CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 195: meet by chance

Chapter 195: Unexpected Encounter

When Tuantuan returned, he was so happy to see Huo Xiwen, he stuck to her all of a sudden, and opened toys in her arms.

Huo Xiwen also seemed to like him very much, and patiently played with him for a while.

It wasn't until dinner that Tuantuan was held by Luo Qingyun on his own child seat.

Su Yinghao also came out of the company at noon and went to the apartment for lunch.

At the table, Huo Xiwen saw the family of three with a cheerful look, and felt with emotion, "If my elder brother hadn't married me to help me, your family of three would be happier than they are now."

"Don't mention the past things." Su Yunhao knew that she had always felt guilty about the incident and felt that she had broken him up and Luo Qingyun.

"It's fine now," Luo Qingyun added.

Huo Xiwen pretended to smile easily, "Well, I know you are good to me. Let's eat."

The four laughed and laughed again, happily using lunch.

After eating, Su Yinghao left because of something wrong with the company.

Tuan Tuan played all morning and was a little exhausted. Anna was taken back to her room to sleep.

Huo Xiwen sat with Huo Xiwen for a while, and she proposed to go to the hospital to see He Meixin.

Maxim was once an employee of her company, and now encounters such a thing, she feels sympathy for her.

Luo Qingyun then explained a few words to Anne and Anna and went out with Huo Xiwen.


Anren Hospital.

The two got out of the car and headed straight for the inpatient department.

Entering the elevator, just before closing the elevator door, two people came in from outside.

When Huo Xiwen saw the two men, his expression froze in an instant: "Secondary ... secondary ..."

Luo Qingyun originally looked at the advertising display in the elevator room, heard Huo Xiwen's voice, and subconsciously looked at the person who came in the door, his face paled for a moment.

He Fen came to the hospital today to see a friend who was hospitalized. She probably never dreamed that she would meet her "daughter-in-law" in the elevator room. She was shocked and almost did not respond for a while.

The noblewoman next to her was also surprised to see Luo Qingyun, but still reacted and shouted, "Little grandma."

Luo Qingyun was stuck in the elevator and was at a loss.

Huo Xiwen's brain was spinning at this moment, thinking about how to get out of Luo Qingyun.

But seeing He Fen's slightly reddish eyes, she knew that she couldn't help it now.

"Mom ..." Although Luo Qingyun was accustomed to calling He Fen after four years, he couldn't help but blurt out.

He Fen also came back at this time, staring at her with fixed eyes, "Do you remember my mother?"

As soon as Huo Xiwen looked at the posture, fearing that He Fen was angry, he sent out on the spot and immediately walked to the front. "Er, that, long time no see. There is a cafe in this hospital. It is better that we go and sit there and talk. "

"I can't afford to be your second wife. Now I'm no longer Mrs. Su and you aren't the grandmother of Mr. Su either." He Fen looked at Huo Xiwen coldly, and looked up at Luo Qingyun, "Follow me . "

Huo Xiwen saw this and was afraid that Luo Qingyun could not fight it, he immediately said, "Secondary ... Okay, you don't like me calling you Eryan, then I will call you Ms. He. Qingyun came to the hospital with me today to see A sick friend, you want to take her away, why do n’t you make another appointment someday?

"Why? My mother-in-law is not as important as a friend?" He Fen said to his face.

Luo Qingyun knows that he met He Fen here today and wanted to hide.

Perhaps this is God's arrangement, and they are bound to have an understanding.

"Xi Wen, forget it. Since I met here, I'll take a trip with Mom. You can see Maxim. She's in the obstetric VIP ward."

"But ... Qingyun ..." Huo Xiwen looked at her with a worried look.

"Rest assured, it's okay." Luo Qingyun comforted her, then followed He Fen out of the elevator.

Huo Xiwen watched their departures and immediately took out her cell phone and dialed Su Suhao's phone. "Brother, I'm not good, I just came to the hospital with Qingyun and was going to see her friend named Maxim , But it turned out that in the elevator, I met Erji ... "

"What did you say?" Su Yinghao's voice suddenly became cold.

"Erhu took Qingyun away, what should I do? Can you think of a way?"

"I see." Su Yinghao finished and hung up.

Standing up, he took up the coat hanging behind the chair and was ready to go out.

Qiu Yan came in from the door, and when he saw this, he looked at him with curiosity, "President, where are you going?"

"Qing Yun met Eryi in the hospital, and now she is taken away." Su Yanhao said.

"Then you're looking for Mrs. Second?" Qiu Yan heard the expression, and asked in a hurry.

"She always thought that the child in Qingyun's belly was Qize, and now seeing her, she will certainly force the child to be asked."

