

Occasionally, you can go to the park, the supermarket or whatever.

Now returning to China, he was trapped in this luxurious house in order not to be discovered by him and for his safety. The child's nature that wants to be close to nature is completely restrained. Go out.

After changing into a handsome little suit, wearing a bow tie, Tuantuan walked out of his room in a very handsome manner.

Held by Anna and went out.

At the door, I did not forget to explain Luo Qingyun, "Mum, if your beautiful sister is here, you should call me immediately."

"Know, remember, don't be naughty and interrupt Dad's work." Luo Qingyun instructed.

Then, she looked at Anna again, "Call me something."

Anna nodded and the two went out.

After being sent off, Luo Qingyun cleaned up the restaurant a bit and went back to his room to make up for it.


Haoting Group.

In the president's office, Qiu Yan received the mission and brought him to Su Yinghao.

Tuantuan sat on the sofa, looking around with **** eyes.

"Dad, why don't you have a pretty sister here?" He remembers that he came here last time and saw a lot.

Su Yinghao did not expect that his son was not directed at himself, but at the beauties of his company.

"Tuan Tuan, do you want to see the pretty sister? Uncle Qiu takes you to a good place, where there are so many pretty sisters." Qiu Yan looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Really? Where is it?" Tuantuan heard, and an instant interest came.

Qiu Yan turned his head to Su Yinghao at this time. "Su President, the advertising department downstairs is interviewing a spokesperson. I just want to go down to see the progress, so let ’s take a look.

"Pay attention to safety." Su Yanhao was really busy at this time, taking no account of this little guy, and nodded in agreement.

Anna heard that she took the mask from her backpack and put it on Tuantuan, and then went out with Qiu Yan.

The advertising department is on the 16th floor of Haoting Building.

As soon as Qiu Yan came in holding Tuantuan, the lady at the front desk greeted him enthusiastically. "Assistant Qiu, why are you free to come to our advertising department today?"

"Is Manager Chen here?" Qiu Yan asked.

"Where is meeting room three, interview the advertising model. Would you like me to inform her mother?"

"No need, I'll find him myself." Qiu Yan said, and raised his feet and went inside.

At this time, in the conference room No. 3, there were several interviewers, with cameras mounted in front of them, and they shot at the models in front of them.

There were several beautiful interviewers sitting outside the door.

Tuantuan was hugged by Qiu Yan, and he was so happy to see those beautiful young women.

If it weren't for wearing a mask, I'd be afraid the saliva would run down.

"Anna, there are many beauties here." He waved at Anna behind him, sharing it with excitement.

Anna looked embarrassed. She had been around him for a long time. She knew a little about the nature of this little guy.

"Uncle Qiu, let me down, I can go by myself." Being hugged by Qiu Qiao has hindered him from talking with beautiful women.

Qiu Yan glanced at Anna as if to confirm to her that there was no risk in doing so.

"It's okay, Mr. Qiu, you put him down and I look at him." Anna smiled.

Qiu Yan heard that, then he put him on the ground in peace, pointed at the door of the conference room and asked, "Tuan, will you go with me to see?"

"No need, Uncle Qiu, you go first, I'll wait for you outside." Tuantuan waved.

With so many beauties outside, he didn't want to go in.

"Then you are out with Sister Anna, and you have to go in and call me." Qiu Yan said, and pushed the door into the conference room.

"Go, go." Tuantuan waved his hand, and his small thick legs had already stepped towards the interview waiting area.

Anna didn't want to prevent him from picking up beautiful women, so she stood aside, leaned against the wall, and looked at him.

He walked in front of a group of beauties in an air of arrogance, and propped up a wall that thought he was very chic. With a shake of his hair, his forehead was thrown aside, and he blinked his lovely big eyes toward the front The beauty fluttered her eyes, "Hey, beauty, what's your name? Can we meet?"

The beauty was reclining lines, and when she saw Tuantuan, she couldn't help laughing, "Little guy, where did you come from?"

"It doesn't matter where I come from, what's important is that I want to know you. Is it convenient to leave a phone call?" Tuantuan said, taking out his own carefully prepared small book from his pocket and handed it to her.

Seeing this, the beauties laughed and greeted the other models around them. "Come and see, here is a little love lover. Ask me for a phone number."

For a while, everyone was attracted to him and gathered around.

Talk to him in a rush of words and ask him various questions.

"Little guy, how old are you?"

"Little guy, how about your parents?"

"Boy, are you here for the interview? What ads have you shot before?"

"Little handsome guy, you have so many phone books, many girlfriends ..."


Someone even reached out and wanted to tear the mask on his face.

In the face of everyone's problems, Tuan Tuan was a little overwhelmed. After all, there were too many beauties, and he couldn't take it anymore.

Seeing this, Anna hurried forward and took her out of the crowd. "Tough and good, don't be afraid, these beautiful sisters like you."

"But ... there are too many of them ..." Tuantuan answered by drawing.

"Then let's go home and find Mommy?" Anna asked, afraid he was scared.

Tuantuan shook his head and pointed to the bathroom not far away. "Sister Anna, I want to pee."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Anna said, holding him to the bathroom.

But at the door, she suffered again. Tuan Tuan was more than three years old. It was obviously inappropriate to hold him to the women's bathroom.

But go to the men's bathroom, she is not good to go in.

"Sister Anna, let me down, I can go by myself." Tuantu now saw Anna's hesitant expression, said.

"Okay, that sister is waiting for you outside. What are you doing, call me out loud, you know?" Anna demanded.

"Rest assured, I can pee myself." Tuantuan promised, coming down from Anna, and ran into the bathroom.

Because it is a company toilet, there is no urinal for children. The urinal in front of him is too high for Tuan Tuan, and he can't even urinate.

No choice but to go to the toilet.

Seeing that the door to the first toilet was open, he walked in, closed the door, was preparing to pee, and heard a woman's begging voice coming next door.

"Mr. Wang, please let me go, I really can't ..."

"Good, just once? If you follow me this time, I promise to turn back and tell Manager Chen that this time the advertising model will fix you."

"No ... No ... I can't do this ... Just let me go, it's a big deal, I'll give you all the commissions for this model." The woman's voice was full of pleading.

"Smelly, sloppy, son, don't give shame to your face, who do you think you are? Or was that Miss Jiang family back then? If you didn't look good on you, you would be almost thirty years old, you think it would make you Are you here for an interview? Do you know how many 18- or 9-year-old tender models are in the queue right now? You'd better obediently obey me today, otherwise I promise you not only can't pass this interview, but don't I want to confuse in the modeling industry. "

Immediately afterwards, there was a struggle and cry.

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