Qiu Yi stepped forward and stopped him: "Then you can't go any further."

Su Yinghao frowned, and his expression was very displeased.

Qiu Yi quickly explained: "You think, Mrs. Er has never known your relationship with Qingyun. As long as Qingyun doesn't say it, Mrs. Er will think she is the mother of her grandson and be kind to her. You appear in front of her at this time to let her know that you and Qingyun are actually a pair. Will she let Qingyun pass? "

"What can I do without letting her go? I will protect her." Su Haohao could not take care of it so much. Luo Qingyun because he had suffered too much grievances, he didn't want to be up to now, but also to bear those who should not The sin she suffered.

"You can protect her from harm, yes, but have you ever thought about it, once it was exposed, it spread to the ears of your grandmother, and even was preached by the second wife and told the media. But it's not just Qingyun who bears infamy, but I'm afraid that you won't be spared. "

Su Yinghao knows what Qiu Yan said makes sense.

Reason tells him that he cannot act impulsively, but his emotions do not allow him to think too much.

"Let ’s go, president, I ’ll go find someone to find out where Qingyun was taken, and see what ’s going on with the second wife. If she just wants to ask the child, I think Qingyun should be able to cope with it. of."

"It's best to do this." Su Yinghao calmly, coldly.

Qiu Yan heard the words and looked expressionless. He knew that if He Fen really dared to treat Luo Qingyun, the He family would not be better off in the future.


On the parking apron outside the hospital, Luo Qingyun followed He Fen to get into the car. Gui Li was sitting in the front passenger seat, and she and He Fen sat in the back seat.

The driver started the car, and Luo Qingyun felt a little uneasy. "Mom ... where are we going?"

"How? I'm afraid I can't sell you?" He Fen gave her a cold glance, said.

"I didn't mean that, I ..." Luo Qingyun didn't know what to explain, he just shut up and sat obediently in the car, letting them take themselves anywhere.

The car left the hospital, took the main road and drove forward.

About half an hour's drive, the car stopped at the door of a villa.

When she got out of the car, she looked at the strange house in front of her, wondering where it was.

Guixi came to her at this time and whispered to her, "Maternal grandmother, this is the wife's villa. After the wife and Mr. Divorced, she did not return to He's big house. She set up the villa outside.

It turns out that, so to speak, only He Fen lives in this room.

Fortunately, as long as she did not arrest her to see Su Wanbo.

Dealing with one of them is easier than dealing with two.

Moreover, Su Wanbo had no bottom line in acting, and she was really afraid of him by all means.

Followed by He Fen's steps into the villa, He Fen sat down on the sofa in the living room, but Luo Qingyun could only stand aside, afraid to sit down.

Guixi went to the kitchen and poured in two cups of tea. "Ma'am, grandma, drink some tea first."

He Fen raised his eyes and looked at Luo Qingyun. "Say, where have you been in these four years? What happened then? You disappeared even without Qi Qi's funeral, did you know? How desolate is his funeral? He loves you so well and treats you so well. Is your conscience eaten by dogs? "

Luo Qingyun heard her a series of accusations. She knew that these words had been hidden in her heart for a long time. Now that she finally saw her, she could have a chance to spit it out.

Kneeling on her knees, she thought of Su Qize, and she also felt heartbroken. "Sorry, Mom, I left that year, and it was really uncomfortable."

"It's unreasonable? You should say a reason, let me see what is the reason that you can't even participate in your husband's funeral." He Fen pointed at her, his voice trembling with anger.

"I left that year and was arranged by Qize." Luo Qingyun said truthfully.

He Fen heard that, his face was incredible, "How could that be? Why did he do this?"

"Probably, he knew that he had no chance to come out when he was in the hospital, so he made this arrangement. If you don't believe it, you can ask his secretary, Miss Pan. On the day Qi Qi entered the hospital, at midnight, Miss Pan Come to me, Gui Ye also knows. "Luo Qingyun said, and set his sights on Gui Ye," gui Ye, do you remember the scene that day? "

He Fen heard that at this time he also looked at Guiyi, "What are you talking about?"

Guiyi thought for a while, and said, "Mrs., you returned to your mother's house that day, and Master Bingfa was admitted to the hospital. That evening, Secretary Pan did come to see Grandma."

"Why didn't you say such an important thing?" He Fen frowned, annoyed.

"I ... forgot ..." Guixi said, bowing her head.

He Fen glared at her and looked at Luo Qingyun again. "Even so, why haven't you contacted us for the past four years? Children? If you didn't meet me at the hospital today, wouldn't you have planned? appear?"

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